Ugh that damn

im not one to say here but i am very pissed off now.

How would you feel if you're in a group chat made of your friends and your boyfriend's friends. 

Talking nicely and  all and suddenly your boyfriend's friend a.k.a a says 

"My sebastian is handsome not like those koreans so plastik" 

Btw earlier she ripped my friend's chanyeol insta pic....what the . 

Of course i would get mad so i went and exploded at her like what the is your problem !?

And all of a sudden she talks about religion and ofc im angry cause im a quite big worshipper in my religion but i at least can handle sarcasm towards my religion and all bla bla bla and i got angry at this one line

"(Boyfies name) wasnt in our religion before and now hes converted" 

What the damn is your problem

I canbe patient but damn she did big on it...

And suddenly she says she's his bff and knows him longer than all of us

  please you came in halfway through school andwe've been with him from the very beginning 😒

And she i started bashing a bit and she went and say "oh i forgot that you were his gf" 

No girl, just cause he doesnt love you back doesnt mean you can talk about me and treat me like trash.

"I dont care if your are his wife or anything, i can do what i want and i can get away with it" you stinkin little

Oh wait let me correct that. You Ugly Fat ,your hands are so chubby whenyou hold my hand(ewwww) its like a mum is holding her new born baby 😒 no offense guys

And so,me being me (sarcasm ) i used some history on my public bash towards her 😆 damn i feel great

Despite her calling me a and to calm down and OH MY GOD did i mention this..

My friend said "hey lin forgive her, shes only a budak mentah"

Budak mentah means somethibg like i know nothing. That i should grow up. That i should go back to pre school. 

Wow such a good friend....😏

And then the yness goes down and i guess i won the battle, after my last bash she became silent and said she doesnt want to have anything more to my bashes and all 😏

So im kinda cooled off (why you little brat why did you off your phone, youre the only that can cool me down 😵 man i love you so much bro!!

Roses are red

Violets are blue

Shes a

And a fat one too

The end.

Oh btw, how would you feel if suddenly someone calls your bias plastic like wtf and then you fight back a little and they tell you to back off and chill wtffff uck.

Do tell me 😌


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ljoelover95 #1
Jangan dilayan sangat budak macam tu.. Org jealous mcm tu lah..
M123hello #2
LOL good job on telling her off
She seems like a anyways.
R.I.P chanyeol insta picture )):
Hallowed #3
I feel you so hard sweetie. They call my babies fake and plastic and then say "well at least I like people who aren't fake, like the Kardashians and Justin Bieber!" Congratulations , you like THE plastics of Hollywood and a washed up druggie who pisses in buckets. Good for you...fake- . *sigh* I really want to move to forest and be with my gorillas now, they'll be great company!
Ughh... That's soo annoying... I feel you author nim... I've experienced it already!!! That kind of people should be ignored like really... Don't you say a word!!