rant: roleplays.

i used to love roleplaying, two (almost three, lmao) years ago was when i started. but tbh, lately i've been hating it.

why you ask?

  • people don't bother greeting new members
  • people are being rude - not sarcasm but as in, actually rude and mistake "cold" to "rude"
  • people don't try to have a conversation just because you aren't their """ oppa """
  • lol they ruin your bias by being a butthole.
  • "don't you just hate joining a roleplay that promises to give that 2012 feeling but don't give it? WELL WE'RE BETTER AND WE'LL GIVE IT BACK"
  • "ugh STOP MAKING NEW ROLEPLAYS" *person goes to make their own roleplay*

pretty much. bye now.


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teddiursas #1
-old members talk by themselves
-useless drama everywhere.
-GOOD ONES ARE THOSE THAT TEND TO BECOME DEAD. zenzation, supernova, cynefin, ellington---im cry
i just stopped roleplaying like last year omfg i used to love it but i'm tired of it now.
frickin preach.