
Its has been a long time I didnt wrote anything... Im a writer would atleast have a tons idea a year but just lazy to make it real...even one..

but this year.. they were nothing..well I guess.. I have to stop this .. haha .. theres no worth try Becuase says anything in 230 words on text also hard.

is not life is getting harder.. is people hearts..

When you are a writer or even once a wriiter or a hardcore reader..You are knowing things psychologically alot more than others.. or when u read fictional things.. u would realized , all those thing doesnt exist in real..

People just had a plain normal though about world... but your though is extraordinary... n guess what , u started to feels this kind of world doesnt belong u..

Me either , I just people extra hard.. getting friends also alot harder.. but im starting to think... Dude , the reality is real...fictional is not real.. if u still on that side of fictional, someday u'll feel more discomfort living n go harm urself..

But be a writer n write fictional also had the advvantages.We used to live in rotten world..So where to escape... ??... ofcourse its on paper.

I love to be alone all this time.They'll atleast one time ur life will had a slight change..people starting to get close to me.. since im starting to breking my wall. I felt a slight shocked .. im being alot of happier but yeah , still not getting to it..Told ya , ita not life is getting harder , its people heart.theres no a thing you'll neseccary about if u not getting close to them...People is selfish n ridiculous... thats fact.

when i think back..Yes , this is our game.The real virtual game ..Why dont play it and go win it right?..getting lose and win again..


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