Happy Jackson Wang Day!

Its my baby's birthday today. Well i wish you could read this Jackson but i have no way of knowing that, even if you did. You practically changed my life. From u i learned that it was important to laugh and to work and to never ever give up on your dreams bcuz they do come true. 

You taught me how to work hard and laugh ever harder, how i should always be proud of where i come from, just like you are. Your smile makes my day, listening to u rap or sing makes me feel all sorts of gooey. Well i'm just a fan telling you how much you changed me but. I hope u knw this that your hard work does pay off and we all love you no matter what. So don't over work yourself and don't fall sick, we igot7 hate to see you sick, krigu fighting for everything in life. 

I hope you keep on influencing many more lives. Like you have with mine. And just how you always like to say. BE YOURSELF! Lastly i'll thank his parents for bringing such awesomeness into this world. Thank you mama and papa wang! We love you both.

Happy Birthday Jackson! Stay happy always..i love you..:-) 




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CrazyMaknae94 #1
I never new jacksons birthday but when I went on twitter I saw it and I was like how old is he now 21?.
Happy B-day my second got7 bias.
pooja guess my firat got7 bias.