Almost Completely Useless Facts About Living in Korea (For Writers)

After living in Korea for 6 months (5 months in Gwangju and 1 in Ilsan), I have come to realize that fanfictions could use a bit more help with the 'people living in Korea' aspect. Here are some semi-useless facts I have aquired in half a year:

  1. Want to get water from the tap for drinking? No beueno. Although some people say it's safe, most Koreans use a filter. The tap water tastes weird, anyway.
  2. McDelivery. McDonald's delivery. It's a thing. And it is amazing.
  3. Most people get around the town via bus or subway - not usually a taxi like they do in dramas.
  4. In some apartments, you have to turn on the hot water before you take a shower.
  5. Convience stores are everywhere! In my apartment building we have a 7-Eleven. Then across the street there is a CU, Ministop, another CU, and another 7-Eleven. So, yeah. Everywhere.
  6. If you get sick, you go to the hospital - even for a cold. There are no family doctors here that I've come across.
  7. Korean's brush their teeth after every meal - even in a public bathroom. Toothbrushes are very popular here as a result.
  8. Speaking of public bathrooms, some public bathrooms are either holes in the ground or BYOTP (Bring Your Own Toilet Paper).
  9. Non-college students have almost no free time. Their schools start at 9am and after that, most go to a hagwon (private school) until sometimes 11pm.
  10. Billboards? No. Banners on trees? Yes.
  11. Samsung > Apple
  12. Themed cafes are abundant. Just near where I live there are 2 dog cafes, 2 cat cafes, a game cafe, and a jigsaw puzzle cafe.


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