After 3 days not seeing him

Yesterday I woke up really late and ended up missing the train to school, so that meant that I wouldn't see Miki in the morning.

Today though, it was really really lucky for me because in the morning when I was walking with a friend, Miki was behind and sometimes next to me when we were going up the stairs. At the ticket machines there were lines and he was behind me still, but I moved to the furthest one away. There was a ticket machine that was empty and I could've went there, and Miki could've went there since he was just a machine away from me, but we didn't.

When I got to the other side of the machine I had to walk past Miki and I got really really close to him. He was even walking behind me while I was with a friend. At the pedestrain stop too he was behind me and I was fangirling so hard inside I kept smiling and giggling and this girl was just asking what's wrong and I kept saying that it was just really cold (it was really cold in the morning and I wasn't wearing a jumper + there was a cold breeze).

When the pedestrian light turned green I was taking my time to walk but Miki was behind me for a bit before slowly going ahead of me and my friend. He was fairly far away but I could see his him from shoulder up (he's pretty tall in the crowd) and I just kept smiling throughout the whole walk to school. I'm always looking at him at the back.

**Below is not about Miki (but it's about his friends, yes)

Another thing that happened today that also made me really happy was these two guys, who are Miki's friends as well as my sibling's, talked to me while I was walking to the train station.

I got out of school a lot earlier today since me and this girl wanted to get out earlier and not wait for the others to come so they could walk with us. In the end though, she ended up going ahead of me and I had to walk by myself, but that was all cool!

During the walk to the train station, I noticed these two guys, they're actually like kuyas (older brother in tagalog) to me and I really like them too (but not in a romantic way, I just like them as older brother 'cause we've had some good memories together). It's been quite a long time since I've greeted them. While I was walking past them by a really narrow path - because the path is really crowded I somehow got to the edge of the path near the road - one of them greeted me, let's call him 'K'. He said "hey (my name)" and I got so surprised by the deep voice behind me and I looked back and see him smiling at me (very cutely) and I waved to him and to the other guy beside him who I'll refer to as 'C'. 'C' is actually a guy that I've had some close ties to since we have common interests, that being, we're very good artists and we just really enjoy anime. Yeah...

But moving on! I greeted both of them and waved to both of them while smiling a hECK LOT. I was really happy to greet them that I couldn't stop similing the whole time I walked to the station. I also heard 'C' kinda "whisper", I don't know if he was intentionally talking a bit louder, but he was saying to 'K' that he really liked my hair and I JUST SMILED SO MUCH HAHAHA well thanks.

So this Friday was a pretty good day, even though I had a science experiment to do today (which I literally did all by myself since my group members are not being helpful) everything else was super good!


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