It may seem crazy

My time in AFF and in life are near ing to an end. 

I can't stand anything happening to me, 

Problems with some members of family, problems concerning the person i love the most, and Aff became weird world


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redmermaid #2
Hey we may not know each other, but i know how that feels, giving up and having enough, but maybe we can support each other to fight together? :)
We don't know each other... Just wanted to say keep ya head up. It will get better for you all.
What happened? :(
icedlollipop #5
what happened? please stay strong :')
What did you mean? I ll miss you if you leave aff but even in hard time they are people around you who love you so much that they'll drown in sadness if you leave life. ....
Everything can seems dark right now and maybe you can't see any way out but the only way to know how things would evolve is to live long enough to see. ... it's always could get better moreover if you feel is at worse. ... hope I misread your message because none should suffer to the point of loosing the fight