is it?

is it sad that I am wondering about work when I have this day off? even though I am feeling like screw them after the last couple of weeks. well screw this one person... I dont have it out against the rest of my co-workers I might not like some of them but I still tolerate them, except that one person. 

is it strange that I do want to go for a bike ride since it is nice out but yet I want to stay in bed and read ff all day? 

is it silly I want to cuddle my hubby right now when he is sleeping still and yet I want to wake him up? 

is it nice of me to help my eldest sister move even though I kinda dont want to lol but I did promise her I would.

lol dont mind me and my silly rants I guess lol. 




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I love your rants
It's normal to feel like that sometimes.