Strange Worries


I don't know about you guys, but me, I always worry about the smallest, weirdest stuffs. Like, if I had turned off the stove. Gosh. That one is so bothersome. Like, for real, I check on it every time I'm in the kitchen, or when I'm just passing by to get to the living room. I even worry about it when I go to bed or when I go outside. It's so tiring!

Another one is, my hands. It's like I developed some kind of OCD where I feel uncomfortable when it's just "bare". Like, when it's not clean or I didn't apply any lotion, alcohol, or even a baby powder. Lol. Anything I see that smells good, I apply it to my hands. But most of the time, it's lotion. It's like, something's not right or something's missing. I freak out if I ran out of anything to apply. It just feels so uncomfortable and weird.

I have many other worries, but this one's very recent. It's kinda scary and creepy, too. When I'm sitting or standing or whatever position on where my back is "exposed" or touchable, it freaks me out. It feels as if, "someone" would slap it. Haha! I know! It's weird. I probably developed that when I heard a scary story my frend told me. It's about her cousin, being slapped on the cheeks when she was sleeping. And there was no one in the house other than her since she's living alone.

Haha! Sorry if I scared you.


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