I'm back!!!

Well, I returned last night but then I was too tired so I fell asleep. And I just woke up! I slept for more than 17 hours!!


By the way, I missed you guys and aff so much! I'm so happy to be back! I had fun in the camp. I learnt self defencing techniques(unarmed combat training), fire fighting, first aid, how to drill with rifles and many more!

In the camp I was like this....

And now I'm like this...

See yah bro!




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I missed you! So... now I can't steal your wallet I guess...XD
KHYUHYUNNIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <333333
Hey welcome back ;)
welcome back
Welcome back!! We missed you! <3
Berry-tan #6
welcome back! And Cooolll,... We never learned that... MAybe i should runaway and transfer to Male... Kihihi... Regain your energy soon! ^^
welcome back<3<3<3