omg you guys~~~~~~

I do believe got7 is coming to l.a. for kmf. well one korea times that sponsors the event put up a pic saying got tickets? with got7 as the photo so either they are doing false advertising or they are coming and one of my pals called korean times and they dont like giving out info about the artists coming but the lady said it was confirmed. but I am still like I want to see it on their site if I see it ther. I AM SOOOOOOO GOING!!! dont worry I will take tons of pics. heh heh I usually get my camera inside the events. but omg if this is true. I am such a happy igot7 right now and on a plus side it will be bambam's bday that day as well.


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thelillcat #1
yeah I already know, thanks
It's confirmed now :) even Mark's family bought tickets already :) have fun there! :)
thelillcat #3
Omg it is confirmed now so happy. Need to buy tickets. Fyi i might not film except when they talk only cause i would want to take as many pics as i can you know
Lucky you.
lucky you sweety #SoJealousHere !!!
hahahah i'll kill you if you don't capture THOSE moments *wink wink*
LOL ^^ urgh girl