watching rugrats

so ok I love my hubby dearly but man watching his niece and nephew on my day off sometimes only sometimes is a bit much. a 2 and 3 year old. I swear it seems like they dont listen so I have to be the bad guy, which I am not. I am the happy nice person. but man every wednesday is a bit much. I understand his niece *their mom* works at the school that her eldest goes to but I hate it when we get stuck watching them when we have things planned in advance you know? I know I am just ranting but it's only these 2 rugrats that dont want to listen. I swear the only time they behave is when they are sleeping lol. which case in point they are doing now as I type this. 

Does anyone have nieces or nephews that they have to babysit and they get on your nerves too? 

Its funny when we babysit one its fine, but when its them together. its always monkey see, monkey do you know? 

I wish their parents would teach them more manners at other people's houses. it seems like they only get discipline when they are here. 

anyways sorry for my rant. just had to let it out a bit.


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