a little quiz lol

So for some strange reason I wanted to play a silly game with my hubby about got7. just to see what he would say. so I showed a pic of the boys http://www.ttwigo.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/GOT7.jpg and asked him some questions and he had to just point to who belong to that answer. well my hubby didnt do so hot but I got...7 lol "sorry lame joke" I got my giggles in but just wanted to share the questions. 

question 1. Who do you think is the leader? Hubby points to bambam "he said him because he was in the middle of the pic" I tried so hard not to laugh. 

question 2. Who do you think is the youngest? He points to Jackson 

question 3. Who do you think is my 2 favorites of this group? He points to JB and Bambam "markson forever" funny thing is I have markson as my laptop bg and he has seen the screen before but I guess he didnt pay attention lol. 

question 4. Who do you think are the 3 foreign members? he points to mark, jackson and jb *at least he got 2 out of 3 * 

question 5 and last question Who do you think was a national fencer? hubby was like a national fencer? and I said yes one of them was a fencer before got7.... he points to yugyeom. 

So I showed him the right answers and he was like O_o? lol shoot if I have to listen about his hobby which is his race car, might as well humor me in mine right? just wanted to share this silliness with you guys.


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LOL that was so precious xD !!! made me smile ^^
ㅋㅋㅋㅋ i did this with by oppa :3 except we played 'Guess the gender' xD
That's so cute! Relationship goals! XD I'm going to try that with my dad, hahaha. xD
thelillcat #4
aww that on you not having any pals into kpop irl. and wow that prejudice.
yes hubby deals with my hobby as I do with his hobby lol.