— DEITIES 。na jinseul.

Character name na jinseul
  jin : called by her friends : since she is quite boyish, she prefers not to be called by her first name--which she sees as too girly-- her friends respect that hence the nickname.
  seu seu : called by her older brother : as a way to .
birthdate February .1.1996
birthplace Phoenix, arizona
hometown seoul, south korea
ethnicity korean
nationality korean but  amercan citizenship
  korean :  moderate fluent despite it being her native language
  english : fluent
Faceclaim Hye ji
backup faceclaim ann
appearance she stands at 168 centimeters and weighs at 50 kilograms. she is has soft features which is usually ignored since people would notice her fashion more than her face. she currently has dyed her hair with three colors which is blonde, red & silver (which she bleached and dyed for a month to get her desired shade.)  She has full lips and double eyelids. her nose is actually well chiseled. She is a tad muscular compared to the other girls due to the sports she plays on her free time. the ways her eyebrows are shaped makes her seem unapproachable since she could come off as too strong with her physique. She also has a mole on her collarbone but only the people who have seen her wear sleeveless clothing could see that.
style one glance at her and you will instantly think of her as the tomboy of the group. she does not really fancy clothing made for women since she feels like she is subjected to wear clothes that men usually visualize them in. she often wears statement shirts with ripped jeans, a cap and some spectacles. whenever she does wear something feminine, it would usually come out like clothing for children since she doesn't appreciate clothes that 'show your curves perfectly'. she does not like wearing heels as well since she got used to simply wearing flats. as for makeup, she wears her usual set everyday --which consists of her eyeliner, concealer and her blood red matte lipstick.
personality traits
( + ) friendly, open minded, generous, supportive, protective
( - ) blunt, vengeful, stubborn, rough, loud
▲ she is friendly to everybody she meets. she likes to socialize with strangers and treat them warmly since she knows how it is to have been alone for like three quarters of her life. she is open to hearing all the sides of a story. learning new perspectives from other people interest her to a fair level. she is generous with everything she has even if the only thing she has is something she needs to survive --she will not hesitate to give it to anyone who asks for it. she is protective to her friends and is loyal to that thinking that she is their knight in shining armor. she usually acts like the father in her group of female friends since she does give off the strongest and most fearless vibe.
▼ she is blunt with everything she notices. if she noticed something that isn't in order, she won't hesitate saying it even at the expense of hurting anyone. she is vengeful once she feels betrayed. she knows that she is a good friend so if someone is going to break her trust, then might as well prepare for the next world war. she is very stubborn when it has something concerned about her health or about the way she acts. she is very rough when dealing with people--even as a joke. having to grow up with a brother made her learn to deal things wit physical action. she is loud. she can be the dorm's alarm clock if there was none. she also is loud whenever sheis mad.
♪ likes
-  sports (it keeps her in shape and it is a fun activity to keep her motivated.)
-  winter (while everyone abhors the cold weather, she loves it. she loves having to spend time outside in the snow where she can play to her heart's content.)
-  cheese coated snacks (she actually hates people who don't like cheese because she thinks that cheese is the best thing you can eat in this world.)
-  water (she generally likes everything about it--from the feel of having it flow through your hands to having to swim within it.)
-  taro flavored bubbatea (she does not like the other flavors, only taro. taro is love.)
♪ dislikes
-  annoying people (her list of annoying people consist of people whom will always bother her just to get her attention, people who backstab her, people who would lie to her when there isn't a need to do so, people who whine too much, people who keep commenting on how she should be more lady like)
- sun/heat (if she could, she woul stay in her air conditioned room forever if that meant not having to go through the heat of the day.)
- heels (weapons of evil.)
- people who are too innocent (she likes dark humor as well as erted humor so she could not help herself from judging people who act too chaste.)
- reptiles (with the exception of a turtle.)
♪ habits
- rolling her eyes whenever she is annoyed which is usually most of the time
- squinting her eyes whenever she is trying to understand someone's nonsense
- looking at a distance when someone she likes in an intimate way is talking to her
- chewing on her bottom lip when she is placed in an uncalled for situation
♪ hobbies
- playing basketball with the other male trainees
- creating her own dance routine and composing her own songs
- playing the guitar
- excercising
- visiting the cat cafe
♪ fears 
- Nosocomephobia- Fear of hospitals
- Pupaphobia - Fear of puppets
♪ trivia
- she has an account on clash of cans and her username is nanajins
- she has an shrimp allergy
- she is a  devoted cassiopeia but stopped when TVXq separated into two different groups
- the closest to her ideal type in the music industry is Lee Jihoon from team s
- she is afraid of the idea of rejection which means she has never had a boyfriend and which has lead to people assuming that se is a lesbian.
-  she does not really like people younger than her since she has this thought that if she's still immature at her age, how much for the people younger than her.
- she was admitted to the hospital for about nine months due to a traumatic accident that happened to her when she was fourteen.
-  she does not hhave social media accounts since she finds them distracting from having to socialize with people.
-  she originally wanted to be in jyp entertainment but when she was scouted to become a part of sm entertainment, she could not say no.
- she has a pet turtle at their dorm called 'juju' because she was drunk the time she bought the turtle and the members would about the name every now and then.
born in Phoenix, arizona on a fine afternoon in the year 1996. jinseul was the second child of the na family who had been staying in USA for only about five years. how her parents met were a blurr for her to remember--the only thing she could recall was that her father was an american citizen but he was a full korean and her mother married him to have been able to receive american citizenship as well. her mother and father originally married for the sake of business but just a few months into the marriage, they already found themselves falling in love with one another--sweet if you think about it. jinseul followed her bother after two years and they lived happily as a small asian family in a western country. she was not exempted from the racism that came for being asian. she was easily outcasted by the rude children from when she was younger and only found friends once she stepped into middle school. she was a quite kid before since she could not fight back with those whom have bullied her--and things just got worse. one car ride home, she and her mother got into a car crash which had left her orphaned of a mother's love. she was admitted to the hospital for having injuries on her lower hip which added the emotional distress she had to go through after blaming herself for her mother's death. she stayed at the hospital for about nine months and when her father and brother took her home, her condition would get even more horrible. she would have nightmares and memories of her mother and at the time of the crash--it came to the point that her father had asked her brother to go and have her heal up in korea before she could go back to arizona. she could not complain since she knew that she needed this. she could not spend time with her brother since he had to find work for them to be able to pay up for their apartment's rent. 
With her brother being away often, she found herself finding interest in music--dancing specifically. She felt free from her problems whenever she danced. She spent most of her time dancing with the hiphop dancers you find at parks for three years before she was scouted by a casting member from sm entertainment. she had to go through a mini interview with the member and she explained how the only experience she had was dancing at random places with fresstyle routines. the member from sm entertainment explained that she could learn more with a few years of training. she then started training when she was seventeen and she was happy at the thought that if she did debut, she would be able to help her brother in the payment of their rent.  she did not know the life that was about to surprise her--it was almost like gradeschool when all the other girls she trained with had claws ready to scratch your eyes out if you were given more attention. she did not want to be left behind and so she grew a strong persona in which made most of the girls who used to lash on her, become intimidated wit the strenght that was hidden within her.
jinseul does not go to school since she still has problems getting along with learning the korean language since she did grow up in a different country and te only language she got by in seoul was the language of dance. anyway, she wakes up at four  in the morning to prepare food for her and her brother then she goes to sm entertainment by  five and then er training starts. she trains from five in the morning up to twelve midnight in which her brother fetches her from the company with a a bowl full of black bean noodles. the first yearof training was very hard for her since her immune system was not wired to work in such a way to handle stress and having to find out that she had a waist injury that was still not fully healed made it worst.
 important family members only.
- father / na baekjun : 45 : businessman : 3 : he is very caring and protective of his family but he can be a workaholic which leads him to be a bit distantwhen it comes to simply spending time with them.
- mother / song haemi : 43 : businesswoman : 4: her mother may have been a very busy woman but she was always there to be the mother any daughter needed. she was sweet and warm when it came to her children.
- brother  / na jinseok : 22 :clerk at the department store : 4 : he may often tease jinseul but he is always there to cheer her up whenever she needed it. she may have depended on her brother too much but since he had to leave her sometimes, it strained their relationship by a bit.
- close  friend / kim jongin : 22 :  he is a very friendly and a little bit silly. he is very passionate when it comes to dancing and that is something both him and jinseul had.


              senshine : the exo members: it's a cute little nickname they call him to address their affection
              spawn: jinseul: because she believes that he is the next devil
( + ) sweet, approachable, understanding
( - ) arrogant, childish, devious
  he is very sweet but only when it comes to . it might not always sow how sweet he is on television but he actually takes time to care for his older members and treats them with such unimaginable respect. he is approachable since he is the youngest. it's easier to talk to the youngest member after all. he tries to understand how people react for different reasons from their past and he does his best to help them. he is a bit arrogant though. he knows hhe is handsome and talented and uses that to his advantage. he is also quite childish when he does not get what he wants. devious because he loves to play trick on people and he knows no boundaries with it.
RELATIONSHIP cat and dog who unconsciouly make it seem like they are in a relationship (funny because she likes cats and sehun was born in the year of the dog.)
BACKUP LOVE INTEREST  kyungsoo, baekhyun
stage name here. optional. just put down her first name if none
position main dancer, lead rapper
- singing twin. Girl's day's yura (a pink's naeun)
- dancing twin. after school's kahi (miss a's min)
- rapping twin. miss a's jia (after school's kahi)

fanclub color/name glitterjin /  #9999ff
trainee years two and half years
backup love interest kyungsoo, baekhyun
scene requests 
- Jinseul breaking down after almost getting into a car accident with exo and everyone getting surprised with the reveal from her past.
suggestions, questions, comments hope chu like her owo
password song suggestions. a pink's mr chu / miss a's breathe
© 2014 layout by influenza | do not steal.


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