Double Update Next Week???

So last night I was working on Chapter 6 and well I have a feeling I wont be able to finish it before the end of the week. I was thinking since I might not be able update I'll either make it a long chapter or just have a double update. Here's a little look at the next chapter...

'Suho just stared at her. He wanted to tell her she looked beautiful, but he knew he couldn't.

“WOW! Anya you look hot,” Baekhyun suddenly spun Anya around.

“Stop joking around,” she blushed.

“Yeah, stop joking around,” Suho told him with a look in his eyes which made Baekhyun let go of Anya's hand.'

I hope it got you curious as to what is happening. I feel bad I wont be able to update this week cause I know how it is to wait months for an update.

Oh! I almost forgot I'll be on vacation next week from Tuesday to Friday, so I'll update during the weekend.

Love you my Chingus!^^


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