
Username: Hipsterbabe Nickname: Mia! Hi~ Name: Kang GaYoung English: Gabriella Kang Ethnicity: Korean Birthplace: Honolulu, Hawaii Hometown: Busan, South Korea Birthdate: April 6 1997 Face Claim: Son Ga-In Fashion: Black boots with heels. Shorts with a cute tank Personality: She is the most sweetest girl ever. She always cuddle up to a big panda her older brother gave her. She is very soft spoken, you can hear it in her singing. It sounds like angels. Always follows the leader around. Sometimes mocks her. She usually cook dinner for the members ALL of the members. Don't get her wrong, she isn't a pushover she'll push you over if that happeneds. Sometimes she'll run up to a random person and say "HELLO!~". Many other bands know of her. Background: She is from Honolulu, Hawaii. She often surfed and hulladanced. She comes from a Full Korean family. Her relatives sook refugee in Hawaii during the Korean war. Explaining why she was there. but never mixed families. They are really traditional. So you can imagine their reaction when their daughter wanted to pursue and singing career, instead of an surgeon in America. She doesn't regret anything and kept a smile on her face. Her older brothers support her. Moved with her older brothers when she was 12 to Busan, South Korea. Friends/Rivals: Lee Seunghoon(Friend) of Winner Entertainment Background: When GaYoung first got to the company she tried to fit in. But damnit was just to nice. A lot people took advantage of her and her sweetness. She always wanted to improve her dancing and singing skills. She stayed in the training room till pass hours. Dancing and Singing. What a lot love about her dances is that if she pull of a y concept. She can put the main dancer to shame by just her hips. She always hulladanced on her free time. Likes: Candy, Chocolate, Ramen and Ramen and Ramen Dislikes: When people eat her last ramen. When the the leader bans her from candy. For a week! Persona- Huggable Teddy Bear Siblings: Kang Johyun, Kang Jin, Kang Daebum Position- Maknae, Vocalist Love Interest- Kim Yugyeom of Got7 Backup Love Interest- Moos from Madtown or Yao MingMing from Seventeen(idk) Interactions: Usually would cuddle. She on his lap and her head in her neck. She'll talk in English and he'll have to guess. History: They met when they all were still trainees. At 7/11. They grabbed the same type of ramen. They ended up fighting who would get the noodles but then decided to share.


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