i'll do this later.


sonya (rin) la

boutbaektimeho + booty + love



— rin ; that one nickname that has no real significance and no one really knows where it came from but then, most everyone calls her that.
— froggy; sonya used to have reoccuring hiccups as a child so, people started calling her froggy because of how loud and weird her hiccup noises were.
— ran out of ideas.

BIRTHDAY ☆ August 11th, 1998
BIRTH PLACE Thai Nguyen, Vietnam
HOMETOWN ☆ Ha Noi, Vietnam

ETHNICITY ☆ Viet-French Descent.
NATIONALITY ☆Vietnamese originally, but now is an American citizen after living in America for two years during her study abroad program during her last first two years of high school.


— Vietnamese; Her native tongue.
— English; Studied Abroad in America, and internationally, English is a necessity in schooling.
— Chinese/Japanese: Not fluent in either one but, there was a Chinese/Japanese language classes offered at her school so she took two courses.

FACE-CLAIM ☆ Park Sora
BACK UP ☆ lmao 

FASHION STYLE ☆ Sonya is a late leo, however, is normally dressed in casual comfy summer tops and fitted jeans if not so, a nice autumn outfit of nylons to slip on with a skirt and a cardigan. Her colors are normally mango, soft yellows, tangerine, deep violets and or various shades of cherry or peach. She normally doesn't wear blue unless they're a shade of blue for denim or mint tinted blues. Gang Leaders can be cute and casual too. 







— Sonya is a girl of independence that likes to do things on her own and tries her best to try to guide those she feels are going in the wrong direction. Though it's not her job, she almost always feels obligated but understands, that there's only so much you can do. The La Family is a family that doesn't show affection by ways of skinship as she grew up so she always felt like more of a stranger in her own home. Thus, when she's around others she doesn't warm up quickly nor fall in love easily either. However, she does like watching go down from time to time and is kind of bad at keeping secrets especially when it's between two people she really cares about. She feels nothing can be solved with holding grudges and staying angry at people so, she's always one to either apologize first or one to forgive first. Sonya also opens to the wrong people sometimes when she's angry or crying if they persuade her. Often, she gets too angry but, only gets extremely frustrated when you accuse her of  things she feels she's not responsible for or if you come at someone she loves.


— violent hiccups at times.
— took part in a small unit vietnamese girl gang in Ha Noi that consisted of her and most of her distant "cousins". They stuck together to protect themselves from anyone of human trafficking work that roamed the streets and fought for each other out of good and not bad. 
— dated a major nerd named Leonardo Tsuto freshman year of her study abroad for like 3 weeks and HE broke up with her and left her for girl named Rene. 





Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet. Carrot cake cookie topping. Sweet jelly lollipop cupcake cookie danish. Tart liquorice jelly beans caramels bear claw biscuit. Fruitcake cotton candy candy canes. Croissant topping applicake fruitcake donut gummies sugar plum brownie. Brownie apple pie fruitcake chupa chups. Lemon drops applicake icing marshmallow icing jelly beans caramels. Macaroon bonbon icing carrot cake tiramisu candy canes sweet roll sugar plum sesame snaps. Chupa chups pudding dessert cheesecake tart bear claw. Cake biscuit sweet cake gummies chupa chups chocolate bar muffin donut. Cupcake chocolate cheesecake tootsie roll lollipop. Sesame snaps danish powder lollipop donut cheesecake.


Relation, name age occupation personality relationship with your character
Relation, name age occupation personality relationship with your character
Relation, name age occupation personality relationship with your character


Relation, name age occupation personality how they met relationship with your character
Relation, name age occupation personality how they met relationship with your character
Relation, name age occupation personality how they met  relationship with your character


Relation, name age occupation personality how they met relationship with your character
Relation, name age occupation personality how they met relationship with your character
Relation, name age occupation personality how they met relationship with your character


☆ love

"love is really a pursuit of lonliness."


YOUR VIRTUE ☆  ( why is your character the way she is? )

YOUR DESPAIR ☆  ( what breaks your character? )

YOUR WEAPON ☆  ( describe it to me. what is it? how does it look? how does it feel in her hands? )


☆ kim jonghyun. ughiowrfnewlf.

lol + es get money.


PERSONALITY ☆  The ultimate rude skinship king. Jonghyun is a little more blunt and rude and because he's so hot no one has really puts him in his place except for his grandmother. 

RELATIONSHIP ☆  Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet. Carrot cake cookie topping. Sweet jelly lollipop cupcake cookie danish. Tart liquorice jelly beans caramels bear claw biscuit. Fruitcake cotton candy candy canes. Croissant topping applicake fruitcake donut gummies sugar plum brownie. Brownie apple pie fruitcake chupa chups. Lemon drops applicake icing marshmallow icing jelly beans caramels. 

HISTORY ☆  Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet. Carrot cake cookie topping. Sweet jelly lollipop cupcake cookie danish. Tart liquorice jelly beans caramels bear claw biscuit. Fruitcake cotton candy candy canes. Croissant topping applicake fruitcake donut gummies sugar plum brownie. Brownie apple pie fruitcake chupa chups. Lemon drops applicake icing marshmallow icing jelly beans caramels. 

OTHER ☆  he loves puppies.



last comment ☆  Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet. Carrot cake cookie topping. Sweet jelly lollipop cupcake cookie danish. 

scene requests ☆ Cake biscuit sweet cake gummies chupa chups chocolate bar muffin donut. Cupcake chocolate cheesecake tootsie roll lollipop. 


password  if any



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