To be honest..

I'm fed up with life.. I'm done..

And this is not because I feel bad right now.. It's because I've been feeling like this for almost a year.. I hate feeling like this, I can't even be happy for too long when something good happens. I'm only smiling when listening or watching kpop-related things. And even then..

It doesn't help either I take everything out on myself.. I'll feel bad about that and the cycle continues. It's tiring..

I'm drained 😞

// I don't expect you to comment.. I just needed to vent a bit :')


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aww i'm sorry i noticed this just now ):
if you ever feel like it, you can message me and i'll answer as soon as i possibly can *hugs*
I'm here for you!! You know that <3
I hope you will be okay soon
I felt the same for a whole week.