Hunger Games. e_o


EVERYONE'S reading the Hunger Games. I feel like such a loner. xD

Everyday in French class, my three friends that sit all around me talk about all these characters about these people and the Hunger Games and my friend asks me

"Juliann! What district are you? 12? 8?"

and I look at her all confused like,"District? What?"

Then my other friends laughed and were like,"Right, you never read the Hunger Games yet."

I'm like,"Uh, okay then. Maybe another time I will."

Then suddenly this other girl walks up to our group and says,"YOU HAVEN'T READ THE HUNGER GAMES?! DUDE, YOU SHOULD READ IT, IT'S ADDICTING!"

I jump back a bit cause she literally came out of no where and scared the crap out of me. Then I nodded and said,"Sure. I'm kind of watching a drama right now though."

Then suddenly it all went quiet and everyone stared at me like "what the hell is she talking about?"

Then my friend goes,"You watch soap dramas?"

I say,"No, not american ones. Korean Dramas."

Then my other friend says,"Oh right, I forgot you're like obsessed with those korean people."

I'm like,"Yeah, I love Kpop."

Then he's like,"Yeah, I don't listen to that."

I laughed and everyone laughs too but in my head I'm like. ", did anyone ask you?!"

lol sadness. I realize I've been cussing a lot. What is this? haha.

Who else out there is a Hunger Game addict? Seriously, I'd love to sit down and have a long conversation with you about how amazing this book is. Now it's turning into a movie? 

What's it about? 


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I know this blog post is old, but when I saw 'Hunger Games' in thęe title, I couldn't resist commenting XD
If you STILL haven't read the HG trilogy, you should do it now (before the movie comes out and ruins it for everyone XD)!
I even have a fic based on the HG, I love the trilogy that much :DD
(P.s I just went to your profile and almost fell of the chair when I saw Key in your DP O.O x'DDDDDDD)
So basically, there are 24 people (one boy and one girl per district between 12 and 18) who play the 'games'. It's a game of survival with only one winner. The story takes place in a future time when there are 'rings' of districs with the richest people in the center at district one and the poorest in the outer ring of district 12. It's about the main character who volunteers to take her little sister's place in the games.

So ya hahaha. I listen to kpop all the time with my BFF (she introduced me to it haha) and we always get weird looks when we talk about songs or groups or dramas haha. At least your friends know it's Korean. Ours are always like, "Oh yeah your asian music" or "Ya you listen to Chinese or Japanese stuff right?" and my best friend and I just roll our eyes and are like, "It's Korean, but yeah..."
It's basically about this poor girl who gets thrown into this cruel game where 12 people (one from each 'district') kill each other to see who survives. And there's more stuff but I'm too lazy to explain XD
Idk, I don't think it's that good of a book. Harry Potter's a thousand times better (IMO) >:D For me, the books got progressively more boring as they went on (three of them).

Aha, lots of people in my school (we're mainly Asians though we live in the US) listen to K-pop ^^ So I don't have anything to worry about!