♔ StoryTellers | YG Entertainment Girl Group ➥Wu Ara ♔

WU ara

the spotlight stealer


username — SaraGM

nickname —G

activity rate — 8/10


name — Wu Ara

nickname — Hera(Goddess)

birthdate — 30/12/1997

birthplace — Manchester,UK

hometown — Seoul,Korea

ethnicity — Half American-Canadian Half Korean

languages — English - Fluent

                              Korea - Fluent\

                              Japan - Conversation(she learned it 
                                            when she was in high school)


MY spotlight

face claim — Girl's Day Yura

gallery — Yura

backup face claim — SNSD Taeyeon

gallery — Taeyeon


appearance — Her height is 170cm while her weight is 50kg .There's not much different between Ara and the face claim. It just that Ara's hair colour is dark brown. And she has a piercing on each side of her ears.


fashion styleAra's fashion is not hip hop like a rapper should be. She loves to wear skirts actually. She only wear pants when she's practicing. Furthermore, Ara loves snapback, which is what a rapper should like. She has the whole upper side of the closet filled with different types of snapback. She doesn't wear heels much because she thinks that she's enough tall. She loves to let her long hair down, she only tie her hair upto a ponytail if it's too hot.



my life

plotline — Adrastea
Persona— The Beauty Angel

traits — + charming, sensitive to others, passionate, artistic, curious

                   - fiercely independent, unpredictable, easily stressed, overly competitive

personality — 

People who is charming like Ara are relaxed and warm. And her "live and let live" attitude naturally makes her likable and popular. Ara is easily relate to others' emotion, helping them to establish harmony and good will, and minimize effect. When she sees other members suffers or sad, she will relate it to her own situation to understand them so that she could comfort them. Beneath her quiet shyness beats an intensely feeling heart. When she is caught up in something exciting and interesting, they can leave everything else in the dust. Just like her right now focusig on training. Ideas are well and good, but Ara needs to see and explore for herself whether their idea rings true. Her artistic and humanistic vision give her the strength to compose many songs. Hence,Ara is able to show her creativity in tangible ways and with stunning beauty. When writing a song, Ara has a way of visualizing things that resonates with her audience.

Freedom of expression is often Ara's top priority.Anything that interferes with that, like traditions and hard rules, creates a sense of oppression for her personalities. This can make more rigidly structured academics and work a challenge. Sometimes, Ara is unpredictable. Ara dislikes long-term commitments and plans. The tendency to actively avoid planning for the future can cause strain in her romantic relationships and her later in life. Ara easily get stressed as she live in the present, full of emotion. When situations get out of control, Ara can can shut down, losing her characteristic charm and creativity in favor of gnashing teeth. Ara is also overly Competitive as she can escalate small things into intense competitions, turning down long-term success in their search for glory in the moment, and are unhappy when they lose.

background —Wu Ara was born in Manchester, UK on December 30, 1997. Both her parents are profesionals, so since Ara was young, her mother let her to read stories and listen to Mozart. Because of this, Ara loves to read stories and anything that has words on it. As she grows up, she went into the best school in Manchester. Although she had an average score, but her literature is the highest mark among them. Seeing her talent, her parents decided to let her focus more on literature and writing. Ara participated the poetry club and won many contest on poem-writing and many more


Ara had interest in kpop when one of her friends let her see the music video of BIG BANG. That friend introduced her to kpop and that where she started to like BIGBANG. She watched every variety shows BIGBANG was in.One day, her friend shows her an advertisement about an audition in YG Entertainment. Ara decided to audition as she always hope to be underthe same company as her idol, BIGBANG.


She sent a video of her talents to the company. After a few days, she is accepted. Ara told her parents  about this. They were shocked and happy at the same time because of Ara's inisiative in acheiving her goals. Her parents decided to let her go because they know that she is independent in taking care of herself. Her sister, Hara who is protective decided to follow her to help her settle down. After she arrived there, she auditioned once again and finally accepted as a trainee in YG Entertainment.


+ minions "they are just too cute!! bello, bababanana."
+ anime and japanese movies "her idol is hayao miyasaki, she loves their storyline and how they draw and create the anime."
+ western food "she's been staying in Manchester for quite some time and she get used to western food."
+ Starbucks "she drank almost every flavor available in Starbucks."
+ wasabi "she enjoys the hotness that runs through her ear and nose, she always bring a tube of it when going out to eat."
+ romantic novels "it makes her heart fluttered everytime she read it."
+ literature "she loves to see the way poet express something through lovely words."
+ cakes "overall, she loves sweet things.

+horror movies"she loves the intense part and laugh loudly when ghost appeared in the screen"


+ smoke (especially from cigarette) "she will quickly make faces when she sees someone smokes and will walk away from that area."
+ dogs "dogs fur makes her feel irritated and their barks too."
+ internet slow connection "when she is watching drama, she hates it when it buffers."
+ obnoxious know-it-all people "especially seniors who think they know it all but actually they only debut earlier than her."

+makeup"especially lipstick,it makes her wanted to her lips if she wears them"
+high heels"she thought that she would fall down when she was dancing with high heels on stage"
+barbie"she thought barbie is ugly and over reacting"

hobbies — 

singing,rapping,dancing,composing dubstep/songs,practice taekwando,sketching

habits — 

+ she will tap her feet when she's thinking
+ she will put on her earphones everytime they're in a car going somewhere or at the airport
+ she will include some english when she talks in korean "like she'll say 'I' instead of 'na'."
+ Ara always brings a bottle of water in her bag "water is good for health."


trivias — 

+she calls someone older than her(male) hyung than oppa because she thinks it was awkward

+shes rapped,sings when she asleep until she wakes up
+her female crush is 2ne1's CL
+ loves to go to cinema and see movies at midnight
+ she still hasn't get used to korean food after 3 years in Korea, so she just eat rice with soup
+ her favourite colour is white,black and green
+ she'll always bring a novel so that she can read while waiting
+ is a fan of BIGBANG and they inspire her to become a kpop artist
+ she know how to drive but sadly, she can't get her license yet
+ her twitter and instagram username are "@ara_storyteller" and "@ara__wu"
+ she has a note book where she'll compose songs, write poetry, and short stories
+ she loves to sign autograph with fans but kinda reluctant to take pictures with them
+ she choses Park Chanyeol(exo) as her ideal type
+ she is quite famous among the YG trainee because of her great rapping,singing and dancing skills
+ she didn't date before


my protectors

family — 

— Wu Yifan / Father / 42 / Doctor / Eventhough his workaholic he always find a time to have a bonding moment with his kids. He all teach them how to cook that eventhough Hara (ara's older sister) really at it. For Ara her father is a blessing because he is very understanding and considerate that eventhough he doesn't like the idea of Ara being a singer he somehow supports her in the end.


— Wu Yuji / Mother /40/ Teacher / She acts like her children's best friend. She wants to know what's happening to them from time to time. She likes to have an open relationship them that secrets are forbidden. If one of them has a problem she makes sure  that she is there to help them. For Ara her mom is the best and the most caring one. She's very lucky that her mom supports her dream and even teaches her the basics of singing.


— Wu Hara / Sister / 21 /Actress / Lazy but smart sister of Ara. She's the type that doesn't care about others, how she looks, and what others think of her. But when it comes to family matter she became compassionate and serious. She has a special feeling for her younger sister thats why she can be overprotective to her. Eventhough she is married she still finds a time to have a bonding moment with Ara

my angels

friends — 

Bestfriend / Kim Hanbin / 19/ Singer/rapper/leader in IKon Hanbin is Ara's very first friend on YG Entertainment. When Ara arrived in the agency on 2011 she had difficulty befriending others because the only goal of Hanbin is to debut during his trainee days. So even though Hanbin rejected Ara's act of friendship she never gave up until Hanbin accepted her as a friend. They discovered many cool things about each other that's why they became closer. 


Bestfriend /Jennie Kim / 19 /YG Trainee The very friendly Jennie Kim. She is every YG Entertainments trainee's first friend. But when she first met Ara they clicked off immediatly it's like looking at a mirror because they have many things in common and a trait that one have and the others doesn't. For Jennie, Ara is the sister she's been searching for in her whole life that's why they became best of friends. The very fun, wild, noisy but friendly Jennie and the innocent like but blunt Ara.

You are my rose i'm your special dandelion


love interest — IKON Bobby

backup love interest — IKON B.I



Bobby loves to observe what people do to see what they think. He believes that there are no irrelevant actions, that every shift in sentiment, every move and every idea is part of something bigger. To sastify he curiosity, he tries to notice all of these things, and to never miss a moment. Bobby enjoys both small talks and deep, meaning conversation with others. This makes the other person feel completely natural and unforced. A man who is approachable, interesting and exciting, with a cooperative and alturistic spirit and freindly like him makes him popular among the artists. He gets along with pretty much everyone, and his circles of friends stretch far and wide. 

Although Bobby is a natural explorer of interpersonal connections and philosophy, he finds it hard to focus a topic or conversation. He tends to change the topic once he had nothing to say or the other person hasn't finish talking. Bobby likes to overthink things. He often thinks on how someone did what they did, what it might means and what is other people think about him. All this overthinking isn't just for his own benefits, Bobby is overly-sensitive, and care deeply about others' feelings. Bobby sometimes will overwhelemed, especially when they can't say yes to every request.


relationship — they are like..Two peas in a pod

love Rival— Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

backup love Rival— Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.


personality — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

relationship — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, recteque aliquando no vel, brute essent duo ut. Autem denique argumentum duo ea, quod offendit nam an, quas minim possit eu. Te vim veri numquam voluptua, ei eum esse movet albucius. Ad ius debitis dissentiunt concludaturque, ne erant reprimique eam. Te dico salutatus interpretaris pro. Id nec iriure similique. Duo porro utinam tractatos id, liber inermis nam et, mundi graeci ius cu. Maiorum appetere vix ut, in ullum erroribus nam. Ut vim nulla debitis accommodare, no has atqui prompta. Est ei quem mnesarchum. Pro iriure vivendo signiferumque ne, quo quis invenire an. Quem dolorum ullamcorper vis ne. Ex mel malis nostrud intellegebat. Audire democritum efficiantur ea ius. Invenire erroribus percipitur id vim, at vix tempor splendide. Quodsi cotidieque interpretaris eum cu. Ne aperiri vocibus pertinacia duo, nostrud antiopam reprehendunt est ea, ad eam aeterno reformidans.


stage name ➥ A.RA
persona ➥The Beauty
Plotline Adrastea
backup plotline ➥ Callisto
position ➥ Main Dancer,Lead Rapper,Vocalist,
backup position ➥ 2nd Visual,Lead Dancer,Vocalist,Lead Rapper

singing twin ➥ Red Velvet Seulgi
dancing twin ➥ SNSD Hyoyeon
rapping twin ➥ CL 2NE1
talking twin ➥
laughing TWIN ➥ 2EYES Hyerin

fanclub name ➥ Araes (this name is made by a fanboy who is from thailand and asked ara if ara wanted them to be her fanclub  name and yeah..ara accept it saying it was lovely)

FAnclub color ➥Turquoise (BEEDOBEEDO )       )

Be my helper

comments/suggestions — Good luck in your story! and sorry for my bad grammar.And for suggestion, Storytellers Showtime


scene requeststhe girls are having a fight? every group must have this right? haha
- Ara went to Ikon's Dorm and she cooks for them
- Bobby takes care of Ara when she is sick


password — ImmaBear



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