That Moment When...

have you guys ever had that one moment where you look from your phone or whatever and you find a really cute guy staring at you. lololol 


he was sipping from his drink  and I connected with his eyes and ugh they were blue. omfg he was really cute omg 


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never happened because I'm on a all-girls school -_- there is no boys at all ;)
Happen many time but i just let it pass...noty taste haha
zaraaki #3 time.. then he smile..i think i was gaping~~~.. that smile though..........................he has such a smile...damnn im smiling talking abt this right now~~~
Frogirl #4
quite a few times, the first time the dude was French (i heard him talking before hand) so i couldn't communicate :( to be honest i think the only reason it happens to me is because i look strange and people cant help but stare (pink hair, piercings, stupid clothes, mixed up accent) XD
kenyattabat #5
yes that has happen to me before, but he had a baby. girl i ain't in to that at all lol.
I feel you. Happened multiple times, once it was the same guy! Haha xD