I need your opinions about this lovely people ;;

Have you been in love? How would you know that you're in love? That is the question I keep on asking and people keep on giving me vague and complex answers. How would I know the answer to my question? For eighteen years of my life, I have never been in love. For a few times, I thought I was but it was just a petty crush or infatuation.

I've seen my friends change boyfriends, had flings, cheated behind their boyfriends back, etc. All of these happened but I've never had even one boy that would grab my attention.

Am I a hopeless case? Would I end up alone with a dozen of dogs or would I meet "The One" for me?






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michiru #1
first of all, you are not a hopeless case. You're still young and still have a long way to go :) there are people who found their "other half" when they're in middle age. Some when they're old. Age is never a factor to tell if you can find the one who is meant for you. It takes a lot of time. Love, as it is, is not just something that is felt instantly. (well, maybe there are rare cases, but it's really really rare.) I understand that people mostly give you vague answers because there is no real answer for it. Love doesn't need a reason to be there. You just feel it. You trust this person because you love him. You don't love a person because of his hair, his voice, his face, nor his talent or body. You love a person because you love him. There doesn't need to be a reason. You love his flaws, every bit of him. Relationships don't just come off as easy as it looks like. There are ups and downs, there are issues, sometimes, it's even trial and error. People won't be able to tell you how it's like when you're in love, because only you can figure it out yourself... and it's not supposed to be rushed. As I've said, love takes time. true love takes time. maybe for now, there isn't just anyone who's caught your attention, there's just no one who's fit to your liking. There are still a lot of days, weeks, months, and years for that. For now, just enjoy being young and enjoy little things in life. You're only young once. You'll never know that one day, it will just surprise you that you have found the one for you. :) :) :)
Well, I think I'm like that as well too lol
But idk, I don't really talk much to boys or have a big crush on someone before(but attracted— yes ofc)
And girl pls, you still have a long long way to go so don't worry too much about this at the age of 18 alright? I admit I secretly worry about this too lmao (I'm 18 years old too)
That's a tough question. But don't worry. You won't be alone forever :)
You'll find "The One" that you want sooner or later in life.