*Blink blink*




What is Karma for?

Can someone please tell me..

I have a lot karma around 1000+ and I don't have any idea about it


(I don't know why'd I put this gif.. haha ignore it)


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heart_surgery #1
There are plenty of shops here on aff, like advertising, graphic, trailer etc. Some of the users are providing you with these in exchange for karma points. And with it you can also get your story promoted on aff. Hope I helped ^^
Karma is for Advertising your Story, and changing your username, but you can also give it to other people if there's no need for that...That's all I know about it |D
Karma can be used for many different things.

It can be used to change your username, or to get your story advertise.
stephani_bap #4
karma is used to change your username ^^