(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ~ (STOLEN from tumblr)



1. Are you more feminine or masculine? feminine

2. Are you tall or short? AVERAGE. jk a biiiit shorter than average compared to people in this country ok i ain't american.

3. What’s your favorite color? lavender

4. What do you love about yourself? i can manage my time well. 

5. What’s your greatest flaw? indecisive

6. Do you see yourself differently than other people describe you? kinda

7. What are you really, really good at? memorizing. study facts, song lyrics, etc

8. What’s something you’re bad at, but love? dance

9. What’s something people have tried to force you to do? take big risks

10. How do you spend your free time? tumblr, music, reading

11. Describe the way you dress in one sentence"i just want to look clean"

12. Have you ever gotten your nails professionally painted? yes

13. What is the most insulting thing anyone has said to you? "who would want to date/marry you"

14. Favorite game? guess this song

15. What color is your hair? dyed brown with lighter tips




16. Do you believe in god? not really.

17. Is men’s rights a thing? sure.

18. Does love really exist? i wouldn't know yet

19. Can science explain everything, eventually? sure.

20. Are we raised into what we love, or do we come to love it based on how we were raised? come to love based on how we were raised. the environment you were raised from affects a lot of things.

21. How do you feel about the school system?I regardless of what others say, i believe it's pretty important. sure, learning about trigonometry and calc won't help us tremendously in the future, but it is essential to get an education parents pay through taxes. be thankful for it, rather than complain about it. 

22. Do you believe in fate/destiny? nah

23. What is art? expressing emotions? could be in art, music, or literature form?

24. Do we define ourselves, or does our past? lol funny bc i'm writing an essay about this rn. past defines us.

25. What happens after we die? who knows? i like to believe in reincarnation, but hah doubt it.

26. Do humans matter—tiny specs on a floating piece of rock in a solar system in a galaxy in an infinite universe? of course!

28. Is there good in everyone? some people

29. Does apathy really exist? sure

29. Is human life only valuable because our society makes it? this is a toughie.

30. How do you feel about society, the vague “they” blamed for everything? speak up if you got a problem




31. What gender do you prefer? males.

32. What’s the first thing you notice about someone? eyes!!!

33. Could you love someone you found ugly? probably not at first sight, but who knows? i've had small crushes on guys whom i thought were ugly at first but had the coolest personalities.

34. Favorite hair color? black 

35. Favorite eye color? brown

36. Ideal height? a liiitle bit taller than me. i don't want to date a skyscraper

37. Describe, personality-wise, what your ideal boy/girlfriend would be like? funny, caring, really interesting. smart eheh.

38. Describe, appearance-wise, what your ideal boy/girlfriend would be like? a bit taller than me, nice smile, seckshi hair

39. What do you look for—brains or looks? both, but more on brains

40. Could you fall in love online? nah #strangerdanger

41. How much of an age cap can you handle? 2?

42. How would you introduce yourself on a blind date? "i'm super duper interesting" <<<<<

43. Could you forgive a cheater? depends on many factors. how long we've been dating, who the chick is, etc

44. Is lying about something serious as bad as cheating? yes

45. Right now, you could call the person you like/love (if you aren’t dating/engaged/married already), or show up at their front door, and just confess or kiss them or whatever. What’s stopping you? the person i love lives in korea. lmfao bruh.


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