Castaways ~ Park Ji-Min ~ 50

200 x 200300 x 300

Park Ji-Min

Character Name— Park Ji-Min


— Tokki = bunny - her grandma used to call her this because she would always jump around outside.

Birthday— April 6, 1998

Age— 16

Birthplace & Hometown— Seoul, South Korea

Ethnicity— Korean

Blood Type—B

Height— 165 cm

Weight— 48kg

Why are you on the plane?— to visit her grandma 

Face Claim— Lee Eun Ji ( gallery )

Backup Face Claim— Park Seul Ki ( gallery )

Funny; Ji-Min is a really funny girl. She likes to joke around and make people laugh. She can make a joke in any situation, good or bad.

Independent; Ji- Min is very independent for her age.She often doesn't like getting help from others. She has a "I can take care of it myself" sort of attitude.
Vocal; Ji-Min is very vocal. Since she loves to sing she knows how to project her voice. If she needs to yell at you or someone in the distance she can do it. She isnt afraid to be loud.


— candy
— sushi
— kimchi
— soccer
— singing
—her grandma



— eating meat
— sun burns
— spiders
— being bossed around
— not being clean



— keeping people calm/ Strength
— Great swimmer/Strength
— Can survive in the wilderness/Strength

— being alone/Weakness
— small places/Weakness
—being told what to do/Weakness



— dances and sings when shes happy
— scratches her head when she gets nervous
— taps her feet when she gets irritated
— messes with her hair when shes mad 
— her lips 



— Her secret talent is close up magic/ That she learned from her uncle
— She is on the swim team and soccer team
— Loves to read
— Goes on camping trips with her Uncle 
— Parents died in a plane crash while trying to save her


Background— Jimin was born in Seoul to her mother and father. She was raised modestly, with most of what she needed. Her parents were very nurturing and loving, as she was their only child. When Jimin was only 5 years old, her parents took her on a trip. They were going to see her grandmother in Australia, as she aspired to help endangered kangaroos, therefore building a kangaroo farm in Australia. Before the flight could land, the plane went down. In trying to save Jimin, both her mother and father were lost. Jimin swore she would never fly again. She was rescued and immediately sent back to Korea. The only reative she had there was her uncle. He would then raise her. He willingly took her in with open arms. Now, though she swore to never fly again, it's the anniversary of the flight crash and her parents death. As she is old enough now and worries her grandmother may not have much time left, she has worked up the courage to finally go visit.


— father | Park Jin Young | 39 | dead | nurturing, loud, smart| none
— mother | Park Yoon-Jeong | 37 | dead | caring, forgiving, sweet | none
— uncle | Park Hyun Bin | 42 | boat salesman | humorous, adventureous, loving | they often hike together, they also bake together around the holidays, almost every morning they get donuts together, hyunbin likes to include jimin in everything he does

Love Interest—BamBam

Age— 17

Group— GOT7

Personality— Sweet, caring, funny and adorable are some of the things that this beautiful man candy is. He always listens to someone's problems and always has good advice. He is fun to be around, he would never let you down. His best friend is Jackson.

First Meeting— Ji-Min saves BamBam from drowing in the water when the plane crashes and gives him cpr to help him start to breath again

Interactions— When Ji-Min and BamBam are together Ji-Min is her usual funny self and always does what he wants to do, she feels really comfortable around him

Back up— Jackson Wang

Age— 21

Group— GOT7

Personality— Jackson is really loud and funny. He's sometimes stupid. When he really likes someone he runs away from them and hides. He always says what's on his mind and sometimes talks to much. He also flirts with people.

First Meeting— When Ji-Min drops her phone on the plane both Jackson and Ji-Min reach down to pick it up and they meet eyes, but Jackson gets nervous and hands her the phone and runs back to his seat.

Interactions— When they are together Jackson always mumbles his words and can't speak, While Ji-Min finishes his sentences and holds his hand when he gets nervous.

Comments/Suggestions— Make BamBam/Jackson and Ji-Min have a little ''party'' up in a tree fort they make together.

Scene Requests
— BamBam and Ji-Min get chased by some kind of animal and BamBam saves Ji-Min
— Ji-Min keeps everyone calm when the plane crashes by singing.
— Ji-Min and BamBam performing together for everyone.
— Kunpimook almost dies.


Password— Stop Stop It

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Layout by luminous_star from Ice Waffles | Do not steal or remove credit


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