「 ♕ ❝ HAUTE COUTURE 」— tea im

tea im

-hatchin / ivy / ten / TURN-IN / STORY


FULL NAME. im tea (임, 차)


heaux :: pronounced "hoe". its used by her friends and herself and usually with a "fake" at the front. tea is such a heaux its not even funny she will sleep with a married man, no regrets.
 cha :: this happens so often like anyone who reads the hangul for her name calls her cha and there is nothing she hates more. her name is not im cha it is tea im. like tea. TEA. its more of her fault for signing her name as cha in the first place.
  :: well, she is one. like she hears people call her so often that she just responds to it automatically.
 princess :: used by -bomb kim jonghyun both ironically and sincerely because he knows how much tea likes being treated like royalty.


DATE OF BIRTH. 29 july 1994 

BIRTHPLACE. madison, wisconsin

HOMETOWN. 0-15, madison. 15-present, seoul.



english :: native :: born and raised in the usa, tea grew up consuming english media
 korean :: fluent :; having a korean mother proud of her native tongue, tea has been learning korean for basically her entire life, and living in korea has only improved it
 mandarin :: basic :: she had to take it for school and she like remembers 0 of it and wishes she would have taken spanish instead
 vulcan :: proficient :: tea is a geek heaux and grew up watching star trek. she fell in love with vulcans, their history, culture, language, everything, and she deadass taught herself vulcan



❝ i'm a leo ❞


FACE CLAIM. park sojin

BACK UP. choi sulli


tea im will always make sure her skin is beautiful and moisturized. like, her skin glows and is supple and just so amazing. her skin is something she takes pride in. her hair is thick and healthy and impeccably groomed. tea has a snub nose and teeth so shiny chip skylark gets jealous. tea's body is fit with just the right amounts of fat and muscle. she's rather short, standing at 150cm.

anything and everything american apparel. that store is her life, and she does nothing but shop there. she's always in season with aa. she's raving mad about denim skirts, tennis skirts, simplistic crop tops, and pullover sweaters. she follows current trends to a t, which aa and their clothes offer. she's style blogger on tumblr level and her ootds are something that end up with 10,000+ notes ( and some from american apparel themselves!! ).
american apparel heaux

HEIGHT & WEIGHT. 150 cm & 49 kg.


TRAITS. organized, affectionate, flirtatious, overdramatic, sassy, arrogant

"where is my supersuit?"
tea im needs to have everything neat and organized otherwise its gonna drive her insane. she has labels for everything, binders for every class including and graded assesments, she has a general fashion binder which is more like a look book. she has a binder for work, complete with possible article ideas and possible interviews. tea just knows where everything is and she loves it because it makes her feel powerful and in control. she knows what she's gonna do when she's gonna do it. tea has a rather 'do-it-now' attitude, rather than the extreme procrastination attitude she had when she was younger. organization just makes her life super duper simple and stress free and she loves it. she also has a planner where she has basically her whole life planned

"i'm a leo, i need love!"
tea im has a lot of love to give, and in return she wants like tenfold the amount of love all the time. she is a leo, and therefore her neediness is aligned with the stars. if she doesn't have someone to play with her hair or hold her hand or hold her in their arms, tea will slowly begin to wilt. cuddling someone just lowers all of tea's stress immediately and makes her feel warm and loved. just like she loves feeling loved, she loves making others feel loved too, hugs and smooches for everyone!! she will smooch anyone, even if she has 0 attraction to them because tea im is a firm believer in platonic making out. she also always coos about how cute everyone is and how she loves them all so much. she always uses terms of endearment when talking to people ranging from "bae" to "sugar pop" to "my sun my moon and all my stars". its really weird to see her not attached to someone's arm and its probably alarming her too. tea also loves seeing people show each other affection, especially when its someone who isn't very affectionate, it makes her screech like a bird because its so so cute. 

"hola boo" / "you accidentally poke one ballsack and its like 'no one man should have all that power' and you just want more"
she literally does not know how to be subtle about anything at all, not even when it comes to booty she likes. there is nothing tea loves more than boys (and girls). like oh my goodness they are just so cute and hot and some have amazing arm muscles and and uGh. tea is a huge flirt but she doesn't just flirt just to do it, tea flirts with people she genuinely enjoys and may be interested in. she loves creating an emotional connection with people and communicated sincere interest. she doesn't exactly pursue serious meaningful romantic relationships, she's more into having someone who can her and cuddle her and then leave when she wants them to. she is so uninhibited in the comments she makes, especially towards men, that it is very very shocking and always very graphic, "dang daddy please put me in a choke hold. let me carress your bulging muscles. please let me crush your head between my thighs" and more direct things like "i wanna your . yaaaaas bounce me on your like i weigh nothing. please kiss me through my xoxo". the comments she makes alone might be enough to mark some things as mature. 

"i will never be able to carry on with my life unless i know for certain that chihiro and haku were reunited after the events of spirited away"
tea im is so easily distraught. if she drops her pen on the ground she will stand there with her palm over her forehead looking like she hates life and like everything goes wrong until some good samaritan picks it up. if she's eating some bomb mac n cheese, a tear will roll down her cheek and she'll whisper 'yaaaaaaas '. she will not be able to continue on with her life if a book or movie ending is unsatisfying. tea im exaggerates almost everything she does and says, and she says 'literal' a lot. "i am a literal goddess" okay tea "this mac n cheese is my literal husband" tea no "you are a literal stain get the outta here" okay maybe you're right tea. tea has to be the biggest drama queen since julius caesar. everything is either really amazing like the grace of god or everything has gone completely, horribly wrong and her life is gonna end, there's no in between. tea overreacts to just about everything, someone scared her? wow is she going into cardiac arrest i think she is call an ambulance. one of her fav characters die? it's just like losing a child, losing a part of her and now she's gonna mope around and lock herself in her room for the next week. she lost a contest? wow her life is over she's a failure at life and should just go back home and give up and never leave her house again.  

"doing squats so my matches my sass
tea im practically lives by the saying "if you've got it, flaunt it". her head is always held high, she never slouches, she smirks, she talks loudly and concisely so no one can drowned her out, she really knows how to strut, and oh my god tea im can make the most ridiculous tasks look flawless and sassy. tea keeps connected to her mind, no filter. she isn't afraid to lash out at someone or call them fake or even get into a full-blown cat fight to be honest. its also physically impossible for tea to keep her opinions to herself. "i think cl is overrated", "shindong is a disgusting, misogynistic douchebag", "if i had a dime for every inch of your boyfriends , i'd be in debt", "tell your girlfriend if she says she's got beef, that i'm a vegetarian and i ain't in scared of her". tea is a bit of a gossip, but not an overtly obnoxious gossip. she won't spread rumors for the sake of spreading rumors, but she will gladly give her input on scandals and incidents. tea would never willingly walk away from a fight, the last word always has to belong to her. if she feels backed into a corner, she'll drop a crazy awesome one-liner and just walk away.

"its just so hard for me to comprehend how i am literal perfection. i am a goddess, i don't deserve to live on earth" / "getting called ugly is so weird... i'm literally sitting here beautiful as hell, skin glowing and everything like whats up with the baltant lies?"
if you called tea im ugly, she would laugh in your face so hard that she'd double over. if you said she was a horrible actor, she would laugh even harder than that. tea im is absolutely, positively in love with every aspect of herself, like even her flaws are perfect. she has a lot of confidence in herself and her abilities, and is able to tackle things head on thanks to her oozing arrogance. at times, she's best described as a stuck up hoe, because her ego larger than jupiter makes her feel like she's better than literally everyone and that if everyone was like her, the world would be a very very wonderful place. if given the opprotunity, she could talk about herself for hours on end, especially about her accomplishments. insults literally roll of her back, there is no way to offend tea you just can't come at her. call her a , she'll smile and say "that's why your boyfriend and ya daddy ate my last night" say she's ugly and she will laugh in your face. call her a and she'll say "yup that's me". tea im is 100% comfortable in who she is. she knows her strengths, her weaknesses, and she will always get things done.


tea im was born in madison, wisconsin to a single mother. all throughout her life, she's never been curious as to who her father is because she had her mom to take care of her. tea's mom was very hardworking and desperately wanted to become a fashion designer. her entire childhood was basically surrounded by fashion: her mom would always make sure they were the best looking girls wherever they went. her mom saved up a lot of money to try and get her dream off the ground, but unfortunately things didn't work out and the im family had to file for bankruptcy. after a few more years of saving up money again, tea's mom decided to move them to seoul in order to start a new life. her mom went to college and got a degree in english education and went on to teach english to elementary schoolers. tea, on the other hand, wanted to fulfill her mother's dreams and set course on becoming a fashion designer.

tea lives with her mom in their apartment, because heaven knows tea wasn't ready to be separated. she attends college at esmod seoul and when she isn't studying she's often browsing tumblr and other lookbooks for designs. sometimes she'll help her friend inhyeong come up with character designs and costume designs. tea is forever single and proud, but has a few friends that are willing to kiss her. tea and her mom go to the gym together every tuesday, thursday, and saturday.


cha :: the first time someone asked her to write her name in hangul she freaked out and wrote cha because cha means tea. little did she know that would be the greatest mistake of her life.
wear your heart on your sleeve :: a lot of people think tea is an open book, but she's always lowkey keeping people at arms length
hey :: yes? tea literally responds to '' like she doesn't do it on purpose, but people like calling her ( because she's the alpha ) that its become like her second name
man i'm sick of yall geeks :: star trek is her life its not even funny she has seen almost the entirety of the star trek series and is an avid player of star trek online. but it doesn't just stop at star trek, she loves magical girl animes and light novels, she cosplays, she loves tolkien, loves dragon age, has almost every pokemon game, is an avid collector of studio ghibli films and merch, she;s such a mega geek
how do you say ' this class' in mandarin? :: at tea's high school, the languages offered were french, spanish, german, and mandarin. being a , she took mandarin and almost instantaneously regretted her decision
gege? more like gags :: she hates the word gege, she just hates how its pronounced 
ricardo, chives, bring me my laptop :: her dream life is being handfed exotic fruits by handsome muscular oiled men poolside while they massage her feet, fan her, and bring her her laptop so she can drag reckless hoes on the internet
i use the word sparringly :: tea hardly ever uses handsome as a compliment, even when talking about guys. cute, yes. hot, yes. a literal god, yes. but hardly ever handsome. tea's idea of handsome is someone tall with broad shoulders and perfect posture and a tasteful hairdo wearing dapper clothes
baby now you're one of us :: ain't is fun by paramore is her jam
shut ya heaux mouth :: she hates it when people tell her she just needs to find her other half. tea is complete as it is, she doesn't need someone else to feel whole.
i'm in love with me too :: tea im is not someone who thinks about love. for as long as she could remember, her friends would have boyfriends and she'd be eating her mac and cheese. it's never made her feel bad, and she personally feels like love is too hyped up. she also has better, more prominent things in her life to worry about like herself and her career
eomma :: tea wants to be rich enough to give her mom all the things she deserves
filial :: tea is probably the last person you would expect to be filial, but she loves her mom so much and tries her hardest to keep her mom happy
the ace :: tea is aromantic, meaning she doesn't feel romantic attraction to anyone. she's never felt romantic attraction to anyone, never had any crushes, never felt the need to cry over not having a boyfriend. tea does, however, feel other forms of love such as platonic love, filial love, ual love.
my clear skin should be enough of an accessory :: she's not the best at accessorising, but is slowly trying to get better
humpty sharma ki dulhania :: she loves bollywood films
i can't draw the other eye :: tea is very good at drawing, and has been drawing since she was young.




mother | ibul im | 44 | primary school english teacher | classy, wise, shady, confident, supportive

ibul im is the best mother tea could ask for. ibul is so tremendously important to tea, she's shaped who tea is and everything about her. tea wants to do everything to make her mother happy. the two are very, very close and open with one another, and their relationship only improved as they both got older. ibul likes going on random family trips just for the hell of it, "tea!! let's go to daegu this weekend!". she really loves her daughter and tried her best to raise her and be there for her. she holds tea close to her heart and is very understanding. she wants her to do the best she can, but she also wants her to be happy and successful in life. ibul lets tea be the grown woman she is, but can't always surpress the urge to pick up his little girl and hold her till morning comes. plus, they enjoy throwing shade and talking about everyone together.





Boy toy | choi minho | 23 | makeup artist | kind, romantic, reliable, gentlemanly

to the outside world, it would appear that minho and tea are an item. choi minho fits the role of doting boyfriend to a t. he practically knows tea by heart, and the two are very close and its almost impossible for minho to stay away from tea for too long. tea knows she can rely on minho for everything, if she needs tampons he'll rush to the store and get some, if she's stuck at a bus stop in the middle of monsoon season he'll come to her rescue. tea will always protect minho, getting ready to beat the outta anyone who makes fun of him for being a makeup artist, while minho nurtures tea and gives her all the affection and attention she needs. minho is well aware that tea is aromantic, and he is more than fine being friends with her because he just likes her so much that just being with her platonically is enough. tea knows it would probably be best for minho to move on from his huge crush on her, but tea also doesn't wanna let him go because she likes being his only, even though they're not dating.


sun moon and all my stars | kwon inhyeong | 21 | hooters waitress & aspiring manghwa artist | sarcastic, audacious, arrogant, smart-

if tea hates someone, then inhyeong hates them just because her bestie does. they can be unprecedentedly weird with each other, their closet has basically doubled, they can tell what each other is thinking, tea is a frequent victim of inhyeong's teasing, but she's also the only one with the toughest skin and most expierience dealing with it. she loves her inhyeonggie's sharp tongue and stabbing wit, because it means she'll always have someone to flame with. inhyeong never forgets any embarrassing thing that tea has done. remember that floor length, denim coat with the fur trim? inhyeong does. there's no such thing as secrets between them because one way or another, they will get it out of each other. they're always borrowing each other's stuff without permission. they argue about who's hair looks nicer, and who looks better in that moschino sweater, or who can run up the stairs faster, but there's nothing wrong with a lil competition. anyone who does anything mean to the other will automatically be dead, even though they both have thick skin and can handle their own, because they love each other so much, the two are built in netflix cuddle buddies for life like, hey do you wanna watch grey's anatomy for 11 hours straight? of course who wouldn't?

bomb | kim jonghyun | 24 | model at hc | flirty, sassy, quick-witted, ual, is lowkey really sensitive and needy like a pup

jong and tea's relationship is much more ual, and they have a friends with benefits no strings attached setup. if you look up 'hot' in the dictionary, you will see a picture of kim jonghyun's face. tea absolutely loves how hot he is and she loves how secretly sweet he his and how he's really accommodating. like he knows that tea does not wanna get it on all the time, so he'll offer cuddle sessions and chick flicks (that he totally ends up crying over). she loves how he calls her princess and she loves how he can pick her up like she weighs nothing. jong thinks she's cute and cool, and she's really hot, and she's super smart, and she's so cheeky and playful. he loves the way she can respond to his lil sarcastic remarks so harshly and still be absolutely adorable. h-he'd never tell her she's adorable though. whenever tea will start talking about one of her family trips or her amazing clothes or how great the minimalist movement is, jong will nod his head attentively with a smirk tugging at his lips because tea is so cute. tea is really cool and willing to try whatever kinda weird thing he wants to try out. in bed, wooooo, jong is rough and rowdy and he loves teasing and marking up his lil princess, and jade is so dirty like he honestly didn't know that tea could say such nasty and weird things but he highkey likes it. kim jonghyun has a serious and tea helps him be unashamed of his freakiness.




worst heaux | ahn jimin | 24 | editor at hc | catty, charismatic, self-absorbed, stunning

tea and jimin hate each other SO MUCH. like jimin is always condescending and snarky for no reason, she thinks she hard, and she talks about tea behind her back and pretends like she didn't when tea confronts her about it. plus she's always flipping her hair in tea's face! swear to god jimin, do it one more time and tea will literally chop ya hair off heaux. 


jealous heaux | malissa kim | 20 | assitant makeup artist | girly, kind, clumsy, all about doing the right thing, airheaded

malissa works under minho as his assistant makeup artist, and may or may not have a crush on him. tea thinks she does, because the two of them are almost as close as tea is with minho, but minho isn't exactly sure. but either way malissa cannot stand tea and her relationship with minho. malissa has confronted tea many many times and told her to just let him go live his life instead of "giving him false hope that you might one day like him" and tea is about ready to pop her in ha mouth.















"i love hc so much. it really helps me with accessorising beause i am honestly a disaster at that its not even funny. it's my favorite fashion magazine honestly, and it helps me keep up with the latest trends."



"i only like group work if i'm working with pleasant people. otherwise i would much rather work by myself instead of dragging some fake heauxs. i love communicating in person, especially if its in an interview, but phone and email are okay too. but really, its the person i'm communicating with who loses because they don't get to see my perfect face. i have a planner that literally has my entire life in it are you kidding i am so organized that i am on top of my work and other people's work"



"i get things done, its as simple as that. people complain because the printer's jammed, i find someone to fix it. i'm mega  organized i have like the next 3 years of my life planned out. my typing speed is amazing, like 95 words per minute and i don't wanna brag but, literature was my strong suit in school. um, i'm a ? and naturally i'm gonna backtalk some seniors, especially if they think they can push my around because of their seniority like heaux i'll steal ya job and ya man too do not test me. i'm also pretty shameless honestly, and i'm not afraid to do some morally ambiguous things to acomplish my goals, but i'll let you decide if that's a strength or a weakness. and i may or may not physically fight someone. so my main weakness is my people skills. oh, and i'm a fluent english speaker hello! maybe i could start translating some articles and posting them online so we're open to a wider market?"



"tight deadlines are my driving force. like, if a deadline is really far away, i'll end up forgetting about something because i have other things to do. so a very strict and reinforced deadline is perfect for me to stay on track"



"my mom was always a fashionista, and i guess that rubbed off on me. when i think of fashion, i remember seeing my mom dress up with her pretty on fleek and it just makes me feel happy. and i also think of her getting me ready to go to like birthdays and weddings or just going out, and she had to make sure we were the best looking people there. we would always watch fashion shows together, and seeing her face light up as she saw the miu miu 2005 spring/summer collection just made me feel so happy. so, fashion is warm and familiar to me, its my livelihood."



"besides being a billionaire playgirl philanthropist married to lee jongsuk and zayn malik, i would like to be a fashion blogger and maybe a news reporter, like a world news reporter. or like a celebrity news reporter so i can hang out with the stars where i belong. i want to have a career too, not just a job, like something i could always look forward to getting out of bed for. and i wanna convince the world to burn all crocs, sequined shoes, adidas socks and nike sandals,and technicolored pants. and, i wanna create a fashion company called quilted teapot in memory of my mom; she wanted to be a fashion designer with her own company, and she inspired me to do the same. i want to help her fulfill the dream she never could"



"i want a foundation, i want to be a well-rounded fashionista. and maybe, open my heart to stores and brands that aren't american apparel. i feel like this internship will help me complete my goal of creating quilted teapot for my mom. i wanna hurry up and make it flourish before my mom dies, so i feel like this internship will help me a lot"


COMMENTS. i'll let you decide if malissa has a crush on minho or not

SUGGESTIONS. idk this idea is already so perfect


:: jong asking tea who her daddy is and tea saying "i don't know"
:: tea and jimin getting into a fight and them both almost getting fired
:: jong fanservice


PASSWORD. if you're from africa, then why are you white?



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