"I'll just sleep on you." Part 2

Okay, so, the other day I went to a dance for school and my friends and I were having soooo much fun. Taking selfies, videos of us dancing, and playing in the video game truck. 

Sadly, none of my baes were there lolol but my friend upload a video of us dancing back to back, booties rubbing against each other... sorry I'm ratchet af lmao

and Robert (the one who slept on my shoulder ❤) commented on the video saying "damnn..." and I was like umm... so my friend was like "Lmao i know, Zitlaly's booty is nice huh." and he puts that blushing emoji and Im just like "HOLY MOTHER OF ING PEARL. SOMEONE HOLD ME."

Then he sent me a message on INSTAGRAM which was a song that I showed him ( Sober - Childish Gambino ) and hes all like 

"Thanks ❤" with a ing heARtu 

and I was like 

"Its okay..." & "Thanks for making  the trip back a bit less boring."

and he was like

"Nah, don't thank me. It was nothing. You entertained me as well xD wheb I scared you in your sleep."



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Gurl I wanna be you |:-)
InvisibleSoul #2
i just read both of the parts. I'm telling you this guy can make you happy. I think you should be around him more.. I think he might like you. Just.. hang out and see what's going on.. I think he is better then the other guy. I mean.. they way he tried to hit on you... I would kick him. If I were you, I'd feel like he just called me fat. THIS. THIS GUY. ROBERT. OH . A DREAM COME TRUE. Seriously just give it a chance. He's perfect.
ILurvGummySmiles #3
Yeah.. definitely pictures...
You got me all excited.. haha :)
:3 awwwwwwww you're sooo cute xD take him I like him... :D
I sense a love triangle :3
This is cute!!! I seriously need pictures now xD