Me being random and cheesy, as usual. XD


To celebrate my 3-months-and-9-days anniversary here in AFF

[I swear, it doesn't even count as an 'anniversary' yet but meh],

I would like to take this opportunity to thank my 

831 subscribers,

450 friends,

and all the people who gave some of their precious time in reading and commenting on my fics

[dunno the exact number so yeah XD].


I may not have the time to thank you all one by one,

I may not have the time to reply to each of your messages, comments and posts,

but please know that I cherish each and every one of your

sentiments, feelings and ideas.


You guys are A-W-E-S-O-M-E



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Neesanessa #1
wow! only 3 months and 9 days and you've already written so much? IMPRESSIVE! congrats ^^
Aigoo Happy 3months Anniversary!!~^^ And Thanks to you too!~:)
haha.. happy 3months+ anniversary!^-^ your writing is amazing~
How sweet ^^
I_Am_Dubu #5
Yay~ hip hip hooray for author sshi!!
uBae #6