Castaways ~ Go Dongseul ~ 8

Go Dongseul

Character Name— Go Dongseul


— Seul (This is what her father calls her when he's trying to be affectionate.)
— Aegi (This is what her mother used to call her.)
— Goseul (This is what her classmates used to call her and she dislikes the fact that it's the less used.)

— Taito (It means 'uptight' in Korean which describes herself whenever she's at work.Given by subordinates.)

Birthday— 1st of February 1996

Age— 19 years old ; (21 years old in Korean age because she was born before the Lunar New Year.)

Birthplace & Hometown— Seoul, South Korea

Ethnicity— Korean

Blood Type— B+

Height— 170 centimeters

Weight— 51  kilograms

Why are you on the plane?— There was an investor's meeting in Australia and being the only heir to their company, she had to attend it.

Face Claim— yura ( gallery )

Backup Face Claim— ji won ( gallery )

PersonalityDistant. She does not let anyone intrude in her personal endeavors. She keeps her deeper feelings to herself and show people what is only needed to be seen (which is often...none.) Punctual. She is never late for anything. When it comes to deadlines, she makes sure that she is at least a week ahead than everybody else. Intimidating. Being the youngest CEO her company has ever seen, she comes off us intimidating. She is never approachable since she keeps herself away from everyone else. She also has this resting bichface which does not contribute any better to that. She is very logical. When people see it from a certain perspective, she would see it from the far opposite side of where everyone else is looking from. Despite her having a strong facade, she is actually quite sensitive. When people pinpoint something about her that she is very much aware of, she could not help but feel hurt by it (even if it won't show, she will be in pain.) There are times when she can be indecisive but only for small things like what to eat or what to wear.She is a humanitarian. She doesn't side with people who are unreasonable despite their hierarchy in the workplace. If you're wrong, you're wrong. If you can't accept it, she'll point out every reason why you should.

— Milktea with Ice Cream
— Music (to shut everyone out when she needs time for herself.)
— Writing
— Swimming
— A Silent Environment
— Old Fashioned Items & Dresses

— Exotic Animals (not the usual cute ones.)
— Team S
— Adrenaline


— Her Work
— How people perceive her
— Spicy Dishes
— People telling her what to do or how she should act
— Getting Frustrated
— Coffee


— She can think of other alternatives on how to get by a situation. (+) 
— Her insticts are very reliable since they are usually correct. (+)
— She is very iinovative. She can improvise something to make something new and useful with simple items. (+)

— She cries whenever she gets super frustrated with people & She does not like people seeing her vulnerable. (-)
— She tends to wander off during evenings which can be burdensome to people. (-)
— She has the most negative thoughts. When people see the brighter side, she tends to see the consequences. (-)



— She traces the shape of her fingernails using her thumb when she's thinking about something.
— She squints her eyes when she thinks that something or someone is being too absurb.
— She tends to space out while looking upwards.
— She sleeps for only three hours everyday because she has to balance her work and her education.
— She hits her head on something hard whenever she is having a headache (in hopes that hitting it more will ease the pain ;;)
— She inhales deeply and furrows her eyebrows when she is starting to get annoyed.


— She has a book all about Marine Biology that she brings with her anywhere because it was the last present her mother gave her before she passed away.
— She is allergic to roses. That is why she prefers other flowers over it. 
— She is anemic. She has to take her pills at least twice a day or she will end up fainting from the lack of iron intake in her body.
— She has never been in a relationship since she comes off as too strong to men.
— Her ideal type is someone who can break her out of her mask and help her feel more human.
— She used to take part in drag racing for motorbikes behind her father's back. 
— She is enrolled in a university in where her father is the biggest investor which explains why they allow her to miss on school a lot.

— She has traveled to about ten countries and not one was ever for holiday reasons. 
— She was forced to learn ballet when she was young but stopped after two years (thanks to her mother.)
— She is taking up Business Administration and is currently in her third year of college.

Background— She was born to a rich businessman and a marine biologist who was not the expected much for a husband and wife. They were in a contractual marriage which explains why her father barely spends any time with them. She grew under the pure love and care of her mother but she was soon separated from her after a car accident in 2010. Soon after she fell into a state of depression which her father forced her to seek therapy from a specialist. She had grown stoic and unable to express unlike when she was younger all thanks to her father. He started to train her with how their company worked and within a few years, she was appointed as the CEO. She had to endure everything for the sake of having her father approve of her existence in general. She knew very well that he did not want a daughter but a son and they had no choice but to use what was given to them. She was kept away from the life of being a normal teenager and she hated her fathher for that. She felt like she was honed to be like him which was not something she wanted to be.  Now, she was tasked to settle a big deal in Australia and her father had threatened her even. If she does not get the deal, she could forget about returning to Seoul because he intends to disown her. Her father currently has a girlfriend and that woman has a son who can be the heir he wanted.

Family— (optional)

— father | Go Sungyeol | 40 | CEO of Go Enterprises  | Cold, Distant, Unaffectionate, Workaholic | Barely any. They work at their own pace which away from each other.
— mother | Jung Hayen | 38 | Marine Biologist | Sweet, Nurturing, Sensitive, Overprotective | The only real family that Dongseul saw. She died in a car accident in 2010 and that tore her world apart.


Love Interest— Park Jinyoung

Age— 20

Group— GOT7

Personality— He is very loud, that's for sure. When he isn't, it only means that he is in his mother-nurturing side which is when he looks after his other members. He is the ideal boyfriend as how most people would describe him but he stays humble and kindly rejects such compliments. He is fond of giving out fanservice alongside his other members and is known to be on the normal side of how derpy GOT7 was. He...nags a lot. When he sees something that is out of place, prepare for a straight on scolding from him. He has quick senses when it comes to the feelings of other. He can sense quickly when someone is troubled or confused and he goes out of his way to help them.

First Meeting— It was like hate at first site. Dongseul was enjoying her alone time while she stared out at the plane. She could hear the stewards offering snacks and drinks to those on board when she suddenly heard a few excuse mes from close by, the next second...there was water all over her blazer. The steward on her side accidentally spilled it and a man was frozen behind her. It was Jinyoung. He seems to have accidentally pushed the steward. Without thinking, Dongseul grabbed the cup of water from the person next to her and threw it towards Jinyoung. They swore there was an exchange of electricity going in between them.

Interactions— They are the bickering mother and father of the castaways. Jinyoung being the sensitive and understanding mother and Dongseul as the strict but reliable father. They often have conflicts but they are the only ones who understand each otther the most. They got closer when Dongseul chose to open up to Jinyoung and him alone. They slowly start acting like a legitimate mother and father. Now Dongseul as the mother and Jinyoung as the father.

Back up— Choi Youngjae

Age— 19

Group— GOT7

Personality— He might be the most silent among them, he still knows how to bring in some fun. How so? He is simply clumsy and kind which garners amusement from most of the people around him. He is a rational thinker. He does not like speaking without thinking about the effects of his opinion about something. He can adapt to a person's character well. If they want peace and silence, he will give it to them but if they want to have fun, then those who ask for it shall get it.

First Meeting— They were the first two people who saw each other on the island. More like, they drifted side by side and as they opened their eyes, they were laying down next to each other. 

Interactions— Youngjae is the one who always supports Dongseul for her opinions since most of them seem to critic every thing she would suggest since it is out of the ordinary. He is the one who excerts effort in trying to be friends with her. He is Dongseul's crying shoulder and it's sad for him to keep it a secret from the others that Dongseul is in fact a human being with feelings as well.

Comments/Suggestions— This is different from most apply fics, I have seen. I am going to root for it (even if I don't get accepted.) I need a good story to read and this pretty much has the things I look for in one. c:

Scene Requests

— Her having a conversation with the non-korean members in English as they plan a way to build shelters for them.
— Having to play truth or dare with the other thirteen castaways and having to be asked if she would date Jinyoung.
— Getting lost in the jungle of the island they were drifted off too with Mark and Jackson.
— Her being carried by Jaebum to the sea because she refused to swim with them.
— GOT7 singing to a slower version of one of their songs while they dance with their respective partners. 
— Her crying to Jinyoung by the shore as she explained how frustrated she is with what her father had made her do her whole life.
— Having a mini beach celebration for one of the characters who will be celebrating their birthday.



Password— I don't have just one favorite tho. :c My favorite from Identify is Magnetic. (It's You, Girl.) My favorite from Got Love is probably Bad Behavior & Hello from Got It. ;~~~;

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Layout by luminous_star from Ice Waffles | Do not steal or remove credit


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