This is the first time I couldn't make a proper judgement

( Well? :( I know its a terrible feeling but I can't blame others either :| I still think she's very uniquely talented.. .O. You can't please everyone, nor make them understand you but it just takes the right people to see that beauty and stay in that crowd ^^ ALRIGHT. NICE SHARING FEELS WITH YOU - - - WHOEVER READ TILL HERE :D Lol. HAI ^.^/


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Yeah I've seen that. Well obviously people are gonna mistake her as a man, that's for sure, with her appearance; she shouldn't assume nobody would. But I kinda understand her. Sometimes I think she has it really hard. She has a boyish image to be cool with guys and all but she has a feminine side too and many times she isn't able to show it unless to her female friends because of that boyish image