Expand and Discover!

Hello my loves! <3

Its Ava, of course. ^.^

I just got home from a long day of work and was going through my emails before I decided to log onto here.

I came across the most lovely message from a girl who wants to write a story herself!
First off, let me sincerely thank all of you for reading my stories. I really, really appreciate the support and love and all of the feedback that I get.
You all are truly the best and I have some amazing, very loyal readers! Love you all!

Secondly, she asked me such an interesting question.

Why don't I list the qualities of my characters before I begin to write them out, so that my readers know about them before they read them?

Truthfully, the answer to this is going to be very straightforward, so please don't take it the wrong way lol.
I simply answered that I think it ruins the creative freedom of the author and the fun out of the story for the reader.

When you list the qualities and traits of a character before you begin a story, you are then confined to those qualities. Everyone is dimensional and multi-faceted. There are no four or five mere character traits to a human being.
For instance, I'm very generous. But then there come times when I think, "No, I've been helping everyone else out so much lately that I would like to finally do something just for me."

And the only reason I have the courage to say that to myself sometimes is because of life experiences that I've encountered that've given me the experience and the courage to do so. Before, I said yes to EVERYONE lol.

When you write a character, you want to make them as human as possible for your readers to relate to. There have to be flaws. There have to be imperfections. And sometimes you don't even know those imperfections yourself until the inspiration/idea/thought dawns on you. You want to be free to add to, or even take away from, your character.
And not only that, but you want your story to be a journey for the reader. The reader should be free to get to know the character, as they would get to know a real life person.
There should be discoveries and surprises, just like in real life!
You don't ever accurately sum a person up in their entirety in five words before you know them in real life.

Just like poker. If they were to lay all of their cards face up on the table, you'd have no reason to keep playing.


Well, that's just my two cents.
I am not a professional author and I do not swear that I'm right, lol. This is just the way I feel
and the strategy that I write with.

I hope everyone is enjoying their day/night! I will have another update coming soon. Possibly on more than one story.
Love you all and thank you, as always!




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