I need some advice.


Well as you probably already know I have a hard time at school. This is about a subject I honestly have given up with and really can't care less if I fail as I don't actually need it. I take Music for my GCSE and I honestly regret choosing the subject of some others. We have to do Solo performances (I got 1 mark of an A*) we have to be able to play an instrument and mine is singing... We have done compositions (I can't make music to save my life) and lastly we have to do an ensemble piece. We have had since November last year to do it but I was blackmailed into something I couldn't bring myself to do which was return to the very choir I quit because my anxiety. The girls in the choir are pretty much posh rich child's who are stuck up, and I can't deal with them.  


Anyway my teacher has sessions every lesson and half of her moans are aimed at me, I honestly have held my tongue in every lesson. I don't know what to do because yesterday the humiliated me in front of the rest of my class by call me out and saying stuff-  it's as if she forgets I have anxiety and paranoia issues which pisses me off. She went on to scream at me and blame me for which honestly posed me off and she crossed the line. I came out of that lesson and threw my folder across the canteen and began taking my anger out on a few of my friends which I regretted later because I know they don't need me adding to stress but when I told them about what happened they all agreed that it was wrong for a teacher to do that. 

This teacher accused me of not making an appointment to see her about my composition that was not finished, she screamed at me in front of the whole class accusing me of this and I sat there silent only whispering to the girl next to me 'we actually arranged for this Thursday seems as if she forgot' she accused me of not making an appointment and that I had no excuse to miss things I kept trying to tell her that actually I had made an appointment it's just the forgot. I have never been so upset and humiliated so much in my life. 

I came home and cried to my mum...she was disgusted and told me that if I could get away with not doing it she would allow me to but I can't and it's getting to me now. I told her that it's begun making me physically sick as if I am sitting in a lesson before I have music I will start having a small panic attack in the middle of class and I will feel like I'm going to throw up and cry. I don't know what to do. I know the teacher is trying to be helpful and help me pass the class but I can't deal with her and abuse anymore. I just can't she has crossed the line and I don't know what to do because I am worried that I will say something stupid and get in deep with my school. 

Guys please help me I am scared less about tomorrow because I have her again and today I have to go to that ing choir... What do I do HELP!!!!!


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You should get any trust worthy adult you know and complain
If you are jot happy you should quit the choir and if any es still blackmail you report them
If I get my hands on these ers...