"I like my girl's thick."


Sooooooo I have a crush in my music class and he is super duper funny lolol anyway, he playes percussion (bass drum, snares, xylophones etc...) and I'm a trumpet. We're seperated in sections so the first row is flutes, 2nd row clarinets, 3rd row trumpets and then 4th row percussion. The best thing is that he sits right behind me and ugh his smile is just life lmao. 


As always he was being his usual self and he was messing around with us and then he bites his lower lip, closes his eyes and says,"I like my girls thick." At that moment I was like, this kid is quoting some Drake lolol and then he opens his eyes and smiles and whispers,"That means you Zitlaly." My eyes opened wide and I was like 


Whut? Ha. Ha. Ha. OMFG WTF DOES THAT MEAN? I turned to look at my friend and she was laughing so hard she almost choked on her chilli powder. 

So, like... ummm OMG HE'S BAE AF OMG!!!


My full name is Zitlaly Itzel Lopez and I was freaking the hell out omfg 


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jongwoobaekdaekyu #1
Lucky girl
At least he was being honest...so did u tell him your answer?
Oh wow my friends name is Citlali. Same name (-ish??) just spelled differently I guess.
hahahahahaha xD I like him already!
Eaving31 #6
That's really cute ;)
Choi_Umeki #7
He wants you too xD and your name is sooo pretty ^¬^
Go get his <3 Take care of love <3 it's rare <3
kenyattabat #9
girl he want's you :)