Story Comments/Upvotes/Subscriptions


Well, it's 4 in the morning here and I can't sleep. I was just lying on my bed and thinking about random stuffs, when suddenly, I've thought about this topic---story comments, upvotes and subscriptions.

Me, I'm not in the habit of asking for those. Personally, I find it embarrassing. But I'm not saying it's not a good thing. It's just that, I think it's more special and meaningful if my readers does it on their own. Not just because they're obliged of doing so 'coz I asked them to, but because they appreciate my works.

Well, as an author, of course I get happy if my stories gets commented on, upvoted or subscribed on. But I don't base the outcome of works solely on that. What I mean is, I know some, whose works' outcome/performance depends on the "love" they get from their readers. Like, they won't continue writing, or won't get motivated because their fics aren't appreciated. And I think it's kinda sad. I mean, you started writing 'coz of your passion, right? Your love for the fandom you're in, your love for writing, and your love for art.

Lol. I get too deep and serious whenever I try to sleep. Haha! Well, that's about it. Goodnight! Or good morning or good afternoon(wherever you are).


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Good G-RI night ^.^ ♥