Recruiting Reviewers~

I need more reviewers for my shop.

Damn. -_-


I swear, I hate recruiting people.

It's a hassle, but we're getting like... BUSY!

AND AND AND I'm getting lazy. XD


SO YEAHH! I need more reviewers.

Anyone up for the job?

If you think you are, check out my two rants.

If you are either of the two categories, then you are automatically unqualified.

I'm sure most of you know what kind of requirements I'm expecting so yeah.

Anyone up for it?


Gosh, I sound like some lazy here. XD


I'm not like that...



Ahaha, so yeah. HELP MEEE!


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elisha960809 #1
i would love to help but im already a reviewer at your place...hehe:)
Sorry, I WANNA help but I'm not that smart. -_-

ME! lols...even though I already am one at your shop...
Btw dw, I should do a lot of reviews before my holidays are over
I am~! *raises hand*
Hw do I apply, dongsaeng-unnie? :)
LOL ! I wish I can help but I'm busy and not a reviewer :(