✿ Little Red [ 작은 빨간 ]'s Cinderella — Ki Haemyung ✿


PINOCCHIO — she has pinocchio syndrome | anyone who knows her syndrome
KEOPIMYUNG — her members knew about her "coffee obsession" thus combining keopi (coffee) + hae myung | members
HAEGOGI — he knew her weakness is her favorite dish thus combining bulgogi + hae myung | hanbin
YURISHIN / GLASS GODDESS — they notice that whenever the girls are attending radio shows or any events that they don't need to put heavy make-up, she is always seen wearing her eye glasses hence called glass goddess | fans

birthday — November 27, 1994 (Age: 20, Korean Age: 21)
birth place — Jeonju, SK
hometown —Seoul, SK

ethnicity — Korean
nationality — Korean

KOREAN — native — born and raised in korea
ENGLISH — semi-fluent — took and currently taking english classes

blood type — AB


kiyouni | imma | 8.5/10


— cuz you're amazing just the way you are;

face claim — Gam Dain
back up — Park Hyemin

height — 169 cm
weight — 50 kg

Hae Myung is born with beautiful face, a kind of face that looks like a queen or a goddess. She has the looks of an ice princesss but soon after you'll see the radiant and innocent face hiding beneath her cold-looking face. She's born with a pair of almond-shaped chocolate brown eyes and double eyelid. She has light brown hair since birth, and a milky white skin color. She has a toned-model type for being in the model insdustry for years, not too skinny nor y yet she has the curves. She also has a crown birthmark on her right arm, while her twin brother has it on his left. Lastly, she has delicate long fingers showing that she has a hands of a pianist. 

fashion style

— just like her i wanna be pretty;

Hae Myung's fashion style is a mixture of feminine and hiphop because she's the mix-and-match type. She likes to wear comfortable clothes, winter clothes, laced clothes, oversized shirts or plain cardigans that she can match with her variety of shorts, jeans and skirts. She wears dresses that are laced, plain colored or with minimal designs topped with cardigans or knitted shirts. Her choice of footwear are always flat doll shoes and sneaker-type shoes, she seldom wears high heels unless she needed to. She often wears snapback caps where she can hide her hair inside it. Whenever she's going out, expect her to always have a red Jansport knapsack on her back with black headphones around her neck. Lastly, Hae Myung always keep her hair tied or in a bun whenever she's in studios/practice room otherwise her hair is always laid down.

(left to right) dorm, dance practice, airport, casual, dress, formal



— love me for who i am, will you?

→ positive: laidback, respectful, good-natured, uprighteous, hardworking
→ neutral: honest, quiet
→ negative: standoffish, forgetful, passive, rude, insecure

"You know very well that I can't lie." During variety shows, interviews or any on-cam events, when Hae Myung is asked of something about her or what they do, she is notable for being honest like really telling them everything and whenever this happen the members always cuts her off. Because she's a Pinocchio (she'll hiccup when she lies that why she's honest all the time whether it can make you smile or frown), is the reason why she tends to be quiet, she's avoiding to reveal the dorm secrets and other stuff that even off-stage she reveals the pranksters, fault-doers and even bad news, either they will say "Aish Hae Myung!" or "Hae Myung, you shouldn't have said that".

"It's a pleasure to meet you sunbaenim." Despite having the dont-come-near-me-or-else aura, Hae Myung is civilized and respectful. She shows her nice personality to people who shows the same kind of nice-ness towards her thus making an impression that even if she's aloof, she's still a nice kid. Hae Myung is the kind of girl who doesn't speak much yet shows her respect in action.

"Ice Princess is always my first impression." She's often decribed as an Ice Princess because she doesn't speak unless she's spoken to and also she is quiet. She is something like a robot because when she approach people, she speaks shortly like a robot programmed to speak short but with complete thought. On the light side, Hae Myung speaks more than her usual four to five words in a sentence. Another thing that makes her an Ice Princess is she doesn't reveal her emotions easily, in other words reserved. She doesn't show much emotion that will make people think she doesn't care and just ignore everything around her. But she still reveals some emotion like happiness (when she's really happy to the point she looks like a laughing ahjumma), sadness, anger and other normal human emotions. She was considered an Ice Princess because she's a Pinocchio and not much of a talker.

"I have to work hard, I have to prove myself that I can be a good performer."  Whenever Hae Myung is at put to test her talent, skill or anything that proves her worth, she never fails to work hard and to show them that she can do it. Being a former child actress and model, nobody knew she can sing and dance and now is her time to show the world that she can do much more. Aside from that, Hae Myung is known to easily forget lines and choreography, this makes her work hard even more to remember them that she spent extra hours practicing her vocal range anc dancing parts. Another thing that shows her hardworking side is when she feels insecure, knowing how talented her members are she has the desire to achieve the same "talented" level that they are although she doesn't seem to her her "talented" self as well.

"They once told me that I'm an ice angel." Though she's standoffish, Hae Myung is still caring due to the fact that she always remind people close to her to take care of themselves (in the form of post-it notes). She's sweet too that she shows genuine smile when someone uplifts her silent aura, also gives sweet words or prepares something for you when she's really in a good mood to drop them. She's also gentle in a way that she will take care of someone who is sick or hurt because of her, if she knows it's her fault she will immediately take care of you but expect her to be silent (that's her way of saying sorry). Hae Myung is also uprighteous, something that makes her somewhat mature that she was once called Disciplinary Officer Ki because she always correct, teach or remind her unnies (again in the form of post-it notes) to always do the right thing even in the simplest situations but she always do it than saying it.

"Actually, I'm a clumsy goldfish in human form." Everyone knows that Hae Myung has a memory of a goldfish, it means she's forgetful. Forgetful not only in choreography and vocal lines but also in things and people. She even calls it her "auto-erase syndrome" because she completely forgot things, faces, names or anything that her "brain" thinks unncessary for her. On the bright side, there are things she remembers instantly or if she keeps on repeating and telling herself to remember that something. Sometime she will make post-it notes (this is where all the post-it notes come from) to remember everything. Not only forgetful but also clumsy, making any person's protective instinct arise whenever they are with her. Her clumsiness happens when she's half-asleep, her mind is wandering on other things or uninterested; the clumsiness can be seen in dance practices where she forget the steps and then you'll see her tumbling to the ground. Fellow member most of the time helps her getting up and remembering things but when she do, she gives her hundred percent even if just practice plus she takes extra effort by practicing either early in the morning or late at night to remember the choreography. Another positive note is that these clumsiness and forgetfulness never happens on stage, like some kind of a magic because at that time Hae Myung is possessed with determination to prove to everyone that she deserves to be an idol.

"I'm the little wallflower." Hae Myung is the kind of girl who's passive. Letting everything happen like whatever it may be she can adapt to the changes (because she knew she have to like nothing is permanent in this world). Even in group decision-makings, she let everyone decide but if something is not fair for her part or she started to hiccups during the meeting, that's the moment she speaks up. This shows her laidback personality or someone who doesn't like to panic; watching everything happens while people around her are in chaos. For Hae Myung, she rather let everything speak up or happen first before responding because she believes that summing up all suggestions or analyzing and understanding everything first will result to better and effective solution. She's the kind of girl who accepts things easily as they were but not all the time especially if her Pinocchio Syndrome attacks. At this moment, she will ask someone older to explain things to her so she can accept it and stop her hiccupping.

"I envy them, those people who are good with what they do that it makes me feel worthless." Although many people already acclaimed her singing and dancing talent, she can't help to feel insecure whenever she sees great artist performing on stage. She grew up in an environment where she was only taught how to strike a pose and act in front of the camera, for Hae Myung being an idol takes a lot of hard work for them to love. This is a why she feels insecurity, she can't help to lose her confidence lucky for her she has her family, friends and members to help her along the way.

"You know, it's best if you shut up." She can be careless (talk and action) if she's totally pissed off, angry or not in a good mood. She shows her rude side by saying harsh words, sarcastic remarks and straight-forward talking that shows off her sharp-tongue. She can be violent too but only if you pushed her to be. If you've done something (really) bad to her, she forgives but never forgets as she says "I will forgive you but I will never trust and believe you".


— likes

ONE — "Coffee, anyone?" coffee is her daily dose of essential vitamins
TWO — "Picture picture!" she loves to take worth-keeping photos of people, places and random things
THREE — "Have you read this one?" she loves to read novels of any genre for inspiration in music and life
FOUR — "What time is it? Winter time!" it is her favorite season
FIVE — "You are the music in me~" she expresses her emotions through music and singing to songs
SIX — "Bulgogi oh bulgogi, where art thou?" her all-time favorite dish that she can eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner
SEVEN — "Broom vroom!" she likes going to different places and appreciate their beauty
EIGHT — "I'm a daughter of Poseidon." She loves water, not only as a drinking substance but being in the water (pool, bathtub, sea etc.) makes her calm
NINE — "Look! I'm same height with the post." Unlike other people Haemyung likes to be in high places
ten — "An apple a day keeps the doctor away." her favorite fruit

— dislikes

ONE — "Tss, showoff." she hates arrogant people who thinks they're the best in everything
TWO — "I hope you're not a free-rider." she doesn't like people who don't have any hardworking bone in their body
THREE — "Enclosed places? no." she thinks she will be trapped in enclosed places and die from suffocation
FOUR — "Sorry, i don't eat chili." she believes that spicy food can hurt her voicebox so won't take any
FIVE — "I don't want to look like a walking clown" she doesn't like too much makeup on her face
SIX — "I'm not done speaking yet" she doesn't like people interrupting her when she speaks
SEVEN — "Don't touch it unless I told you so." she doesn't like people touching/using her things with her permission
EIGHT — "Are they gone?" she has fear of thunder and lightning therefore end up hating them because it scares her
NINE — "Get me out of here!" she has fear of holes (the kind of holes that are disgusting) that she get goosebumps and cries if she sees it for too long
TEN — "Aigoo, please stop." she gets teary and sulky when people laughed at her

— habits

ONE — haemyung talks nonsense when she's nervous
TWO — she has the habit of stating the obvious in every situation
THREE — she walks back and forth if she's troubled and bothered
FOUR — haemyung crosses her arms and bites her lower lip if she's pissed off or angry
FIVE — she strolls in nearby biking area whenever she's worn out or stressed
SIX — haemyung hides in the a large cabinet or under the bed/large table whenever she sees lightning and hears thunder
SEVEN — haemyung murmurs if she's soooooooooo done with anyone/anything
EIGHT — haemyung sends curious looks to everyone whenever she doesn't understand something in group meetings
NINE — haemyung pulls someone's clothes to catch his/her attention
TEN — haemyung sends death glare if she doesn't like anyone or anything or something that is said that she doesn't like

— hobbies

one — playing musical instruments
two — reading novels
three — sleeping
four — taking random photos
five — memorizing choreography and singing line
SIX — listening to music or watching variety shows
SEVEN — casually drinking coffee or eating pastries
EIGHT — watching korean dramas
NINE — bicycling or skateboarding


— other facts

→ she has coffee obsession (she loves everything related to coffee and can drink 3-4 cups of coffee a day) and bulgogi obsession (she loves bulgogi so much she can survive a day with only bulgogi as her food stock).
→ she is fond of fanservice.
→ she is a fan of Running Man and desperately want to be a guest.
→ she is a fan of Big Bang, Girls' Generation and Epik High.
→ she loves to eat sweet foods.
→ her favorite color is black, red and plum.
→ she can watch horror movies alone.
→ she knows how to play piano and guitar.
→ according to members, haemyung loves to dance to boygroup dances.
→ the only aegyo she mastered is the 'bbuing bbuing'.
→ she owns a crystal piano figurine, it's her treasured item given by her father during her 18th birthday.
→ she owns gold iphone 6 and canon dslr.
→ she can sleep anywhere, it means she can sleep wherever she finds a comfortable spot.
→ she has for plush toys.
→ she always order caramel frap in coffee shops.
→ she always had her headphones on wherever she goes.
→ she is the unofficial photographer of the group as she always takes picture of her members.
→ she always bring her phone, lip tint, pressed powder, disinfectant alcohol, earphones and snapback with her wherever she goes.
→ she was once asked who is her favorite actor, she answered ji changwook because she already saw him in a musical and was impressed by his calming singing voice.
→ her family's religion is catholic.
→ sometimes the fans are wondering if she's Jessica and Krystal's long lost sister because of the same cold personalities they share, hence crowning her as the Third Ice Princess of SMTown.
→ her English name is Ella Ki, Ella is derived from her persona Cinderella.

→ on one of their interviews in their debut era, she was asked how will they know if she likes a guy and she answered "Coffee if I like him and Chili if I don't." She was then called as the second Seohyun.
→ she's okay with eating alone, watching movies alone or doing things all by herself.

→ social media accounts
    — instagram : @kiyouni
    — twitter : @ki_haemyu
    — kakaotalk/line naver : @haemyungki

→ pre-debut experiences
    — 1996 - 1997 // Child Model, klent.co.kr
    — 1997 // Child Actress, Curry CF
    — 1997 - 2003 // Child Model, Esteem Modelling Agency
    — 1998 // Child Actress, Lotte Chaurin Tea  CF
    — 1999 // Child Actress, Today Is A Nice Day
    — 2012 // Female Lead, I Need You by K.Will
    — 2013 // Female Lead & Featured Singer, I Love You by The Papers


— you know my name, not my story, yet;

Ki Hae Myung was born in a happy family composed of Ki Joon Hyung and Yoo Hye Rim with Ki Jae Myung and Ki Ha Myung. She is the maknae of the Ki Siblings because she's younger to her fraternal twin brother, Ha Myung. Her father is a Executive Employee of a textile company while her mother is a former theater actress.

In 1995, her family moved to Seoul because her father was transferred to the main branch of the textile company her father is working for. She was just a normal elementary student when she was scouted by her father's officemate to be a model under the textile company Klent. Her family is confident about her looks and considering that the money will be earned from modelling will help her in college, they let her be a contract model for Klent. She became a popular kid in school because Klent is a famous online clothing shop for kids. Soon after, a child modelling agency scouted her and talked to her parents about her modelling stardom. Having the thought of saving up for college degree and knowing that Haemyung enjoyed being a model, they signed a contract that Haemyung will be a permanent child model for Esteem. The spotlight was on her when she started to have CF appearances and TV series appearance that she was somehow considered as a child actress.

However in 2003, Haemyung's contract in Esteem Modelling Agency expired and she wished to withdraw from the agency itself. She decided to focus on her studies, Haemyung knew that being a model won't last for long. She then started to focus on her middle school and high school year though it's not easy because people knew her as a child model. Some bullied her while others are be-friending her because she's popular, this made her exclude herself from others because she don't want to have fake friends and wanted to live a normal life as an ordinary person.

During those years of inactivity in the modelling industry, Haemyung focused on studying music. Her mother taught her how to play the piano, gutiar and even given her acting and voice lessons. That is also the time when she got addicted to Korean Pop Music wherein she bought merchandises, CDs and even attending concerts of her favorite groups. Her passion for music grew more after she started listening to Epik High songs. She's not really a fan but when she was dragged to an Epik High concert, their songs touched her heart and it made her promised to be like them one day, an idol to express and share music with others. Because of this interest, Haemyung asked her parents permission of granting her to audition in idol search contests. After having their approval, she auditioned for Kpop Star using Epik High songs yet she failed to make it to the top finalists but she remembered that the judges praised her for unique and powerful voice. Some of the judges from different label companies scouted her, she was planning on accept offers from small yet quality-wise company such as SM Entertainment.

Haemyung's passion for music and determination to achieve her promise, she auditioned to SMEnt using her favorite audition pieces accompanied by playing a guitar. They were shock to know that she was a former child model and asked her why she wanted to be an idol all of a sudden, she answered "After seeing a wonderful concert were artists and fans become one, I wanted to have that kind of connection." It's her first time to audition and she was thankful that she passed the necessary tests. 


— dear my family;


FATHER — ki joon hyun // 45 // executive employee // supportive, protective, humorous, strict // Hae Myung is actually a Daddy's Girl, she always follows her father which made Joonhyun protective and strict of his only daughter. Initially, he wants Hae Myung to pursue corporate jobs like him but after knowing how much Hae Myung loves dream, she lets her be and became the best supportive father to her. 

MOTHER — yoo hye rim // 39 // former theater actress // soft-hearted, hot-headed, understanding, authoritative // Hae Myung's role model is Hyerim, she wants to be like her mother. She lives according to what her mother had taught her, the good principles and discipline. As the only daughter, she is also close to her yet her brothers are closest to Hyerim.

OLDER BROTHER — ki jae myung // 24 // textile company employee // serious, kind, gentle, reserved // Jae Myung serves as her protector since her childhood. Being the eldest of the siblings, he already knew his responsibilties and duties as the eldest child. Jaemyung may be cold and reserve to others but he shows his kind and gentle side to his family especially for their dear Haemyung, he somehow treats her like a kid and lady at the same time.

TWIN BROTHER — ki ha myung // 20 // college student // charming, good-hearted, goofy, manipulative // Hae Myung and Ha Myung are very close to each other aside from the fact that they are twins. Ha Myung is the eldest therefore his protective and soft-hearted when it comes to her sister's needs and attention. Although you may notice how dominant he can be when he is with her twin sister, but his actions will show you how caring and gentle he is towards the person he protects the most. For Hae Myung, her twin brother is her hero that's why she respects him a lot.


— you and i, we are best friends;

BEST FRIEND — kang minyoo // 18 // SM Trainee // good-natured, helpful, talkative // they basically treat each other like sisters because Minyoo is her first friend when she first came to Korea. Another one is that she has this secret frustration of having a sister because she can't tell girl stuff to her twin brother. Minyoo is protective of Haemyung knowing how clumsy and forgetful she is, Haemyung's fragile-ness brings out her mother instinct whenever they are together.

CLOSE FRIEND — krystal jung // 21 // idol, f(x) // humorous, sassy, charming // she was a trainee, yet confirmed member SM's new girl group when she met Krystal. The latter at that time was struggling because of the issue of her older sister leaving the company, Haemyung met her in the bathroom that she heard someone crying. Although she knew she's not suppose to meddle with other people, she comforted and help Krystal in a way and they became friends. Whenever they are together, Krystal will tell her stories about them and Haemyung will also do the same. Sometime's they will hangout and do cute yet crazy stuffs together.


— Proving yourself is not bad, it's just showing them what God gave you.

STAGE NAME — Youni | it stands for You and I, fans ( you ) and Haemyung ( i ) together
FANCLUB NAME + COLOR — Younion the unison of Haemyung and her fans to share music together, combining Youni + Union + Crimson (#DC143C)
POSITION — Second Main Vocalist, Dancer

TALKING TWIN — Seo Joo Hyun / Seohyun

EXO BOYFRIEND — Park Chanyeol
Chanyeol was given to her because their height complemented each other, Chanyeol is tall and Haemyung is one of the tallest. Aside from, they knew that their opposite personalities would be good on-screen especially to create fanservice. Chanyeol treated her like an elegant lady, although most of time he take advantage of her pinocchio syndrome yet he never fails to make her smile with his antics. He is also protective of her because he knew how clumsy she is, that he sometimes call her as Lay's long lost sister because of Lay and Haemyung's similarities. Lastly, both Haemyung and Chanyeol knew that they should look like a real couple because most of the fans ship them together that they even do skinships such as holding arms, arm-linking and if the fans requested it, Chanyeol will kiss Haemyung's cheeks.

Unfortunately, J-Hope looks like a third wheel to the ChanYou ( Chanyeol + Youni ) pairing. He knows it and he's quite okay with it. Whenever the three groups gather and he sees the two together, he will immediately come in between them and take away Haemyung from Chanyeol. Same with Chanyeol, he also take advantage of Haemyung's pinocchio syndrome but in a funny way. The difference between Chanyeol's approach and J-Hope's is the latter is more of making her smile and laugh. If Chanyeol is in charge of taking care and protecting Haemyung like a wolf to her beauty, J-Hope is like bad boy clown that will make her laugh and irritate ( in a funny way because they most likely bicker at each other ) most of the time. Their couple name is Double H because their real names both starting in letter H.

"Um, excited? Nervous? Happy? Pressured? Technically, I'm having mixed emotions especially when the management announced that I got selected in the upcoming girl group. I'm happy because I finally, I mean I'm one step ahead of achieving my dream. I feel nervous and pressured because this is my first time to show my hidden talent to a lot of people and I know they have high expectations since we're talking about new SM girls. And I'm excited, I'm excited for Little Red that finally we have the chance to show them what we've got. Fighting Little Red!"



last comment — annyeong! this is my character haemyung, hope you like her. ^-^

scene requests —
» a date in the amusement park, hae myung got lost when it's raining and there's a thunder, leo is going crazy as to where he can find her knowing she's afraid of thunder. haemyung found her hiding in somewhere dark and haemyung after hearing his soft-spoken words, she went to his embrace just as another thunder strikes.
» haemyung and her favorite actor will be doing special drama (check out KARA's Secret Love Episode 5)
» girls will have an argument few hours before their performance
» girls will have a special stage with other boy group
» hae myung will have an argument with other member
» during their interview/guesting, everyone was asked to the an aegyo. she isn't fond of aegyo so when it's her turn she just said "oppa, keopi juseyo~" and did bbuing bbuing that made everyone laugh while she was super embarrased
» show suggestions: Running Man, Weekly Idol, Hello Baby, 2 Days 1 Night

password — 
Sugar Free
No No No
U You
Crazy Because of You
Number Nine

jung "leo" taekwoon | 24 | idol, vixx

— kim hanbin, 18, ikon

personality — 
Leo displays a scary aura around him whenever he walks because of the straight face he usually wear. He tends to be very quiet, reserved and stand-offish. He  seems very sweet and kind-hearted that it's just his image that is very mysterious. If you're not that important or close to him, he will clearly show his coldness by short talk and small gestures yet when he is with his friends he loosen up a bit yet maintains the cold persona. Leo is the type where once you get to know him, you'll fall for his violent, aloof, and shy sides where he cna be violent if you tried to pissed him, aloof 'cause he is like that most of the time and shy whenever someone tries to make him smile/laugh or give him compliments. Despite that, Leo is soft-spoken, slow to snap but wuick to react. If he's not aimlessly wandering around his own world (a.k.a solitude), he's probably just silently sticking to your side whenever you go.

With his demeanor, he's a person that does not speak unless spoken to, and the type of person who follows orders with no complaints unless it's unfair to him. When he speaks, he has a habit of sounding witty and straightforward, but his expressions and actions usually give away his real emotions and cuteness. He can be childlike sometimes, enjoying simple things, having happy times with his friends and making special person happy. Despite this, Leo is a guy that is quick to learn and is a good listener. He smiles when he's being yelled at, or simple returns to someone's smile politely, but he was never the type of person to actually respond to someone verbally.

Of course, he's kind and gentleman too but only shows it to Haemyung. He is kind and respectful to his co-workers and sunbaenims, bosses and to those with authorities. His sweetness is present whenever Haemyung is around, he will either smile, laugh, do cutesy mushy cheesy things and more. He will even show his unusual friendly side of him when he's with Haemyung.

Basically, Leo is having another personality or his angel-like personality if Haemyung is there but he goes back to his normal self when she's not in his side.

relationship — 
Since they are childhood friends, they both know how to interact with each other. Other than that, they seem to be a "good-for-each-other couple" because they perfectly match each other's quiet zones.

Since they only see each other through music shows and variety shows, they communicate through text messaging and calls. Whenever Leo has free time (free from schedules and anooying members) to call her, he will alert her first because he knows that they both have busy schedules. Haemyung iniates the conversation because she knows he's shy yet Leo is quite irritated with this knowing that he's supposed to the the first moves it's just his shyness that takes over. Whenever Haemyung knows he's annoyed, she will start teasing him and Leo would just annoys her with her Pinocchio syndrome so he can get his little revenge.

Whenever they go to secret dates, Haemyung brings out the protective and manly him because of her clumsiness, forgetfulness and honesty that always caused her trouble. He likes protecting her, it's his way of showing how much she means to him. He can be aggressive especially if Hae Myung doesn't pay attention to him, or if her mind is wandering off that Hae Myung may result to not paying attention to everything at all.

Leo is quite clingy to her that he is fond of doing skinship unlike what is mostly seen by the fans. He is more of a doer than a talker that Haemyung would be surprised by his suddent clingy-ness. They do skinship such as arm-linking, Leo's arm over Hae Myung's shoulder or him backhugging her which simply tells "Back off, Hae Myung is mine!". Leo always hold her hand and intertwine them together whenever they have time to be each other's sides, he will also steal kisses from her either in Hae Myung's cheeks or lips. Since he's taller than her, Leo always grab the oppurtunity to surprise her by backhugging or secretly whispering to her ears from behind. When he backhugs her, Leo rests his head above Hae Myung's head or shoulder. Lastly, when they're bidding each other goodbye Leo will hug her tight and kisses her head then bids goodbye.

history —
Haemyung and Leo were childhood friends, they entered the same school when Haemyung moved to Seoul. He is the first person outside her family to know that she has Pinocchio syndrome. At first, he makes fun of it everyday but when Haemyung was once bullied by that syndrome Leo promised to protect her and keep her Pinocchio secret.

When Haemyung started to become popular in school because she was a model, she gained many friends and eventually forgets her friendship with Leo that when she was about to rekindle their friendship, Leo already transferred to different school.

They met again during their trainee days, where they saw each other in the supermarket. Haemyung was sure that he noticed her and choose to ignore her existence, she was hurt yet she understand but fate was on her side when she was stranded on a elevator with him. She doesn't like being in enclosed places and Leo saw she's trembling and breathing heavily, he then hugged her and comforted her that everything will be alright.

After that incident, she thought they will never see each other again until one day Leo called her and asked for her condition. Haemyung is quite happy that finally, she's reunited with her childhood friend yet she didn't expect she will fall for him when they finally got to see each other often before Leo debuted with VIXX.




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