Body Shaming

Why do girls get shamed for showing their bodies wehn guys constantly get praised for it?For example when Miley Cyrus released behind the scenes pictures of her Terry Richardson photoshoot, she got called a "" or "" and "bad influence." When Selena Gomez announced she would be spending the vast majority of the movie Spring Breakers in a bikini, she quickly recieved the same treatment. However when Nick Jonas' photoshoot pictures for Flaunt Magazine were released, he recieved the titles "y" and "mature" or "grown up." 

Why is it ty when both girls covered their chests (for the most part -Miley did get a little frisky) but not when Nick literally d his crotch? Why did the females get lectured about their influence on kids and the children's actions but the guy was praised? And let's be honest, if you're letting a celebrity raise your child then the problem isn't the celebrity.

You might not care at this point, because maybe you don't see how it applies to women all around you. But think of it this way, school. Most schools have a dress code if they don't have uniform. At my school the dress code is a collared shirt, not too bad right? Wrong. Heaven forbid my shirt is sleeveless, or sheer, or too short, or too low cut, or ed, or the collar isn't a traditional polo collar. Girls get sent out of class to change or, if it's bad enough, suspended. You're taking away from her education when you send her out! Why does it matter? Is she distracting the boys? Is it because the boys are more entitled to an education.

This rant was inspired by the picture linked in the last paragraph and the comments I've read on the pictures linked above. I want to clarify that I'm not bashing any of the artists mentioned nor am I bashing their actions. This is based on the actions of people in reaction to the original action. Make sense? 

Guys all I'm saying is that there are double-standards in the celebrity world and in your everyday life, and we all need to be more aware of them.


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