✿ Little Red [ 작은 빨간 ]'s Devil in Disguise — Ahn Stella ✿


✿ ahn seulmi — Korean name.
✿ seul — A simple nickname given by her groupmates when they call her "Seul-ah!"
 cindestella — Spends her life with loving Disney Princess Cinderella, making people call her with this nickname.
 ddoki — Almost everyone call her this due to her bunny-like teeth.
 SEULTang — Unique nickname from V which means "Sugar", it should be Seoltang but because her name has Seul in front of it, he made it into Seultang.

birthday — May 5, 1997 (Age: 17, Korean age: 18)
birth place — San Fransisco, USA
hometown — Seoul, South Korea

ethnicity — Korean-American
nationality — Korean

english — Born and growing up in San Fransisco makes her fluent in speaking English.
korean — In San Fransisco, she does talk with this language with her mom and brother and she became fluent after she returned to Korea at the age of 14.
japanese — She learns it by the anime she's watching and her dictionary, although she isn't fluent in it, she understands a few things.
french — Although not fluent, she studies this subject at school a year before she moved back to Korea.

blood type — A

ahn stella

dearwinter | kim | 75 


— cuz you're amazing just the way you are;

face claim — Kim Jayoung
back up — N/A

height — 165cm
weight — 50kg

Stella has pale skin complexion although she used to be living in the USA. She took a great care of her skin and scrub it often to prevent tanning. No matter how much she likes tanned skin, she preferred to stay with her natural skin. After every summer, she will usually gets tan skin after sunbathing at the beach, and a few weeks later, it will change back into her pale white skin with only a few scrubbing & skincares. She has a tall figure due to her long legs, but she thinks she is currently a little bit overweight than any normal teenagers at her age. She easily gain weight and yet she eats a lot, but thanks to her long legs which perfectly made her looks tall and perfectly slim. Stella, when she has no make up on, has a little dark circle under her eyes due to sleeping late for the past months. She has a round-ish face with asian brown eyes, long eyelashes, small nose, tiny pink-ish lips and long light brown hair with bangs that almost reached her eyes. Despite her tiny appearance, she has a good strength because she likes going to the gym with her brother.

fashion style

— just like her i wanna be pretty;

Stella likes wearing what is currently trending at the moment. Like chic outfit sets, or even floral dresses. But on normal days, she will only wear casual shirt and shorts, that includes her outfit during practices. Her favorite outfit is something like, crop tee with shorts with a snapback and converse to complete her appearance. When it's formal, instead of heels, she prefers wedges although she still thought there's nothing wrong with wearing heels.

DORM —   


— love me for who i am, will you?

+ fun, loving, energetic, & considerate
- introverted, stubborn, inconsistent, & sensitive

"Hi, I'm Stella." — Stella is categorized as a shy and quiet girl at first, but after you get to know her better, she is probably going to be the most fun person to have around. She will listen to you, respond to your jokes happily, and will also be considerate toward you and the other people around her. She knows how people is currently feeling because she has the skill reading them just by people's behaviors. Stella is also very energetic, she has a lot of energy which makes her a dorky person who likes to prank. Sometimes, the prank fails, but once it succeeds, it will be epic and laughable. And that, brighten the mood of her groupmates and the people around her.

"Ya, I don't want it. And that's it!" — Stella is also quite stubborn especially when it comes to argument about something, like an opinion. When people disagree, a part of her naturally gives another argument to make them agree or believe in her words. She holds on what she thinks is right and she'll make sure everyone realizes it's right, too. Or else the argument will continue until it ends, or until she gets tired and cries. She is also considered inconsistent, this moment she says this, and later she says or act different. Sometimes she is good, sometimes she is fierce, sometimes she is neutral which could be annoying. Her sensitive side is what is probably matter to her the most, she has a quite sensitivity about something, and it hurts her in the inside everytime she felt incredibly sensitive.


— likes

one — Chatime | Her favorite is Pearl Milk Tea.
two — Music | It's like music has been glued into her soul, she is addicted to it, no matter what genre. As long as it gives good vibes, she will enjoy it until the end of time.
three — Cats | She thinks they are too cute, especially the fluffy ones.
four — Kids | She really does have a soft side for kids or babies, and she hopes someday she'll be able to hold her own in her arms.
five — Naruto | She collects the anime series and watches it when she has nothing to do. On vacations, she brings them with her plus the comics too.
six — Nail arts | Oh, she could change the nail arts every months.
seven — Western TV shows | Her favorite shows are The Vampire Diaries, Supernatural, The Walking Dead & Teen Wolf.
eight — The Heirs & She's My Lovely Girl | She likes Youngdo from The Heirs & Shiwoo from She's My Lovely Girl the most.
nine — Chicken | She likes eating anything that has to do with chicken, especially fried chicken.

— dislikes

one — Cockroach | Not just what she dislikes, she hates and fears it so much. She will even run or shriek when she sees a dead one.
two — Low battery | "My phone is my life, if it's dead, I'm dead too."
three — Coffee | She does like moccahino or capuchino, but the traditional black coffee? Don't expect her to drink it.
four — Veggies | "I sometimes eat veggies, that's for my health. But seriously, I'm not eating them everyday. I dislike it."
five — No connection | When this occurs, she will yell "AHHHHH!" "Andwae!" frequently.

— habits

one — Cursing in English | She will curse when she feels anxious or when she's wounded.
two — Changing languages | When she has something to say and she forgets what is it called/spoken in Korean, she will automatically speak about it in English.
three — Saving best for last | This occurs when she is eating, especially fried chicken. She leaves its skin for last to eat, and eats the meat first. She always did this, since she was a kid.
four — Quiet | She gets strangely quiet in all of sudden, like becoming stiff, when she is nervous.
five — Humming To Songs | Any song that's currently running across her head, she will start humming to it a second later.

— hobbies

one — Selfie | "To be honest, I love taking ton of selfies every occasions. I will delete which one is ugly, and post the best ones to social medias."
two — Variety/Reality Shows | She likes watching them on her phone ( via download ) or sometimes on TV channels. Her favorite shows are Running Man, Superman Returns ( but no longer following its updates ), and Weekly Idol ( she is a fan of Defconn oppa ). She also likes Mix & Match, because her friend is in it.
three — Naruto | "Yes, I do watch Naruto often! It's my most favorite anime, although I just recently start loving Persona 4."
four — Visiting her friends | She likes to visit her friends, even from another label.
five — Listening to music | "I have a lot of songs in my playlist. And I listen to them. It's about to reach like 400, maybe?"

— other facts

one — She is the cousin of EXO's Suho. Her mother is the sister of Suho's mother.
two — Her favorite anime is Naruto. Her favorite character is Kiba.
three — A proud mother of two cats named Doki and Mungmung. She also likes to bring the two to the practice room.
four — Her favorite song is Eyes, Nose, Lips by Taeyang.
five — Her western bias is Ian Somerhalder.
six — She is a self-proclaimed visual, which was only for fun.
seven — She says "Oh my god", "Aigoo", "Well", "Ya", and "Omo" a lot.
eight — If she isn't an idol, she says she wants to be an actress or vlogger.
nine — She likes to do boy-group dance especially EXO, BTS, WINNER, IKON and BIGBANG.
ten — Her favorite Running Man cast are Jongkook and Jaesuk & Favorite Superman Returns cast are Haru & Tablo, Seo Twins & Hwijae, Sarang & Sunghoon, Song Triplets & Ilkook.
eleven — She has polarod photos of herself with her important people placed on her bedroom walls.
twelve — "GDYB's Good Boy is seriously amazing. It makes you drool from afar." She likes GDYB's Good Boy, and also admits that GD is her ideal type.
thirteen — Instagram - @stellahn | Twitter - @littlestellahn | Snapchat - @stellababyy
fourTEEN — She befriends guys more than girls, that's why she have lack of girl friends in USA.
fifTEEN — She loves posting huge loads of snapchats in a day for her fans to see and watch.


— you know my name, not my story, yet;

"Once upon a time..." — Ahn Stella was born to a wealthy family in San Fransisco, USA. Her parents met when her father went to study in the USA, where he met her mother who went to the same college with him. Her mother is half American, while her father is full Korean. They are the perfect happy family until she turned 8, her parents divorced for personal reason and she decided to live with her mother along with her brother. A few months later, her mother dated a businessman windower with one son and got married a year later. At the age of 12, Stella got a half brother when her mother gave birth to a cute male baby. She loved her non-biological younger brothers very much like they're her biological brothers. While her father, she hadn't heard much from him since the divorce, all she knew was that he was also remarried to another woman and currently residing in Busan. 

"It's okay, I still have plenty of time." — Stella loves music. She was born with interest and talent toward music. So when her parents discovered this, they signed her to singing courses to expand her talent in music and she happily enrolled. She began entering singing competitions with her school friend who plays guitar to accompany her singing and won mostly second and first places in the competitions. As soon as she got older, at age of 13, she auditioned for Cube Entertainment online and was about to become a trainee but soon dropped off because her mother wasn't approving her. She only obeyed and left the company, continued to expand her singing skill and experiences by working for cafe and restaurant.

"The star is about to shine, mama!" — When she turned 15, she tried auditioning for S.M Entertainment and was accepted. With her older brother's help, her mother and stepfather finally approved her to become a trainee in the big company. She thanked her older brother so much and promised that one day she will make him and the rest of the family very proud. She then befriended a few fellow trainees during her trainee life, and when she was chosen to be one of the girls to debut this year, she got excited and called her family to announce it with happy tears.


— dear my family;

father — Ahn Jungsuk // 47 // Self-employee // Caring & Discipline // Biological father - daughter

mother — Yoo "Kim Soojung" Ashley // 45 // Housewife // Strict & Humble // Biological mother - daughter

brother — Ahn "Samuel" Saejun // 20 // Student // Protective & Kind // Biological older brother - younger sister

stepfather — Yoo Seunghyuk // 46 // Businessman // Understanding & Loving // Stepfather - stepdaughter

stepbrother — Yoo Ilkook // 11 // Student // Fun & Polite // Stepbrother - stepsister

STEPBROTHER — Yoo Ilsook // 5 // Student // Caring & Impulsive // Stepbrother - stepsister

cousin — Kim "Suho" Junmyeon // 23 // Idol - EXO // Responsible & Polite // Cousins


— you and i, we are best friends;

bestbuddy — Caleb Scholar // 17 // Student // Outgoing & Considerate // Stella and Caleb are bestfriends since she was in Elementary. They went to the same school since elementary to junior high, but they parted when she had to move to Korea. However, they still talk via social medias until now. Caleb also loves singing just like her, the two used to sing together in her room at weekend nights, even her mother told him to sleepover sometimes.

golden bestie — Jeon Jungkook // 17 // Idol - BTS // Kind & Fun // Jungkook and Stella share a great friendship, the two protects and take care of eachother. His groupmates called them the golden twins, because the two loved to do all things, and capable in doing almost everything although she isn't as golden as he is. They often talk about V as well, which he happily responds everytime, knowing that V is his friend.

exo bae — Byun Baekhyun // 22 // Idol - EXO // Fun & Dorky // Ever since he was picked as her EXO boyfriend, the two became closer. Sometimes, since their dorky sides blended in together, they can annoy the people around them with their slightly goofy behavior. When the two do play fights, it starts out funny, and ends up funny too.

her oppa — Kim Jinhwan // 21 // Idol - iKON // Kind & Polite // When Jinhwan was still in S.M as a trainee, Stella liked to follow him around because some things about him made her impressed and one of it was her impression on his singing skill. Jinhwan noticed her and said hi, the two started talking since then. They never knew they'll be best friends. And since he is older, Stella calls him "Oppa", with playful tone, which was to his entertainment most of the time.

her best guy — Goo Junhoe // 17 // Idol - iKON // Caring & Sassy // They met because of Jinhwan. When she wanted to visit him, she saw Junhoe was there too. At first they ignored eachother, but Junhoe couldn't seem to calm down when she was unable to visit Jinhwan for two weeks. Jinhwan started to tease and match them often, sometimes leaving them in Starbucks together. Junhoe likes her, but Stella only thinks of him as a friend, older brother figure. Nothing more.

frost bae — Jung "Krystal" Soojung // 20 // Idol - f(x) // Outgoing & Friendly // Despite her cold expression at first met, Krystal is actually a very nice person. Stella is happy to have an unnie in SM like her, because the two can make a very long conversation once they started talking and she liked it. Krystal also often gave her advices and tips, so that she won't be lost once Stella and her group debuted.

Devil in disguise

"don't judge someone based on their looks, you never know what is hiding inside."

stage name — Stella
fanclub name + color — Stelfies + #ff9999
position — Main Vocalist & Rapper

singing twin — Red Velvet's Wendy
dancing twin — Sistar's Soyou
rapping twin — Red Velvet's Seulgi
talking twin — Sistar's Soyou

exo boyfriend — Byun Baekhyun
how he treats you — Baekhyun knows how to impress the girl, he treats her sweetly like a candy and protects her from any other guys, that includes V. He likes to show how he wins her heart in front of V, to show that he is better than him. Baekhyun teases and jokes with her quite often because he likes to see her laugh and smile that he thinks are adorable. On stage he will show his best fierce look toward V, and then gives playful smirk to Stella.

bts boyfriend — Kim Taehyung / V
how he treats you — Doesn't wanna lose, V shows everything to impress her too. He even treats her like his princess, and he is the prince. He takes care of her, pay attention to her and keeps her safe more than Baekhyun can. His dorky side is also impressive, just like Baekhyun, and both boys know the ways to touch her heart with it. It makes her confused who to hang out with at the day, because they have different ways everyday. Onstage, he shrugs his shoulders and roll his eyes to respond Baekhyun and winks at Stella to support + impress her, again. So basically, he does what he thinks will beat his rival and win her heart.

how do you feel to be debuting soon? are you excited for little red? — "Yes, I really want to debut soon. Can't wait. I like the concept, EXO and BTS becoming rivals. Who knows what's going to happen? I.. I just really can't wait to debut soon. I've been training hard for two years, and I want to make my family proud of me."


last comment — I don't have any, but if you have any comments for the app or anything, please do tell. : )

scene requests —
I'll write my own ideas, aha! ^ ^

password — cheatsheet bruh : D

send the application

return to the story

kim taehyung | 19 | idol, bts

— Goo junhoe, 17, idol - ikon

personality —
"I can't have mercy on your ovaries, sorry." — Onstage or MVs, V tends to show a badass and mature image. And it works perfectly. Fangirls died the second he appeared on their computer screen, some shrieks because of his overload iness, some others are unknown. Everytime he gives the badass and mature image, it seems like he's not going to have mercy on you and your ovaries. So beware, better don't watch any of his onstage or music videos if you don't wanna fall to the deepest cliff of hotness.

"I wumbo, you wumbo, we wumbo." — Offstage, V is a completely different person. He is that goofy yet dorky 4D alien of the group. He will be able to make you smile widely and sweetly and even laugh. He pulls off pranks to his groupmates and close ones, as a sign of how much he is happy to have them around. He is very polite and kind toward other people, including his fans, which is far from his onstage image that makes him look arrogant and careless. When he cares about someone, he will care deeply about you, so basically you'll never regret having him as your acquaintances/friend.

relationship —
"I like you, I just don't know how to say it." — They like eachother. Stella likes him, V likes her, but the two haven't got the courage to speak up about it yet. As what we know, V is the least experienced in dating. He is awkward when it comes to his crush, but he tries with his best to hide the awkwardness in him. After asking his best pals, Jimin and Jungkook, he practiced to give her some kind of signs or codes about his feelings as what they told him. He started treating her like a princess, making her feel special and happy. He started to enjoy having her around, and enjoyed treating her more than friends, because he could feel how to be treated back by her.

"Wanna go out for dinner with me?" — Stella responds to his signs very well, which results to him being a lot more nervous around her due to the increasing feeling toward her. One day he gathers his courage with the help of his best pals, to ask her out later that night. When she accepts, he grins widely toward her, and once she left, he jumps around and announced the answer to his best pals. Stella herself was happy, she almost shrieks when she comes back to her practice room, because he finally asks her out. They were presumably dating, but they haven't talk about this to S.M or Big Hit yet. However, the two starts hanging out to movies or dinner during spare times quite often - and even took selfies together and post them to their social medias.

history — 
"Collaborating?" — They first met on a meeting involving EXO, BTS and Little Red which the meeting gave an announcement that S.M and Big Hit were going to be collaborating since that day. He saw her and observed a little, only to find himself thinking of her before sleeping later that night.

"Hi." — As we know, Stella is kinda introverted to the new people she just met. And there she was, shy and talkless whenever he was around. First time they talked was when he greeted her with a smile and she greeted back, "Hi", with a smile back. It made him interested about her even more, this time he tried to be more aggressive than before. He sat close to her and texted her, etc.

"Jaljjayo~!" — The more they got closer, the often they talked. In person, and on the phone. It was at first awkward because they didn't know how to start after they ended a conversation, and how to end after they started a conversation. But the two got used to it faster than their expectation, she often ended the chat at nights with a sweet good night or jaljjayo. When they met in person, the two often tried to break the silence and awkwardness between them by asking out to cafes or any other places for usual couples to date.



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