not my best work, that's for sure XDD
so many flaw, but i'm tyring new thing

prompt #7 : A Ticket to the Other World

edit 0228 : 
prompt #2 : BREAKDOWN
I think this one looks good for once


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The first one is good! My only suggestion is that instead of blending (which I'm guessing is the primary medium you used) you could try and mix in cutting as well, so you don't have to put in more textures/stocks to try and transition between two other stocks. Also, when you use blending as your primary medium, you risk the chance of overblending/erasing, such as background showing through Chen's face. Also, underblending of the lamp to the right. Other than that, I really like your usage of stocks! It's lovely~

I love Breakdown! You know how much I love my reds XD