Of Hearts and Fangs - The Fae - Nathanael Faye

Nathanael FayE

TheElitist / Ellie / 8 out of 10

character name

Nathanael Faye


Nathan - A short version of his name that he rather be called; he isn't very comfort with people saying his name because they mostly misprounce it and it is a pretty big pet peeve with him. 

birthdate & age

February 18th, 1890 || (appearance) 18 or 19, (real age) 125 years old

birthplace & hometown

Glasglow, Scotland


Scottish- Korean


Korean (fluent), Scottish Gaelic (fluent), English (conversational)

the outside.

face claim & backup

Tetsuya Kouroke || Seijuro Akashi (Gallery)


Nathanael tends to stick to clothing that flows with him as he walks, he can't handle clothing that sticks to his skin like it's painted on him, but nor does he like to have clothing baggy on him that he looks like he is swimming in them.

Standing at a whopping 165.1 cm (5ft 5in) in height and a 56.7 KG (125 lbs), Nathanael has both ears pierced many times, but other than that, there is no markings on his body, mainly because the ink in tattoos melt off once he starts to produce the poison from his skin. 

the inside.


Cold - Just like the waters of the Southern Ocean Basin, Nathanael is cold as ice, he doesn't take to people because of several personal reason, and as such, he doesn't feel the need to be friendly to people aorund him. 

Brave - Nathanael is the first to look into everything, he runs head first into danger and just grins while at it. He doesn't cringe when dangerous things happen, but he also doesn't allow things to happen, he is brave enough to stand up for himself (and/or other people in the story.)

Careless - Nathanael is a type of person that he could go running head long into a fight, with no care for himself nor the outcome. But he doesn't accept other people's feelings that well either so he mainly brushes them off and just ignores them.

Goofy - Disspite being cold to everyone, he still takes joy in dancing and singing, something that some people never see, but when others do, they can't help but giggle and laugh at the boy becuase he looks like an octopus flailing about. 

Creative - Creativity comes from the mind, he tends to run around like an idiot and build things, putting the things that were cluttering up his mind in form. 

Distant - Distance means not knowing someone, Nathanael has no one that he really relies on, no one to call a friend, until the kitsune forces him to come around. 

Sharp Tongued - Say something out of term to him, and he can tear you down in seconds; come in feeling ten feet tall, mess with him, and leave feeling two inches tall, Nathanael doesn't play around when it comes to defending himself. (As the story develops, his friends as well.)

Territorial - His room and his little sanctuary (a fort in the forest) is under his guard, he may seem like a small fry, but step into his realm and he will toast you in minutes, not to mention, leave you with a reminder not to mess with what is his. 

Good listener - He seems to have a good ear, he has because one of the sound boards for many of the girls in the classes that he takes; something he has no idea how it happened. His attitude isn't much, but becuase of that, he just listens to everyone and everything, observing. And the girls have picked up on that, so they talk to him, even though he never really answers back.

Intelligent - Wisdom is said to have been passed from linage, and as it has been said, Nathanael has many years to leanred about the humans at Cross Academy.


- The forest around the school because the fae are creatures of nature.
- His room that has been made his own and the fort in the forest.
- Blackouts in storms, he likes to stare at the rain from his window. 
- A good cup of tea, his favorite is Earl Grey, and if you can make him a cup the way he likes, you may get a rare smile. 
- Painting his nails different colors, something he picked up from all the girls that tend to flock around him.  


- Glumy days that have everyone around him so slow and bored, makes him feel uncomfortable and even makes him crabby at times. 
- Arrogant girls and boys, he tries to aviod them the best he can, because he knows that he might snap if one of them gets too close to him and tries to target him. 
- The color blue, his hair gets him in enough trouble because everyone thinks he dyes it that color. 
- Tight and baggy fitting clothes that make him feel like he isn't really in the clothing rather the clothing was wearing him. 
-Too many people around crowding him, he can't handle it as it flashes him back to the castle where people taunted him.
- Chipped nail polish, he can't stand how it likes, makes him feel like he needs to run and fix it right then.
- Choclate, enough said. (Explained in funfacts.)
- Hunters, many seem to think that he is a low nymph or even a spirte, something that erks him so badly; but his main emotion for them is disgust, having seen many Fae tribe slaughtered by them.


- He has at least two bottles of nail polish on his person at all times, painting his nails are something that makes him smile because he can control something apart of his appearance. 
- His hair is his narutal color, he doesn't dye it. 
- He built a fort deep the forest so that he can be close to nature; it's covered in paint, has many plants growing inside of it, making it seem like a jungle. 
- The bonds that holds his powers back can't be undone unless the person is human; they have to bond with him (friendship), accept him when they find out about his heritage, and protects him.
- He has a stuffed red and yellow dragon on his bed, a plushie that was sent to him when he was five from his father's family tribe. 
- Father was killed by a Hunter named 'Savannah Lee'; an American hunter that frames the wings of the dead Far in her hunting headquarters.  
- He can't stand the smell of choclate, somehting just throws him off and he gets dizzy; almost like it was a drug for him. (A reason why is because a certain ingrediant in chocolate is sort of a toxin for Fae.)  
- Falls in love with the Kitsune's full shift form, one of the things that makes him out to be a softy because of his undying love for the animal.
- He put 'Faye' as his last name just for a kick to see if anyone else would get it.
- Can be caught sunbathing on the roof of his dorm. 
- Never willing to admit it, Nathanael's pointed ears are his one weak spot, he will melt if someone nibbles or the points of his ears. It's the only ual weakness that he has without his clothing being ripped off.
- He likes to wear onsies that have hand covers.
- Nathanael also talks in his sleep, but in his native Fae language. (Noelia translates it one day just to see what he is talking about.) 

the outside.


The Beginning - Nathanael is one of the two children to the Queen of the Fae; but to use his full title, he is "The Child Best Forgotten' because his blood had been tainted with a fae's blood that wasn't of royal blood. He is the youngest, but he was treated like a doormat rather than a real child. Being that his mother was the Queen of the Faes and his father was merely one of the Fae people of the amazon, he has many untapped powers because of the bonds that were placed on him after birth. He isn't a darling child, he was raised in the palace of the royals, but because he wasn't treated as such, he tends to be rather cold to people around him. He doesn't believe in many things, friendship is (and still is) one of the things he never trusted or truly believe in. 

Childhood - Nathanael was a good child in the eyes of most parents, looking for hugs, always on time, never disrespectful, quiet, thoughtful, peaceful, and obedient. But merely because of his blood, he was kicked around and never truly seen for who he was, the child of the Queen of the Faes. Never liked evne by his own brother, Nathanael was put through hell by his own family. He would always react and get upset because of the teasing that his brother put him through, the hits and the pushes, were thought that it was his brother's way of showing love to him; a child would only think so.

Teenhood - As the little child grew up, he changed for the better, he found out that just becuase of his hertiage, he was being penalised for his bloodline. His behavior changed from how he was as a child to being cold and distant, dishearting, and somewhat cruel to people who were to talk to him. There was no more of the teary eyed Natty, but Nathanael who would sooner land you on your than let you look at him a crossed way. He never liked people since he had started to learn the reason everyone was the way they were. He looked into the human and found that even there money and power ruled through and through. He began to spur everything around him because of what he had been through, but as that begun, his powers at the age of fifteen (15) were being tapped into. Even the Queen of the Faes was interested to see what the bastard of the family would have been given for his soul element; but just like that, Nathanael disappeared from the Fae realm because it never felt like his home...


▪ Pure Silver Katana blade with a handle craved from dogwood; sheath soaked in Weeping Willow maple to get the color


▪ Plant Manpulation - Everything around him, plantwise, always shifts to him, he needs it, as if to comfort him or even to survive in a way. (He needs to be able to be around plants because a part of him is nature itself, meaning he needs the light and rain just like the plants he draws to him.)
▪ Poison Skin - As a benefit from his own father,  Nathanael's skin starts to secrete a poison that is produced by a poison dart frog (batrachotoxin). Immunity to all poisons is one of the upsides. (No control over the power. A kiss from him could and would cause death in a swift blow.) 
▪ Mind Control - Nathanael produces pheromones that make people /VERY/ open to his suggestions. (But strong minded people and fend it off.)
▪ Healthing Properties - Not that Nathanael, himself, can heal on command, but he heals much faster than most creatures because of the plant properties that live inside of him. He has knowledge of all types of plants and can tend to wounded, mainly his friends. 

Royal wings - being of royal blood, Nathanael is gifted with six feather wings that gleam golden, silver, white, and mulitudes of browns  

the one and only.

love interest

Ichiru Kiryu

backup love interest

Hanabusa Aido


Driven by revenge, Ichiru isn't a really good person at the first glance, but when looked at really well, Ichiru is shown that he is a loyal person, someone that will do whatever is needed to make sure the other person's wish comes true. He is unsociable from what people can tell because he tends to keep to himself and even more clueless when feels are invovled. Not to mention the fact that his twin brother always gets his bad temper going, not to mention the girl that seems to follow his brother along in a fox form. But being alone all the time, Ichiru has a sweet and kind side that is buried deep inside of him because he was always weak as a child and even taken seriously, much like Nathanael himself as a child. The dangerous and deadly aura around the male was what seemed to draw Nathanael in, becuase he could never resist a challenge. Ichiru is also curious of the other creatures at Cross Academy, something that gets in in trouble with the Acadmey Guardians. 


It starts out as a plan to avoid each other, either really had a reason to interact. But as Zero gets to his brother because he was saying things about Fae creatures, Ichiru ends up using Nathanael as a sound board much like the girls at the Cross Acadmey; with leads to Nathanael finding the sweet and kind side of the twin. Though becuase Ichiru is rather clueless about feelings, he doesn't understand why he had been looking at Nathanael and wanting to understand him. It continues with love from afar, before Nathanael confronts him about the stares and Ichiru shows his true colors with a kiss that stunned Nathanael, who -even for his brave natural - becomes shy and flees, but he starts to notice the other male even more, So it comes to a point where they like each other, but don't want to admit it (again for Ichiru), so it it forced out of Nathanael by Noelia. It comes to where, both Ichiru and Nathanael fight a lot because they are so alike, but when it comes down to it, they are each other's and wouldn't have it any other way. 

last messages.


I would love it if you could show how Nathanael develops throughout the story? Gaining friends and that type of thing, but still keeping him cold enough to where they just put up with him but still love him.

And I really hope that you don't mind that I made him gay, or the fact that I used Zero's twin at that. 

scene request

- I would dye for everyone around him can't see the other four of his wings, but once he is hurt badly, the magic hiding them disappears and people start to question him about it.
- Nathanael was being picked on, but Noelia saw it and tears into the people for what they were doing and Nathanael is in awe but wary. 
- Ichiru angers Nathanael so badly that Nathanael refuses to talk to him; but Ichiru plans to get him back; then Nathanael starts to notice new plants around in his fort, until one day he sees Ichiru walking to the fort (which he didn't know that Ichiru knew about the fort) and planting the little flower, Nathanael understands it is an apology.


I have no clue if I am going to do this right, but here you go... <3



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