MY 'PROJECTT'!!!!! and i wnt u guys 2 join ;)))

OOKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!! hey guysss xxx

I'm doing a 'project', its not relly a project its jst somthing that i want 2 do and i want u guys 2 join if u cn!,

Ok so what u guys need 2 do is:

Get anything like a T-shirt, shoes or watever and make it into something 2 do with kPOP 4 example, im doing a T-shirt and im gonna write shinee stuff on it !!, and i might do some sneakers/shoes or somin else and you can do as MANY AS U WANT!!! and then you guys simply take a picture it can LITERALLY! b anything but nothing rude! HAHA! :PPP,

I hope u guys enjoy this 'project' ill b doing mine soon i hope :DDD, and i cnt wait 2 c ur pics xx and it dsnt have 2 b perfect it can b messy!! its the thought that counts right?, so i hope u guys are able to do this xxx

thnx u guys 4 readinnnngg bye byeeeeeeeee!! ;))


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