Hi There Fellow Inspiring Fanfic Writers! *awkward greeting*


Hello! ThatChineseGurl15 here! (no need to panic I know how to spell 'girl' XD)

Okay, some things to go over here:

- My grammar could be extremely bad you could be screaming at this and my fanfics.

- Yes, I am Chinese.

- The '15' in my username stands for 2015 not 15 as in age. Disclaimer; I am 13.Dundunduuunnn

- I live in England unfortunately I am not a 'posh-nosh'. Plus, I don't eat scones and crumpets everyday.

- I am a rookie at this (if you are a kpop lover, you might want to know that I've been into kpop for 5 months :D)

- Sorry if in the future I will be very lazy to the point where I won't bother writing XD

- I'm going to try posting/writing at the weekend, sometimes weekdays if I have the time :)

Now, that's all done I need your guys help. Because I'm new here and everything, FAQ isn't very helpful so I need to know these things:

- How do I make chapters?

- Can you cook chicken for me?

-Can you cook some frrench fries for me, juseyo?

- How do I make my story?

As you can see, I LOVE FOOD. but I guess everyone loves food, right?

It would be great if you could answer my questions because I'm just lost right now. When I am ready though, I have a full plan for what I'm going to write!

Leave any questions or answers in the comments below :) (if there are comments XD). Thank you!


ThatChineseGurl15 signing out :)


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hopelesswriter #1
(not exactly an 'inspiring' fanfic writer, just a nosy blogwalking one anyway...but...) Hello...welcome to AFF....:)
well, i can try answer some of the questions maybe...
- to make story: just look at the blue(or green if it's old version) tab on top of the page, and click the one labeled 'Write' and you're on your way to create story..after you've done filling up title, tags, description of your story and some other things you might want to add as you can see on that page, click 'save changes' to publish...make sure the 'draft' box is uncheck if you want the fic to be seen. Unless you want it to be draft first.
- to add chapters, well...after you've published your fic, you'll be able to see 'add chapter' button on the left side of your story page...
- i have some fries and chicken patties in my freezer and i can cook for you but i won't be able to give it to you so i'll have to help you eat it as well, which i won't since it's late night over here...lol. so, sorry no help on this one...:p
Enjoy your time in AFF n if anything about the fic explanations are still unclear, maybe you can hop on to fanfics posted in this site and observe the formations etc. The FAQ comes in handy too. ;)