Oneshot collection question... + reasons for disappearance

I don't know who will read this-but thanks if you clicked on my blog.

I was wondering, if its sensible to make my oneshot collection shared between Baekyeol and HunHan, so I can keep all my oneshots in one place. What do you think of this? Do, tell me, if you think this is better, than creating different stories for every HunHan oneshots...?

Please comment, and help a puzzled idiot out. Thanks OTL

I would also, like to take this opportunity to apologise for the indefiite hiatus we are on, as a trio of ZeroPrincesses and not updating, at all for a LOOOOONG time. We will get back soon. I'm busy with resitting school so much coursework, Im dying OTL. Thenu with her additonal studing antics even when she's offially done with school , L with her part time work with the balance of tuition and studies. We are working hard, to come back and get our futures bright, so hang in there, and wait for us.

We love, you, and miss you all alot.


Hope to be back soon,
signing off, 
                Abi xoxo


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Don't worry, we'll wait patiently for you all to return ^^
Hi and welcome back!

Everything in one place is definitely a lot easier to handle and organize, that's for sure.
RainaSeoyounKo #3
Heey you're back :)

I think moving it in one place would be easier aha^^
It's good to see your back :)

I think all in one place is more ideal.