Chapter 9

We Belong Together

Joohyun POV


When I woke it was very cozy and warm. That's because my mommy and unnie were both holding and squishing me tightly. I don't mind though because I love them. I gave each of them a peck on the cheek before running to the bathroom.


After using the bathroom I decided to let my mommy and unnie sleep. My tummy started grumbling, so I went to the kitchen. It was really quiet, so I tried not to be loud. I opened the fridge and found the sweet potatoes that unnie bought me last night. Mmmm sweet potatoes my favorite.


I tried my best to get them, but they were too high. As I tried getting my sweet potatoes I heard footsteps coming so I hid under the table with the table cloth.


"Awwww…" the person yawned, "hm? Why is the fridge open? Did Sooyoung unnie come by again? Eh whatever."


I thought the person was gone, but then a pair of legs poppe up under the table. I tried being quite, but I really had to sneeze. My little nose couldn't take it anymore and "achoo!"


"Huh? What was that?" The girl said and began to lift up the table cloth. "Ahhhhhh!!!" She shouted as soon as she saw me.


I was scared so I ran out from the table and tried running out of the kitchen to my mommy, but someone stopped me.


"Well hello there. Who are you?"


"I-I'm S-seo Joohyun." I politely bowed.


"Well aren't you a kind one and cute too. How did you get in here? Did you sleep her last night? I heard Jessica had someone over?"


I quietly nodded to all her questions. "My mommy couldn't pick me up, so Jessica unnie picked me up!"


"Oh is that so!" The women smiled, "So Joohyun-ah are you hungry?" I nodded.


"I wanted the gogumas, but I can't reach it."


"Well why didn't you ask I'll help come on." She held out her hand for me to take and I did.




"So mom whose kid do you think she is? Unnie's?" Krystal asked while observing the happily eating sweet potato girl.


"No she wouldn't have hid something like that from us for what five years? Plus, she's never really left the house for more than a week. We would have known if she was pregnant. Maybe she's just being nice and babysitting."


"Really Sica unnie babysitting. She could barely babysit me."


"Because you are the devil and she is the sweetest angel."


"Omma! How could you say that about me!!" Krystal yelled.


"I'm just kidding you know I love you."


"Ajumma I'm done!" Joohyun chanted.


"Great honey! And you can call my halmoni! Okay?"


"Okay Halmoni!" Joohyun shyly smiled, "Halmoni can I go play with the toys?"


"Sure sweetie go ahead and take your grumpy auntie Krystal with you."


"Omma!!!" Krystal whined and pouted.


"Just go!"


"Fine!" Krystal huffed, crossed her arms, and followed the little girl to the playroom making Omma Jung giggle and shake her head at the site if her grown childish daughter.




On the other hand upstairs in Jessica's room, the two figures wear calmly sleeping in each other's arms. Without Joohyun as a barrier the two scooted closer without knowing it. Tiffany was using Jessica's arm as a pillow and her arms were around Jessica's waist.




"Sooyeon! Sooyeon!" A little was jumping on the bed next to her sleeping best friend, but it nothing. "Come on Sooyeon!!! Stop sleeping! Let's go play!"


"Mmm!!!" The sleeping girl moaned.


"Please Sooyeon-ah!! I'm going to kiss you if don't wake up!" The eye smiling one said and she crossed her arms.


Sooyeon then open one of her eyes then shut them tight and pretended to keep sleeping.


"I saw that! So you are awake!"


"No I'm not!" The girl replied.


"Yes you are. Now let's go play!" Miyoung jumped off the bed and dragged her friend along with her.


"I really can't keep up with her." Sooyeon thought.


Just as Miyoung was dragging Sooyeon out to play she realized it wasn't Miyoung, but her mother. When she turned around the figure of Miyoung was far from her and it kept getting further and further.


"Wait Omma!! I need to say bye! I need say bye to Miyoung!" She struggled to get out of her mother's grip, but it was no use. "Miyoung-ah! Miyoung-ah!" The little girl screamed with tears flowing from her eyes.


"Here to remember me by." Miyoung's voiced echoed.



Jessica woke up covered in sweat and paralyzed. Then she realized it was just a dream. Just then something or someone started to hug her closer. When she looked she was shocked to see a sleeping Tiffany in her embrace. She tried sliding out of the girls hold on her which was impossible.


"T-Tiffany! Tiffany wake up!" Jessica shook the girl. "Tiffany wake up!"


"Hmm?" Tiffany lifted her head up with her eyes still closed.


"Tiff can…can you let me go?" Jessica awkwardly asked.


"What are you talking about?" Tiffany asked back, but then opened her eyes to realize how close she was to Jessica. She then quickly released her grip and climbed off the bed, "Um…I'm sorry."


Jessica chuckled, "It's fine. Now since we're up let's get showered."


"What? I'm not showering with you ert!" Tiffany then covered her chest with her arms.


"What! I meant lets get ready separately! You're the ert for thinking that! Just go shower I'll get you some clothes." Tiffany did as said Jess just rolled her eyes. As she got up to get Tiffany some clothes she came across a small pink heart shaped necklace.


"Here! To remember me by!"


Jessica smiled thinking about her. She really missed her. It's been years since she's seen her. She always hopes to see her again soon. The one who gave her the necklace, she was the most important person to her when she was a kid. She swore that she loved her, but who knows they were kids.


"Hey Jess you can use the shower now!" Tiffany said.


When Jessica looked up she saw a Tiffany with only a towel covering her body and her hair dripping wet. She couldn't help, but blush.


"Why? Why? Aren't you wearing anything?" Jessica looked away and stuttered.


"You said you'd get me clothes remember?"


"Oh yeah…um…here!" Handed the clothes to Tiffany that was in her hand trying to avoid eye contact, "I'll just um get showered now." Jessica said lowering her head and rushing into the bathroom.


After Jessica close the door Tiffany sighed.

"Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!" Tiffany was saying to herself while hiring her head. "You're so stupid Tiffany. You couldn't wait for her just to leave the clothes by the door. You just had to go out like this with no make up and your hair all messy. What does she think of you know?"




After getting dressed Tiffany decided to head downstairs and let Jessica finish getting dressed. She was going to wonder around the big house looking for Joohyun, but knew exactly where she'd be.


"Joohyun-ah!" She called out.


"Mommy!" Joohyun smiled and hugged her mom, "Did you sleep well mommy?" The little girl asked and Tiffany nodded. She blushed a little thinking about how she woke up. "Good!" She said before going off to play again.


"So you're her mom?" Krystal asked.


Tiffany jumped up not knowing the girl was in the room as well. Tiffany nodded to her question.


"Phew, for a moment I thought she was unnie's kid. Anyways where is she?"


"She's finishing getting ready."






The atmosphere became quiet and awkward with only the sound of moving toys.


"Um…so what's your guy's relationship like? Friends, colleges…girlfriend?"


"Girlfriend? What?! That's ridiculous! No! We just work together!" Tiffany retorted.


"Woah no need to get all offensive. I was just wondering."


"Krys I made some cookies if yo-" Omma Jung said before she caught sight of Tiffany. "Oh who are you?"


"I'm Tiffany Hwang. I work with Jessica and I'm Joohyun's mother."


"Oh well nice to meet you Tiffany. It's nice to meet Jessica's girlfriends once in a while. Especially because never brings them over."


"Oh no I'm not her girlfriend. I'm just a friend."


"Oh well still nice to meet you. Cookie?!" She smiled and lifted up the plate of cookies.


"Don't mind if I do." Tiffany smiled and took one and took a bite. "Mmm, it's so good. This reminds me of when I was a kid and this ajumma would always make me and my friend cookies."


"Really? Well I’m glad that you like it." Mrs. Jung smiled and offered one to the littlest girl in the room.


“Halmoni where is Jessica unnie?” Joohyun mumbled after taking a bite of her cookie.


“Seo Joohyun what did I say about eating with you mouth full?” Tiffany scolded her daughter.


“Sorry umma.”


Mrs. Jung just chuckled. Just then Jessica entered the room. “She is right here! Hello honey! Sleep good?”


“Uh-uh yeah it was good.” Jessica stuttered as she thought about the events from this morning.


“So Jessica when were you going to tell me that you had a girl over. I mean you never do, but I just so happen to meet her. Which never occurs.” Mrs. Jung smirked making Jessica roll her eyes.


“It’s nothing mom we’re friends we just work together.” Hearing that from Jessica tugged Tiffany’s heart a little.


“Okay whatever you say.” Omma Jung teased. “I’ll just go get started on breakfast.”  She gave Jessica one last smirk before heading off to the kitchen.


“You’re mom is nice!” Tiffany smiled.


“Yeah, but she’s just like every other mom annoying.” Jessica slouched her shoulders and sighed.


“But you still love her.”


“Yeah I guess.” Jessica shrugged her shoulders.


“You know you shouldn’t take her for granted. You’ll miss her so much when she’s gone.”


“Did you feel like that when you got married and moved away?”


“No... when she died.”


“Oh… I didn-”


“It’s fine, really.”


“Well, still I’m sorry. Um, would, would you are Joohyun like to go to lunch with me today?” Jessica shyly asked.


Tiffany then blushed at the sudden gesture, but brightly smiled. “We would love that!”


“Bleh! I think I’m going to throw up!” Krystal pretended to barf, sticking her tongue out, and pointing her finger into . “You two say you’re ‘just friends’ ha! Yeah right! I think I’m going to go help mom with breakfast.” Krystal’s comment making Jessica blush and Tiffany blush even more.




“I mean you should see the way she looked at her Hyo! It was so much different then when she looks at me. Have you tried talking to her about me at all?” Taeyeon started jumping up and down like a pouty little kid.


“No I haven’t, but if she really does like Sica you should respect her choice. And if Sica likes her back you should respect her decision too.” Hyoyeon said while opening the door and gesturing Tae to go in.


“Yeah, but… I saw her first. There’s rules.”


“Yeah, but I think those rules were broken when you broke Sica’s heart.”


“And look how quick she moved on! How could she do that when she knows I like her?!”


“Hey I never said Sica DID like Fany. I said what IF she did, you should respect her decision.”


“Yeah whatever. Let’s forget about it and just order! I’m hungry.” Tae frustratedly groaned.


“Okay whatever you say.” Hyoyeon sighed knowing she can’t change her cousin’s mind.




“Joohyun?” Hyoyeon looked up from her menu to see her favorite little niece running towards her.


“Auntie Hyo! You’re here too!” Joohyun excitedly shouted.


“Shh! Not so loud Hyun use your indoors voice.”


“Oh…” Joohyun quietly said and smiled.


“Hyunnie where is your mommy?”


“She’s over there! With Jessica unnie!” Joohyun cutely whispered pointing her small little fingers to the two figures by the door.   


"Hey what's up you two!" Hyoyeon shouted out to the two girls.


"Auntie Hyo! Indoor voice!" The little one scolded her aunt.


"Opps! Sorry." Hyoyeon then whispered.


As the two girls approached the table tension began to build. Having the love triangle with the uncomfortable outsider and the kid in one place wasn't going to be so fun. Especially when the kid request something like, I don't know sitting all together. That's right, as the waiter came to gesture Tiffany and Jessica to their seats Joohyun decided she wants her Aunties to eat with the, too and who could refuse the cute innocent girl. So there sat four adults with tension so thick you couldn't even cut it with a knife. The four were seat and were quite as Joohyun rambled on about how kindergarden went the day before. Lucky the food came quick so everyone was busy eating instead of having to talk.


"So...are you two going anywhere after this?" Hyo finally spoke after what felt like hours.  


"I'm sending Tiffany and Hyunnie home and then I after go to the office and start on our next project." Jessica plainly said.


"If you want we can take them home for you." Taeyeon then suggested.


"It's fine! Their house is on the way there anyways." Jessica said and began placing bills on the table. "We should get going Tiff."


"Okay." Tiffany replied and dusted off all the crumbs from Joohyun's clothes. "We'll see you guys later okay? Oh and Hyo, you can pick Joohyun up wednesday right?"


"Yup no worries. I'll see you guys later!"


They all bid each other a farewell and the three left leaving the two cousins behind. When Hyoyeon turned back to look at Taeyeon her face was red with anger.


"Hey Tae I think you need to calm down. Why are you so mad?"


"Because...Tiffany rejected my lunch plans with her." Taeyeon sighed.






"Hello?" Tiffany answered her phone.


"Hey Fany it's me Taeyeon! I-I was wondering if you would like to go to lunch together?"


Tiffany looked at Jessica was in the middle of playing tea party with Joohyun. She had already agreed to Jessica's plans and she spent all night with Taeyeon, so she declined.


"Sorry Tae, but I'm busy. I don't think I can make it. Maybe some other?"


"Um yeah sure. I get it you're busy. yeah maybe next time. Bye Fany."


"Bye." Tiffany said before hanging up.






The sun had set and it was time for Joohyun's bedtime. The girl was already sitting in her bed waiting for her mommy to come tuck her into bed. As Tiffany tucked her in Joohyun caught her by surprise with an unexpected question.


"Mommy, do like a Jessica unnie?" She asked her mother.


"Well of course I do!"


"No mommy! Do you LIKE Jessica unnie?"


"Oh... well do you LIKE Jessica unnie?"


Joohyun nodded her head, "I love Jessica unnie! I wish she was my mommy too!"


This made Tiffany's eyes widen. "What are you serious Joohyun-ah?" The girl nodded again. "Wow. Well if I tell you, you can't tell your unnie okay?" Joohyun nodded and zipped shut. "I love your unnie. I wish she could be your mommy with me, but I don't think unnie likes mommy."


Joohyun then shook her head, "Unnie loves mommy too! Mommy needs to show unnie that unnie love you too! Unnie also loves me!" Tiffany chuckled at the girls silliness.


"She sure does. Now go to sleep. Goodnight Hyun." Tiffany kissed the top of her daughters head and headed out.






"Come in!" Jessica said. The door opened and revealed Taeyeon. "Oh hey Tae. What are you doing here it's getting late." Taeyeon didn't answer and stayed quite. "Tae?"


Taeyeon then looked Jessica straight in the eyes and asked, "Do you like Tiffany?"


"What?! Are you crazy? I don't like Tiffany!"


"Then why are two always together?"


"Taeyeon we work together and plus we haven't even know each for that long and you're the one who wanted ME to hire her."


"Yeah that was until I knew you two had a thing for each other."


"Wait what? We don't have anything going on. Why does everybody think that?!" Jessica was getting tired of the Tiffany questions now.


"Because everyone can tell, BUT YOU!! Even... you know what I should even tell if you don't know by now. I shouldn't have come." Taeyeon shouted and was about to storm out.


"WAIT! Even who?"


"Are you really that clueless Jessica Jung?! IT'S TIFFANY!!" Taeyeon shouted once more before stomping out of Jessica's office.








Hey are you awake?


From: Jessica




Yes why?


From: Tiffany


To: Tiff


Would you mind coming downstairs for a bit? I'm outside.


From: Jessica




Um sure. Let me grab my stuff. I'll be down in a few minutes.


From: Tiffany


"I wonder why she's here? It's late." Tiffany thought as she made her way downstairs.




A/N: Okay, where I start explaining myself? Well, I’ll start with saying that I’m extremely sorry for the lack of updates. I really am, but I fell in a big hole then with school and work it just tires me out so I have no strength to try and type up even a word, but I’ll try my best to update frequently. I can’t make such promise, but like I said I’ll TRY!! Thanks to all the new subbies! And shout out to browtog09, soshipiet, Fraces312, Jusified, girlsgenerationtaeny, loovvee, TaengSic_96, and Wapaniie for the upvotes. Oh and before I forget for those people who kept telling me to update and you know who you are thanks for the push!! Aight I’m out!! ^____^

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Chapter 16: Beautiful jeti story ❤️
Jeti48 #2
Chapter 16: Reread this cute story again
Chapter 16: Ahhh sweet u add yoonhyun at the end of story....thanks for ur story thornim
Chapter 8: Uhhh...goodnight kisses☺️
Chapter 2: Ahhh joohyun's mommy is tiffany??i'm so curious..
bfewuibd #6
Chapter 16: Ah this would the the first time i write a commentbhere. But i already re read this for the 4-5th time. Its just too good. Thank you for making fanfiction to read whenever i can't sleep!!!
Chapter 16: This was a very simple and wholesome fanfic yet it elicited various feelings. It also did not drag too long to be able to induce rainbow vomit because of all the fluff. Good job!
Chapter 16: This is good.. ^^
Chapter 16: I love it ♡
sinrinjensooyulsic08 #10
Chapter 16: This is so sweet i love it!