Chapter 12

We Belong Together

“What are you doing Jessi?” Asked Tiffany.


“Uh, I’m going to sleep on the couch tonight.” Jessica replied. She was already laying on the somewhat comfortable couch and closing her eyes. This way, she thought, she didn't have to sleep with Tiffany in her bed.


“Why? Come sleep with me. I don’t want your back to hurt Jess.” Tiffany said but Jessica refused, “Please... “ Tiffany begged with puppy eyes. Jessica looked away not being able to resist Tiffany’s cuteness.


“O-okay.” She said blushing.


Tiffany had given her a loose shirt and shorts so that she would be more comfortable. Jessica had changed and got washed up first and waited for Tiffany. Jessica laid on the bed playing with her phone while Tiffany finished getting ready for bed. The door to the bathroom opened and walked out Tiffany in a tank top and short shorts. Jessica's couldn't help but stare.


“Oh my god!! What is she wearing? Is she trying to seduce me?” Jessica thought. Just then Tiffany bent over to grab the clothes she dropped on the floor leaving Jessica with a great view of her luscious . “JESSICA SOOYEON JUNG WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! This is totally inappropriate! I think I've been spending too much time with that damn Byunkyu! Damn you Lee Soonkyu and your obsessive touching and elbow and shoulder biting!” Jessica began hitting her forehead and it did not unnoticed by Tiffany.


“Why are you hitting yourself Jess?” Tiffany questioned her strange actions.


“Uh…I just remembered that I have a meeting tomorrow! Yeah a meeting that's all!” Jessica panicked trying to come up with a lie to why she was doing that. She couldn't exactly say Oh I was just you know staring at your nice that you have there. She would surely be dead right now.


“Really? How come I wasn't informed? Tiffany asked.


“Shoot I forgot that she works with me! Come on Jessica come up with something!” She once again panicked. “It's a board meeting. You know with big executives and such.”


“ah… got it.” Tiffany nodded and climbed into the bed next to Jessica.


Not wanting to see Tiffany in that outfit and think dirty inappropriate thoughts, Jessica rushed to cover herself with the blanket and faced away from Tiffany. Jessica pretended to be sound asleep to avoid anymore awkwardness between them, but it only left Tiffany in disappointment.




Surprisingly, Jessica woke up early. Something that she never does. The spot next her was empty, but then she heard pots and pans being moved around in the kitchen. Tiffany must have been cooking breakfast for them. She finally got up from Tiffany’s bed and looked around the room. It was her first time to actually look at what Tiffany had in her room. There were lots of picture frames with pictures of Tiffany and Joohyun. There are also a lot of pictures of what Jessica assumed to be Tiffany’s family. As she looked around, the sunlight bounced off something that was hanging Tiffany’s dresser. As she approached it she realized it was a necklace that had a blue stone hanging on it. She had seen the same one somewhere, but her mind couldn’t come up with anything at the moment. Jessica decided to forget about when she heard Tiffany trying to get Joohyun ready for school. She herself decided to wash up and head out.


"S-so what did you and that Nich guy do last night?" Jessica asked hesitantly as she set food onto Joohyun’s plate.

"U-uh nothing really. We just went out for dinner and walked around the neighborhood." Tiffany, who was completely caught off guard by the question, answered.

"If that was all, then why did you come home so late?" Jessica pouted unknowingly, like she always did when she was mad.

"Why does it matter to you what time I come home from my date. Are you my mother?" Tiffany rose her eyebrow.

"So you admit it was a date?" Jessica crossed her arms and her voice became stern.

"No! Yes! I don't know! Since when did you care about who I go out with anyways?"


"And DON'T use Joohyun as an excuse. You could have taken her to Hyo's if you didn't want to watch her or even Sunny's. Plus, she likes Khun, so it's fine."

"Well I don't like him." Jessica angrily mumbled looking away from Tiffany's angry glare.

"And why is that?" Tiffany asked. Jessica surprised because she didn't think Tiffany heard that.

"I…I don't know. I just don't okay. You should stop seeing him."  

"It's been like two days Jessica. You don't even have a valid reason yet you have the nerve to tell me to stay away from him? Are you kidding me Jess!" Tiffany shouted. Soon there was a short silence while the two calmed down. "Don't you have a meeting right now?"

"I-I did, but I want to take Joohyun to school." Now Jessica was the one caught off guard due to her own lies.

"Well you don't have to. You’re not her mom. I am, so leave. Before you're late for your big meeting."

Jessica frowned. Tiffany had just used her fake meeting against her and there was nothing she could do. "Fine. Have a nice day. Bye Hyunnie. Have nice day at school okay?" Jessica said to Joohyun and she nodded. Jessica softly kissed the top of her head and left.

Tiffany let out another long sigh as she sat down at the dining table next her daughter. "Mommy is sorry for yelling." She said to Joohyun.

"It's okay Mommy. I still love you." The little one said she got off the chair to hug her mother. Tears began to form in Tiffany's eyes. Just because some annoying CEO didn't want to be with her, she always had her one and only love, her precious daughter.



"Chill Hyo! I think my ear drum just burst."


Since she was in a “meeting all day,” Jessica couldn’t necessarily be in her office where her “employees” could see her. Having nothing to do, she somehow ended up at Hyoyeon’s apartment. After reluctantly letting the Ice Princess in, Hyoyeon had to pry out information knowing very well that something was up. She never made random visits, especially during the day. The Princess didn’t say much at first. She took advantage of her comfy couch though.

"Sorry, but what? Are you stupid and just plain dumb? Come on. Are you really Jessica Jung?"

"I know Hyo! What do I do now?"

"I don't know. Knowing you, you won't talk to her. Knowing her, she won't talk to you. So I say, you apologize first."


"Okay now I think my eardrums burst."


“I’m not going to apologize it is her fault! Okay?”


“Whatever you say. Next thing you know she’s in his hands.”




“Tiffany are you okay? You seem kind of down.” Nichkhun asked Tiffany who only nodded in response.


It was lunch time and Khun had once again asked Tiffany out for lunch. Tiffany accepted, but she was still not in the mood to talk. Especially with what happened to her and Jessica this morning she didn’t want to think about it. She just needed to get her mind off of Jessica, but it was hard. Lunch was quiet with only the sound of forks hitting the plates and the sound of water being gulped down. Khun respected Tiffany and gave her the space she needed.


“Khun?” Tiffany finally got out and said.




“Do you want to go out on a date with me this weekend?”


“W-what? I-I mean of course! I would love to go out with you! I mean out with you this weekend...on a date. Is there some place you want to go?” Khun stuttered as he was shocked to hear what the girl had just asked him.


Tiffany gave him a warm welcoming eye smile that made Khun’s breath became heavy and made his heart begin to race. She then whispered, “Surprise me.”




Tiffany POV


Why wait? Why wait for someone who you know will not love or the slightest bit like you back? It’s not like we know each other anyways. When was a time we actually sat down and talked like how Khun and I are doing. What do I know about Jessica besides the fact that she is stubborn and cold? Almost nothing…..I do know that, she truly does love Joohyun and that’s when I see the real Jessica. The Jessica no one else can see. The caring side, but then what about me. When did she really care about me? She only gave me the job because Taeyeon begged her to. Taeyeon told me everything. I hate her! I don’t need her. This what my head keeps saying, but my heart...oh my stupid heart. The one that keeps beating whenever I see her. Whenever she’s playing with Joohyun. whenever she gets just a tad too close to me, whenever she says something that makes me think, maybe, just maybe she feels the same way about me. Then all comes crashing down when she turns the opposite direction and runs. Should I run after her or...should I turn around run the other way? Please tell me. Tell me what to do…Sooyeon where are you? You said you’d be back. Where are you now?






“Tiffany!” “Tiffany!” “Tiffany!”




“What?” Tiffany said finally breaking out of her trace.


“What’s up with you Tiffany? You’ve spacing out all day.” Sooyoung said.


“Sorry. I just have a lot on my mind right now. What were you guys asking me?”


“Well we were asking you if you have seen Jessica. Nobody has seen her all day.” Yenny said taking a piece of Sooyoung’s chocolate cake.


“Hey! Who said you can have some!?” Sooyoung pouted and shifted the plate away from the the older girl. Yenny only laughed stuck her tongue out at her.


“Well, Jessica said she had an important meeting today. That’s probably why you haven’t seen her.” Tiffany explained to the three all while Yenny was trying to sneakily take another bite of Sooyoung’s cake.  


“I talked to her assistant earlier and she said Jessica didn’t have anything planned today.” Hara asserted while trying to pry the two shikshins off of each other.


“Huh, thats weird. Where could she be?”




“Sunny! What’s wrong?” Jessica shout as she tried to catch her breath.


She had just gotten a text from Sunny saying that she needed her and it was an emergency. She ran all the way from Hyoyeon’s house to Sunny’s cafe (which wasn’t too far, but it’s Jessica). She felt like passing out once she got to the cafe. She thought that the girl was really in trouble, only to find out that Sunny just wanted Jessica to come look for Taeyeon with her. Jessica gave Sunny a piercing look only to get a smile in return which made Jessica even more mad. Of course she was willing to help her dear friend out, but she had broken her rule again. It was also a way of avoiding Tiffany and everything that had to do with her.


“Was that really all. I would have came if you asked me like a regular person.”


“Yeah, but then you wouldn’t have come as fast as you did.” Sunny laughed evilly, “Now let's get going! I have an idea where she is.”


“Uh, you do?”   


“Yes, I know exactly where she is and I need you to help me drag her out.”


“Where is this place exactly?” Jessica was still confused on how Sunny knew where Taeyeon was.


Sunny sighed at her friends blankness, “What does Taeyeon love no matter what? Whenever she sad or happy or mad. What cheers her up the most?” Sunny tried giving Jessica some hints, but the latter was still not getting it. Sunny sighed again and facepalmed herself. “Okay, one last time. BYUN. TAE. YEON.”


“Oh. OOOHHH!!!” Jessica finally got it what Sunny was trying to convey in her hidden messages, “Now I know exactly where she is!” Jessica stating what Sunny had just said earlier making Sunny facepalm herself again.  




A/N: Sorry...I Love You Guys…


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Chapter 16: Beautiful jeti story ❤️
Jeti48 #2
Chapter 16: Reread this cute story again
Chapter 16: Ahhh sweet u add yoonhyun at the end of story....thanks for ur story thornim
Chapter 8: Uhhh...goodnight kisses☺️
Chapter 2: Ahhh joohyun's mommy is tiffany??i'm so curious..
bfewuibd #6
Chapter 16: Ah this would the the first time i write a commentbhere. But i already re read this for the 4-5th time. Its just too good. Thank you for making fanfiction to read whenever i can't sleep!!!
Chapter 16: This was a very simple and wholesome fanfic yet it elicited various feelings. It also did not drag too long to be able to induce rainbow vomit because of all the fluff. Good job!
Chapter 16: This is good.. ^^
Chapter 16: I love it ♡
sinrinjensooyulsic08 #10
Chapter 16: This is so sweet i love it!