Chapter 2

We Belong Together

"So Joohyun-ah…are you going to tell me, your favorite Auntie Hyoyeon, about why you are so upset?"




"Are you going to talk at all?"


"Mmm…" Joohyun slowly turned her head to look at her Aunt. "Mmm Aunt Hyo..."




"Is it my fault mommy always has to go to work?"


"Of course not. Why would you think that?"


"Well mommy said she has to work so she can buy me Keroro stuff. I feel bad that mommy has to work only to buy me Keroro stuff. So if I stop asking for Keroro stuff do think mommy will stop working and spend more time with Joohyun?"


Hyoyeon smiled and almost chuckled at the little girl's cuteness but didn't so she wouldn't make her mad.


"Joohyun-ah, your mommy has to work no matter what. Not only to buy you Keroros but to buy you food and clothes. She also has to pay the apartment. Do you get it? I know you want to spend more time with your mommy, but your mommy tries her best to provide for the two of you. Got it?" Joohyun nodded, "so don't feel bad. It's not your fault your mommy has to work so much. Okay?" She nodded again, "Okay! Now. Let me see you smile!" The girl didn't though, "Come on! Give your favorite auntie a smile."


Joohyun did not smile though. Not until Hyoyeon started tickling her. Then she burst into laughter.


"Stop!! Stop Auntie Hyo!!! It tickles!!" The tiny girl continued to laugh as her aunt tickled her.




The sound of clanking pots, pans, plates, and cups filled the air. The new restaurant was filled with people. Luckily, Krystal reserved seats for her and her sister.


"Hi!" Krystal greeted to waiter, "We have reservations!"


"Great! What's the name?"


"Krystal Jung for two!"


"Alright miss Jung right this way."


He showed them the way to their sets and gave them the menus.


"Your server should be here shortly to take your orders. Feel free to ask them anything if you're curious!" He bowed then walked back to the front.


"Wow unnie look at this place!" Jessica just nodded quietly as she looked through the menu. "What do you think your gonna get?"


"Mmm maybe some pasta." Jessica shrugged.


"Unnie what's wrong?" Krystal asked looking at her gloomy sister, "you've been like this since you got back from lunch."




"Unnie tell me!"


"It's nothing!" Jessica slightly raised her voice making Krystal stop asking.




Then a waitress walked up their table.


"Hello my name is Lim and I'll be your server for this evening." The young girl bowed, "Are you two ready to order?"


"Mmm I think we are. I'll have Caesar Salad with an order of fresh fries."


"And I'll have the Chicken Alfredo and can I just get one small hamburger?"


"Sure! Anything else for you two?"






"Anything to drink?"


"Diet Coke and iced tea please."


"Okay I'll have your orders out as soon as they're ready!" Lim took the menus and took the paper with the order to the kitchen.


"She's cute." Krystal blurted out. "I love her cheeks. I just want to squeeze them."


"Eh she's okay." Jessica shrugged again.


"It's only because your heart belongs to Taeyeon unnie." Krys cheesily said.


"No." Jessica lied.


The truth was Jessica was head over heels for Taeyeon, but she never felt the same. They met at another one of their parents big company parties and became friends. Although, Jessica wanted to be more than that. She always hated when Taeyeon talked about a other girls like today.


At the table next to Jessica and Krystal's were four girls being very loud and obnoxious. Which was pissing off Jessica a lot. They kept laughing loud as if they were drinking which was not the case because they haven't even gotten their drinks.


"Hey unnie!" Lim said.




"Do mind taking these waters to that table for me really quick! Please."


"Sure no problem!"




As the waitress made her way to the Jessica's table, one of the obnoxious girls intentionally stook out her foot and the waitress came crashing down. This made the Diet Coke and Iced Tea spill all over Jessica. The whole restaurant became quiet. Jessica then slowly stood up and turned around. She was already having a horrible day she didn't need this. The girls next to them quietly giggled at the sight.


"Really?!" Jessica coldly said. "Thank you! Thank you very much!" She sarcastically said.


"I-I'm so sorry! Let me-"


"No you've done enough." Jessica grabbed her bag and hear to the restroom. Jessica tried getting out as much soda and tea out if her hair as much as possible. When she came out she told Krystal she was leaving.


"Unnie wait you didn't even-" before Krystal could finish Jessica was already walking out.


Before walking out the greeter apologized to Jessica for the unconvinced.


"Just make sure she gets fired!" She stated and walked out.


As Jessica made her way to her car she noticed a familiar figure. She was walking lazily down the street. Jessica squinted and noticed it was that waitress that split the drinks all over her.


'She must have gotten fired…Good!' Jessica smirked and got in her car and drive home to take a long shower.




"I'm home!"


"Mommy!" Joohyun ran and hugged her mom.


"Wow you're early? What happened?" Hyoyeon asked, "It's not even Joohyun's bed time yet?"


"*sigh* I got fired."


"What? On your first day? How?"


"Well one of my coworkers Lim asked me I take some drinks to a table for her which I did. On my way to the table this girl tripped me and I ended up spilling drinks all over a customer. After that the owner fired me."


"Wah jinjja(really)?" Tiffany nodded.




After Jessica went to the restroom the waitress quickly got up and cleaned the mess as fast as possible.


"I'm so sincerely sorry for what happened!" She apologized to Krystal.


"It's fine just make sure it does to happen again. Oh! And don't worry about her she'll be fine. She's always like."


"O-okay thank you."


"By the way you are very pretty!" Krystal stated.


The waitress blushed and bowed. "Thanks." She shyly said and the. Walked to go put her tray away.




"Oh! Mr. Lee!"


"I want you to understand what you did right now was not good. Spilling drinks on customers? Not only a customer, but Jessica Jung!"


"Wait that was?"


"Yes Jessica Jung. owner of The Jung Family Company. I'm sorry, but I have to let you go. I can't have reports about my restaurant being bad."


"wait what?!"


"You're fired."




"I got word that she wants you fired so leave! You can return the clothes tomorrow."


"Y-yes sir." She bowed, grabbed her things, and walked out.


After changing she walked down the street kicking a can wondering where she was going to work next.






"Joohyun if mommy doesn't come to pick you up take the school bus home okay?"


"Yes mommy."


"Okay now mommy has a lot of work to do so be a good girl and I learn a lot and teach mommy what you learned later okay?" She nodded, "Great! Now kiss!" Joohyun have her mom a kiss on the cheek before the bell rang and Joohyun went go meet up with her friends.




"Hey Jessica! Let's go out to lunch again!" Taeyeon said. She was already at Jessica's office.


"No." Jessica whined.


"Pretty please~" Taeyeon pouted.


"Okay! Stop your pouting."




"I'm so full!" Taeyeon said rubbing her belly full of food.


"Stop you look like you're a pregnant lady touching her baby bump. People might think we're having a baby together."


"Hehe would that be so bad! Here touch your baby Jessica!"


Jessica started the joke but now she regretted it. She began to blush when Taeyeon took her hand to feel her fake baby bump. She turned her face the other way trying to hide her blush.


"Haha" Taeyeon ajummah laughed, "anyways I have to get back to work. I'll see later Sica!" Taeyeon hugged Jessica and gave her a friendly peck on the cheek.


"B-bye." Jessica stuttered.


After Taeyeon left Jessica decided to go wonder around the city. She didn't feel like going back to the office. She shopped for another two hours the decided to go home. As she put her belongs IN the back of the car she hear someone crying. She looked around but saw no one. Whe. She heard the sobs again she looked around and finally spotted a little girl sitting on the bench. Jessica was wonder what was so she went to check up on her.


"Hey~ What's wrong?" She asked.


"*sniff sniff* my mommy told me to take the school bus if she doesn't come pick me up… *sniff sniff* I waited for her for so long that I missed the school bus. Now I don't have a way to get home *sniff sniff*"


"Hey it's okay." Jessica hugged her, "what your name?"


"*sniff* Joohyun, Seo Joohyun."


"Well Joohyun my name is Jessica! How about I take you home!" Joohyun shook  her head. "Why not?"


"My mommy told me to never go with a stranger."


"But we're not strangers anymore we just introduced ourselves. Does that work? How about we go get ice cream?" Joohyun shook her head again. "Why not?"


"Mommy said never to go with them if they offer me ice cream or candy."


'Aish this girl is too smart!'


"Okay fine. How about I stay here with you til your mommy comes and finds you? Is that okay." Joohyun gave an unsure nodded. Jessica then sat next to the girl. "Don't cry you'll look ugly and get wrinkles on your head."


Joohyun stopped crying and glared at Jessica.


"What? It's true."


After waiting for what felt like forever, but it was only 5 minutes Jessica decided to take the girl with her.


"Hey! Where we going?" Joohyun yelled.


"We are going to take you home! Now where do you live?"


"I- I don't know..."


"What? Do you at least know something that's close to your house that I can go to?"


"There's a cafè that my mommy likes to go to across our building. It's called Mr. Mr. Cafè."


"I actually know that place. A few of my friends own that place. Okay let's go!"


"Wait!" Joohyun yelled.








"Because you have to be safe."


"Fine! You little know it all." Jessica whispered the last part.




Joohyun's mom came home from a long day of job hunting. She called for Joohyun, but there was no answer. She got worried and ran around the apartment yelling her name. Then her phone began to ring.


"Hey Sunny! I don't have time right now! I have to find Joohyun!"


"That's the thing! Joohyun's here."


"What? How? Nevermind I'll be there in a minute!" She hung up and ran down stairs.


When she was outside she spotted Joohyun through the window of the cafè. She quickly, but carefully ran across the street and rushed inside the cafè. Once inside she went straight to her little girl hugged her tightly.


"Joohyun-ah you almost gave mommy a heart attack!"


"I'm sorry." Joohyun looked down, "Is mommy mad?"


"No mommy's not mad she was just scared. Mommy doesn't want to lose you."


"You're her mom?" A brunette next to Joohyun asked.


"Um yes I am and who are you?"


"Mommy she the lady that found me! She also bought me my favorite drink! See!"


"Oh...well thank you so much. I don't know what I would've done if Joohyun got lost."


"You're welcome."


'Does she not remember me?' Jessica thought. 'She is that waitress right?'


'I think I've seen her somewhere?' Joohyun's mom thought.


"Wait! Aren't you! Omo you're that one girl from the restaurant!"



A/N: I was going to update earlier but I fell asleep. Lol. Anyways thank you guys so much for subscribing and thank you to yunka9190 and tjsthysys_ for the upvotes! Sorry if I wrote your names wrong. Thanks for all the supports guy love ya! Aight til next time!

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Chapter 16: Beautiful jeti story ❤️
Jeti48 #2
Chapter 16: Reread this cute story again
Chapter 16: Ahhh sweet u add yoonhyun at the end of story....thanks for ur story thornim
Chapter 8: Uhhh...goodnight kisses☺️
Chapter 2: Ahhh joohyun's mommy is tiffany??i'm so curious..
bfewuibd #6
Chapter 16: Ah this would the the first time i write a commentbhere. But i already re read this for the 4-5th time. Its just too good. Thank you for making fanfiction to read whenever i can't sleep!!!
Chapter 16: This was a very simple and wholesome fanfic yet it elicited various feelings. It also did not drag too long to be able to induce rainbow vomit because of all the fluff. Good job!
Chapter 16: This is good.. ^^
Chapter 16: I love it ♡
sinrinjensooyulsic08 #10
Chapter 16: This is so sweet i love it!