Chapter 8

We Belong Together

"Sica!" Taeyeon shouted as she entered the woman's office. "Oh h-hey Fany. What are you doing here?" She stuttered at the sight. Tiffany then quickly stood up from her position next to Jessica.


"I just came to check up on Jessi. She has really dark bags under her eyes. Do you perhaps know what she did last night to make her so tired." Taeyeon shrugged. She was kind of surprised by how Tiffany called Jessica. She didn't know they were close.


"Jessica is always tired though so it's not a surprise to see her sleeping during the day. I mean she always sleeps during board meetings too. Why are you so worried anyways?"


"No reason. It's just our team went to lunch and Jessi wasn't around, so I came to see what she was up too."


"Ah..." Taeyeon nodded her head, "Are you guys close?"


"You can say we are. I mean I hope we are. Anyways why are you here?" Asked Tiffany this time.


"I'm always here. Jessica and I are best friends. Have you eaten yet?" Tiffany shook her head, "Would you like to go have lunch with me?"


Tiffany looked at the sleeping Jessica then back to Taeyeon. It was no use staying here. It'd be awkward with Jessica and Taeyeon in one room with Tiffany, so she took the offer. "Sure why not!" Tiffany smiled.


"Great lets go!" Taeyeon held the door open for Tiffany to go first and then the two headed out for lunch.




Though they planned to eat just lunch Tiffany and Taeyeon spent the whole afternoon together. They lost track of time Taeyeon decided to start telling funny and embarrassing stories about Jessica. Soon enough it started to get dark.


"Hey what time is it?" Tiffany asked.


"I think its already six o'clock."


"Six!" Tiffany quickly put some bills on the table and packed her things.


"What's wrong?" Taeyeon was panicking as well.


"I had to pick Joohyun three hours ago!" Tiffany shouted.


"Fany wait! I'll drive you!"


When they arrived at the school it was closed and there was no in site.


"Maybe Hyo picked her up." Taeyeon suggested.


"Hyoyeon has a dance class today she couldn't have picked her up. Maybe..." Tiffany was thinking and she had an idea. She quickly grabbed her phone out to notice it was dead. "Urgh!" She groaned, "Tae can I use your phone?"


"Sure here." Taeyeon handed her the phone.


"Thanks." She quickly found the number and waited for the person the answer their phone. "Hey!" She said when the phone was answered, "Is Joohyun with you by chance?" Tiffany was biting her nail now, "Oh my god thank goodness. Thanks you so much. I owe you one. I'll be there soon to pick her up."


"Is she?" Taeyeon asked.


"She's fine. Can you drive me to Jessica's place?"


"Sica's? Sure."






"Joohyun where's your mom?" Asked Joohyun's teacher.


"I don't know. She said she'd pick me up today." Joohyun frowned.


"I tried calling your mom, but she's not picking up. Do you know anyone else's number by chance."


Joohyun shook her head then she realized, "Actually I have my Jessica unnie's number. Can I call her?" Her teachered smiled at her cuteness and nodded handing over the school telephone.




"Hello?" Jessica's hoarse sleepy voice said.


"Unnie it's me Joohyun. Can Unnie pick me up from school?"


"Where's your mommy?" Jessica asked rubbing her eyes.


"I don't know. That's why you have to pick me up. Please unnie!" Joohyun begged over the phone.


"Okay I'll be there in a few minutes."


"Yay! Thank you unnie bye!" She happily yelled making Jessica smile.




"Unnie!" Joohyun screamed as soon as she saw Jessica's car. She quickly ran to Jessica and hugged her as soon as Jessica was out of the car.


Jessica hugged her back and turned to Hyun's teacher, "Sorry for all the trouble. Thank you for staying late with her today."


"No problem have a great weekend!" She bowed and headed off to her car.


Jessica bent down to Joohyun's level and asked her what she wanted to do. Since she herself couldn't get a hold of Tiffany herself she decided to take Joohyun out. Joohyun wanted to eat ice cream, but Jessica refused. It was cold out and it was not the time to be eating ice cream, but she couldn't beat Joohyun.






The doorbell rung and a maid opened the door. The two bowed and the maid informed them that Jessica and Joohyun were playing in one of the rooms. Once in the room she quickly went to hug her baby who she was worrying about.


"I'm so sorry Hyunnie. Mommy sorry." She said the little girls hair.


"It's okay mommy. Jessica unnie picked me up!"


"Did you say thank you to unnie?" Joohyun nodded, "That's my girl." 'Thank you' Tiffany mouth to Jessica and she returned a smile as a 'You're Welcome.' "Are you ready to go home?" Joohyun shook her head. "Why?"


"I want to stay and play at unnie's house tonight."


"But unnie doesn't like us over here."


"That's not true. Unnie told me I could stay as long as I wanted to."


"Oh did she." Tiffany said glaring up to Jessica who looked away.


"It's fine Tiff. She can stay with me tonight. I don't mind." Said Jessica.


"Are you sure?"


Jessica nodded, "I'm sure."


Tiffany didn't if she could spend a night without Joohyun. Although the little girl had her own room Tiffany couldn't help but feel sad. "Okay. You can stay, but be good. Alright?" Joohyun happily nodded.


"I love you mommy!" She wrapped her tiny arms around Tiffany's neck to her mom a big hug.


"I love you too Hyunnie!" Tiffany kissed the top of her head and bid the two of them goodnight. Her along with Taeyeon made their way to the car, but stop half when Tiffany suddenly stopped.


"What's wrong Fany-ah?"


"I think I'm going to stay here too. You can home."


"Oh, really?" Taeyeon was disappointed that she couldn't send the girl home.


"Yeah. Thank you for lunch it was fun. I'll see later. Have a goodnight." Tiffany said before running towards the housed again.


"Goodnight." Taeyeon whispered before dragging her feet to the car.




The maid had informed Tiffany that they were now in Jessica's room, so she headed up there. Before entering she heard Jessica talking to Joohyun and stopped to listen.


"Hyunnie, what do you think about your mommy and Auntie Taeyeon going out?" She asked the little girl.


"Mmm..." Joohyun shrugged, "I like when mommy's with you!" She said pointing at Jessica.


"Me?" Jessica pointed to herself and Joohyun nodded. "Why me?"


"Because mommy likes to spend time with unnie and looks at unnie like when my mommy was still with my daddy." Jessica was shocked by this girls answer and didn't know what to say.


"H-how do you know that?"


"I just know."


"You are a smarty aren't you?" Jessica said tickling the girl.


"Unnie stop hahahaha stop!"




"Come in!" Jessica said and Tiffany opened the door, "Hey I thought you two left?" Tiffany shook her head, "Then where's Tae?"


"She left. I'm going to stay too!"


"Really? Mommy's sleeping over too?" Tiffany nodded, "Yayy!"




When Joohyun went to the sleep the two adults decided to grab a cup of coffee.


"Was it your plan to pick her up?" Tiffany asked.


"No actually she called me to pick her up, so I did. I tried calling you, but I guess you had your phone turned off. I also didn't know you were with..."


"With Taeyeon?" Jessica nodded, "Jessica just to let you know theres nothing going on between the two of us. I don't feel that way about her although it may not be the other way around."


"I got it. So where'd you two go?" Jessica asked as she took a sip of coffee.


"We went out to lunch and we just lost track of the time. What did you do?"


"Well after picking up Joohyun we went to get some food and came back here to play. We still had a whole bunch of toys from when we were younger, so I let her play with them."




"My baby sister Krystal. Well I guess she's not a baby anymore. She is taller than me." Suddenly they heard the door slam, "Speaking of Krystal." Just then Krystal came barging into the kitchen with a very grumpy look on her face. "What is it this time?"


"Myungsoo is such a jerk! I hate him so much! AHHHH!" Krystal started screaming and shaking her head violently.


"Uhuh what is it this time?"


"He was talking to his 'friend' the whole time we were hanging out. I mean who does that."


"When are you just gonna dump him already?"


"Tomorrow. If I'm not as important to him as his stupid conversation with his friend he doesn't deserve me."


"Okay whatever you say." Jessica just nonchalantly said because she was hearing another one  of her sister's stupid fight with her boyfriend.


"Can I say something?" Tiffany asked.


"Who she?" Krystal asked just noticing Tiffany now.


"Krystal, Tiffany, Tiffany, Krystal."


"Oh okay carry on."


"This guy does really seems like a jerk no offence, but if you two plan to spending time with each other he shouldn't talking on his phone the whole time. You really deserve better than her." Tiffany said.


"That what I always tell her." Jessica huffed, "Of course she doesn't listen. Anyways, what happen to Amber. I thought you two were gonna get together?"


"We were, but the Myungsoo and I got back together."


"Wow Krys you are very shallow. It's getting late let's go to sleep Tiff."


"Wait! Are you two?"


"No!" They both shouted.


"Then is she using one of the guest rooms?" Jessica shook her head, "She's sleeping in your room?" Jessica nodded, "Where are you sleeping then on the floor?"


"No we're both going to be sleeping on the bed what's the big deal?"


"I just better not hear any noise coming from your room that keeps me up all night long. If I do I swear I will-"


"That is not going to happen because we are just friends okay?" Jessica said as she got up and headed upstairs and Tiffany followed.


"Okay whatever you say." Krystal smirked and a shook her head at her sister.




While Tiffany was getting ready for bed, Jessica decided just to watch Joohyun sleep. Some how watching the little girl sleep brought Jessica some happiness. Joohyun started to squirm in her sleep and it seemed like she was having a bad dream. Jessica then her hair and hummed and Joohyun became calmer. Tiffany was done, but when she saw Jessica and Joohyun she stayed quiet and just watched as Jessica hummed to her baby girl. She couldn't help, but fall even more in love with the girl and she admits, she loves Jessica.


Jessica smiled and kissed the top of Joohyun's head. When she looked up she was shocked to see Tiffany's eye smile towards her and couldn't help, but fall under it's spell. When Tiffany realized that Jessica was looking back at her her eyes widened and began to look somewhere else.


"Um... are- are you done?" Asked Jessica and Tiffany nodded.


"You can use the bathroom now. Sorry for taking so long."


"U-uh o-okay." Jessica stuttered and went to go get ready for bed. "Calm down Jessica. She didn't see all of that right?" Jessica clenched her chest and began to control her breathing, "It's just Tiffany right?" Jessica then decided to shake it off and began getting cleaned up. When she exited she saw Tiffany doing the same thing she was doing earlier. Jessica couldn't help, but admire Tiffany's perfect figure as she laid on the bed. Jessica shook her head again as she knew that her mind would wander somewhere else or should I say somewhere byun.


"Hey!" Tiffany said not needing to look up.


"Hey. TIff how'd you come up with Hyunnie's name?" Jessica asked.


"It was my mom's name." Tiffany answered her eyes never leaving Joohyun, "It was her Korean name."


"Really well its beautiful. I hope to meet her someday."


"Yeah me too."


"What are talking about?"


"My mom died when I was ten. That's why I named Joohyun after her. I really do wish to see her again, but it's okay because I know she's not in pain anymore." Tiffany said. She didn't shed a tear because talking about what happened to her mom didn't hurt anymore. Just not having her there was what hurt.


"You should sleep. It seems like you didn't get enough sleep last night. You should really sleep."  


*yawn* "What are you talking about I'm" *yawn* "not tired at all." Jessica said as her eyes started to shut and she drifted off to sleep.


Tiffany giggled and kissed the top of Jessica's "Good night Jessi!"



A/N: Thanks to nizcasimiro for the upvote. And all your comments were awesome made me laugh and smile.

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Chapter 16: Beautiful jeti story ❤️
Jeti48 #2
Chapter 16: Reread this cute story again
Chapter 16: Ahhh sweet u add yoonhyun at the end of story....thanks for ur story thornim
Chapter 8: Uhhh...goodnight kisses☺️
Chapter 2: Ahhh joohyun's mommy is tiffany??i'm so curious..
bfewuibd #6
Chapter 16: Ah this would the the first time i write a commentbhere. But i already re read this for the 4-5th time. Its just too good. Thank you for making fanfiction to read whenever i can't sleep!!!
Chapter 16: This was a very simple and wholesome fanfic yet it elicited various feelings. It also did not drag too long to be able to induce rainbow vomit because of all the fluff. Good job!
Chapter 16: This is good.. ^^
Chapter 16: I love it ♡
sinrinjensooyulsic08 #10
Chapter 16: This is so sweet i love it!