Chapter 3

We Belong Together

"Wait you two know each other?" Sunny butted into the conversation.


"Not exactly…" Jessica said.


"Mommy! Mommy!" Joohyun tugged on her mother's skirt, "Why aren't you at work?"


"Yeah why aren't you? I thought you were supposed to be working at Uncle Sooman's restaurant right now?"


"Why don't you ask this kind lady." Tiffany showed a fake smile.


"What?" Sunny said.


"I got fired."


"Wait! Uncle Sooman fired you? Why?"


"Like I said ask her." She tilted her head to the girl in front of them.


"What's she talking about Sica?"


"Well…she spilled drinks on me!" Jessica pointe to her.


"It was an accident! One of the snotty girls tripped me!"




"*sigh* yes Joohyun-ah?"


"What's fired?"


"It means mommy doesn't have a job and can't get money to buy you your Keroros."


"And it's because her." Joohyun pointed to Jessica and Tiffany nodded. Joohyun then crossed arms and made a mad face. She marched up to Jessica and started. "Why did you get my mommy fired?! you know my mommy makes money so that I can eat and have food and especially have my Keroros."




"No! My mommy is a nice person she makes money just for the two of us to live now what are me and my mommy going to do?!"




"Let's go mommy I don't like this lady anymore she was mean to mommy!" Joohyun grabbed her mother's hand dragged her out of the cafè.


"Wait wait wait! Joohyun-ah! What was that? Who told you all that stuff?"


"Well I asked Auntie Hyo if it was my fault that mommy always works, but that's what Auntie Hyo said. That you work so we can live in our house and eat and have clothes."


"Why would you think it's your fault though Joohyun-ah?"


"Because you said you had to work to buy Joohyun Keroros, so I thought mommy had to work just to buy me all my Keroros."


"No Joohyun-ah nothing is your fault. Especially not your fault that me and your father broke up. You got it?"




"Good now let's go!"




"Sica you got her fired!" Sunny yelled.


"She spilled Coke and Tea all over me!"


"But still you couldn't just let it go?! What was up?!"


"I was having a bad day okay Sunny!"


"Was it because of Taeyeon again?"


"No." Jessica lied.


"Liar. What did she say this time?"


"She said she found out a girl she liked got a divorce and she has a chance now."


"You gotta let her go. How long has it been?"


"I know, but I can't. She's all I want."


"Whatever you say. I have to get back to work."










"Yes who is this?"


"It's Taeyeon."


"Oh hi Taeyeon! How are you?"


"I-I'm good. You?"


"Likewise. So why did you call?"


"Umm…would you like to go out this Friday night?"


"Are you asking me on a date?"


"Yes, yes I am."


"Err I'll get back to you on that. I have to check with my babysitter first. To see if she can watch Joohyun."


"So is that a maybe?"


"Yes it is."


"Great! I'll see you then!"




"Sorry I can't I have a dance class that night. Just tell the girl you can't go." Hyoyeon said.


"I can't. That's mean."


"Come on you can be a little selfish for once. Just tell her!"


"No! Can you at least find a replacement babysitter for me? Please?"


"I can't- actually…I have a great replacement! She'll be there! What time again?"




"7? Okay she'll be there."


"Okay thanks Hyo!"




Hyoyeon was at a certain friends house laying on her couch like always.


"Yah Kim Hyoyeon! Get of my couch! Why are you always on it?!" A brunette yelled.


"Why do you think we named it Hyoyeon's couch Sica?" Hyoyeon joked.


Jessica was about to hit Hyoyeon until Hyo's phone rung.


"Wait wait! I got a call. You can kill me after I take it." Hyoyeon said and Jessica rolled her eyes.


"Fine! Hurry up!"


"Hello?" Hyoyeon answered. "I can't I have dance practice that night."


Jessica stood there impatiently waiting for Hyoyeon to get off the phone with whoever it was she was talking to. She began tapping her foot unit she noticed a smirk on Hyoyeon's face. Jessica knew that smirk all too well.


"I have a great replacement!" Hyoyeon chirped.


"Replacement? For what? Don't tell me it's me?!"


"7? Okay she'll be there!" Hyoyeon then hung up the phone and looked up to a furious Jessica. "You are babysitting this Friday night at friend of mines okay?"


"KIM.HYO.YEON!!" Jessica growled before launching at Hyoyeon.




"Joohyun-ah, mommy's going to go out with Auntie Taeyeon tonight. Do you remember Auntie Taeyeon?" Joohyun nodded. "Okay now the babysitter is going to be here soon. She's a friend of Auntie Hyo's so be nice okay?"


"Okay mommy!"


"Good girl!" Her mother kissed her and then the doorbell rang. "Oh that must be her!"


She made her way to the door and opened it. Her jaw hung open at the site of who was at the door.


"What are you doing here?" She asked.


"I'm here to babysit for my friend's friend. Why are you here?" The girl said coldly.


"I live here and you're Hyoyeon's replacement?"


"I guess I am."


"O-okay. C-come in."


Jessica awkwardly made her way into the apartment. She took off her shoes and walked into the living room. She didn't know if she should sit or stand, so she just stood in the middle.


"Um…you can sit down if you want."


"Uh…it's fine I'll just stand."






Then the doorbell rung again. Tiffany went to quickly open it and it was Taeyeon. She led Taeyeon to the living room where Jessica was at. Taeyeon did not recognize Jessica at first because Jessica's head was lowered and covered by her hair, but when she did she was shocked.






"What are you doing here?"


"I should be asking you that question. I'm here to take Tiffany out! What about you?"


"So this is Tiffany? Your Tiffany?" Jessica was bewildered.


"Well not exactly my Tiffany." Taeyeon whispered. "Plus, why are you here if you don't even know Tiffany?"


"I'm your cousin's replacement."


"Wait Hyoyeon's your cousin?" Tiffany turned to Taeyeon shocked.


"Kim Hyoyeon. Yes she is. Anyways we should get going we don't want to lose our dinner reservations!"


"Okay. Jessica, Joohyun's bedtime is 8. Make sure she takes a bath, brushes her teeth and hair before sleeping. Okay?"




"Joohyun already ate dinner so you won't have to feed her. If you're hungry help yourself to anything in the kitchen. I'll try to be home at least by 10."


"Okay I got it."


Taeyeon then gestured Tiffany to the door so they can go on to their date. Tiffany stopped for a second though.


"Oh and thank you!" Tiffany smiled and the two left the apartment.


'So that's Tiffany huh? What so great about her. She's loud and obnoxious. I don't know what Taeyeon sees in her. Now where is that girl I'm supposed to be watching?'


Just then the sound of a piano cut Jessica from her thoughts. Jessica wondered where it was playing from so she followed the music. She ended up at one of the rooms. She slowly opened the door and found the little girl playing the playing the piano beautifully. Jessica stood there and listened to the girl gracefully play. Just then the little girls finger slipped as she messed up the song.


"Ah man! I'm never gonna get this down!" The little girl pouted.


"Just keep practicing! That was great!" Jessica said and startled the girl.


"Why are you here?!" Joohyun huffed and turned around facing the piano again.


"I'm your babysitter for tonight and what's with the greeting? Didn't your mother teach you to be nice to people? Anyways that was great! How old are you again?"


"I'm five."


"Wow and you play that good. You're a prodigy kid. Can you sing too?" Jessica walked over to the piano and leaned against the piano facing Joohyun. Joohyun shook her head.


"My mommy can though! She has a beautiful voice. Can you sing and play an instrument?"


"Actually I can! I can play the piano and sing."


"Can you sing and play a song for me?" Joohyun asked.


"Mm…I don't know, I haven't done it in a while."


"Please!" Joohyun begged.


"Okay! Scoot over a little bit." Joohyun did and Jessica positioned herself ready to play. (A/N: imagine Jessica singing Almost as Seohyun sits next to her fully immersed in Jessica's performance.)


'Never almost had you~'


"Wow!" Joohyun jaw dropped and she happily clapped. "That was amazing!"


"Hehe thank you." Jessica blushed a little at the comment, "Does this mean I'm forgiven?" Joohyun shook her head. "Why not?"


"You have to apologize to my mommy first! Then you will be forgiven. Okay?"


"What! Do I really have to?" Jessica whined to the little girl and she again nodded. "Fine! I'll apologize when she comes home from her 'date' with Taeyeon." Jessica sighed at the thought.


'What was so great about Tiffany? What was wrong with me?' Jessica thought.






"Do you know who Taeyeon is?"


"You mean Auntie Taeyeon?"




"Of course! She really likes mommy! She always sends mommy flowers and bought me a Keroro."


"Do you like Auntie Taeyeon?" Joohyun nodded, "What about me?" Joohyun stopped to think. She wasn't completely liking Jessica, but at the same time liked her.


"Mmm…well I like that you bought me my favorite drink. I really liked it,but when mommy told why you do I didn't like it. You're mean!"


"Hey, but I did sing for you as you liked that right?"


"Mmm…I guess."


"So I'm not that bad right?"




"What do you mean maybe?" Joohyun shrugged and began practicing her piano again. "He-" Jessica was going to scold her for ignoring her but didn't. Jessica tapped the little girls shoulder to get her attention.


"I have to practice unnie! Stop bothering me!" Joohyun scolded the older one.




"Well what else do I call you?"


"I don't know. I am a lot older than you, but unnie is fine. Anyways do you want to go somewhere?"


"Like where?"


"Let's go get ice cream!"


"But it's almost time for me to go to bed."


"We'll get back in time don't worry. So what do you say smarty !"


"Hey don't call me that!" Joohyun pouted, "an okay let's go!"




"Joohyun" Jessica called.


"Yes unnie!"


"What's your mom like?"


"Mommy? She's the best! Mommy so pretty and she has the brightest smile. It so beautiful and it brightens your day just looking at it. Mommy always comforts me when I'm sad or mad. She teaches me so many things like a mommy should. I love my mommy!" Joohyun excitedly explained to Jessica. Jessica chuckled. She loved the way Joohyun talked about her mother. It was just so cute.


"Well it does seem like you have a great mom!"


"Hey unnie look!" Joohyun pointed to an arcade. "Can we play a game?" Joohyun always wanted to go in one of them. She always heard things from her Auntie Sunny about arcade games. She wanted to play them, but her parents wanted her focus on playing piano.


"I thought we had to go home so you can go to sleep."


"But unnie! Pleeease!" Joohyun started bouncing up and down.


"Fine just one game."


"Yay! Come on unnie let's go!" Seohyun excitedly said and grabbed Jessica's hand and dragged her towards the arcade.




"I had a great night Taeyeon!" Tiffany said.


"Me too! Are sure you don't want me to walk you to your apartment?" Taeyeon asked.


"I'm fine. It's late you should go."


"Okay, well good night Tiffany!"


"Good night Taeyeon!"


Tiffany made her way up to her apartment exhausted. After the long day of job hunting and going on the date made her beat. She lazily made her way up to her apartment and opened the door. It was unusual. The lights were all off. Tiffany made her way to Joohyun's and found it empty. She quickly searched the apartment and found it completely empty. She quickly searched for her phone to call Hyoyeon.


"Hyo! Is Jessica with you?!"


"No why?"


"She's not here and neither is Joohyun."




"Your so called great replacement is not here!!"


"Fany! Fany! Calm down! Sica and Joohyun are probably just out having fun."


"It's 10:15! Joohyun should be a sleep!"




Tiffany ran quickly to the door and flung it open. There stood Jessica holding a sleeping Joohyun in her arms. Jessica was shocked by the door suddenly bursting open and Tiffany huffing and puffing. Tiffany took Joohyun and brought her to her room with Jessica following behind.


As soon as Tiffany tucked Joohyun in she quickly turned around to face Jessica.


"Hey I'm sorry we were out so long-"






A/N: Aight! Thank you guys so much for subscribing! Love you guys so much! Manhi Saranghaeyo!! jinjja!! You guys are awesome. Also thank you guys so  much for your comments i love them too! Comments make me smile! Comments always make my day happy! No lie. Just want to say thanks to PlayerHwang, Jetihyun, IloveSNSD4eva, babystrawb3, pawisone, sicacouple, yana_5, aycp09, and JETImperial for your upvotes!! Sorry if spelled the names wrong. Also, sorry if i missed anyone that did upvote still love ya guys!! <3 Aight til next time!


"Why do you think we named it Hyoyeon's couch Sica?" Hyoyeon joked.


Jessica was about to hit Hyoyeon until Hyo's phone rung.


"Wait wait! I got a call. You can kill me after I take it." Hyoyeon said and Jessica rolled her eyes.


"Fine! Hurry up!"


"Hello?" Hyoyeon answered. "I can't I have dance practice that night."


Jessica stood there impatiently waiting for Hyoyeon to get off the phone with whoever it was she was talking to. She began tapping her foot unit she noticed a smirk on Hyoyeon's face. Jessica knew that smirk all too well.


"I have a great replacement!" Hyoyeon chirped.


"Replacement? For what? Don't tell me it's me?!"


"7? Okay she'll be there!" Hyoyeon then hung up the phone and looked up to a furious Jessica. "You are babysitting this Friday night at friend of mines okay?"


"KIM.HYO.YEON!!" Jessica growled before launching at Hyoyeon.




"Joohyun-ah, mommy's going to go out with Auntie Taeyeon tonight. Do you remember Auntie Taeyeon?" Joohyun nodded. "Okay now the babysitter is going to be here soon. She's a friend of Auntie Hyo's so be nice okay?"


"Okay mommy!"


"Good girl!" Her mother kissed her and then the doorbell rang. "Oh that must be her!"


She made her way to the door and opened it. Her jaw hung open at the site of who was at the door.


"What are you doing here?" She asked.


"I'm here to babysit for my friend's friend. Why are you here?" The girl said coldly.


"I live here and you're Hyoyeon's replacement?"


"I guess I am."


"O-okay. C-come in."


Jessica awkwardly made her way into the apartment. She took off her shoes and walked into the living room. She didn't know if she should sit or stand, so she just stood in the middle.


"Um…you can sit down if you want."


"Uh…it's fine I'll just stand."






Then the doorbell rung again. Tiffany went to quickly open it and it was Taeyeon. She led Taeyeon to the living room where Jessica was at. Taeyeon did not recognize Jessica at first because Jessica's head was lowered and covered by her hair, but when she did she was shocked.






"What are you doing here?"


"I should be asking you that question. I'm here to take Tiffany out! What about you?"


"So this is Tiffany? Your Tiffany?" Jessica was bewildered.


"Well not exactly my Tiffany." Taeyeon whispered. "Plus, why are you here if you don't even know Tiffany?"


"I'm your cousin's replacement."


"Wait Hyoyeon's your cousin?" Tiffany turned to Taeyeon shocked.


"Kim Hyoyeon. Yes she is. Anyways we should get going we don't want to lose our dinner reservations!"


"Okay. Jessica, Joohyun's bedtime is 8. Make sure she takes a bath, brushes her teeth and hair before sleeping. Okay?"




"Joohyun already ate dinner so you won't have to feed her. If you're hungry help yourself to anything in the kitchen. I'll try to be home at least by 10."


"Okay I got it."


Taeyeon then gestured Tiffany to the door so they can go on to their date. Tiffany stopped for a second though.


"Oh and thank you!" Tiffany smiled and the two left the apartment.


'So that's Tiffany huh? What so great about her. She's loud and obnoxious. I don't know what Taeyeon sees in her. Now where is that girl I'm supposed to be watching?'


Just then the sound of a piano cut Jessica from her thoughts. Jessica wondered where it was playing from so she followed the music. She ended up at one of the rooms. She slowly opened the door and found the little girl playing the playing the piano beautifully. Jessica stood there and listened to the girl gracefully play. Just then the little girls finger slipped as she messed up the song.


"Ah man! I'm never gonna get this down!" The little girl pouted.


"Just keep practicing! That was great!" Jessica said and startled the girl.


"Why are you here?!" Joohyun huffed and turned around facing the piano again.


"I'm your babysitter for tonight and what's with the greeting? Didn't your mother teach you to be nice to people? Anyways that was great! How old are you again?"


"I'm five."


"Wow and you play that good. You're a prodigy kid. Can you sing too?" Jessica walked over to the piano and leaned against the piano facing Joohyun. Joohyun shook her head.


"My mommy can though! She has a beautiful voice. Can you sing and play an instrument?"


"Actually I can! I can play the piano and sing."


"Can you sing and play a song for me?" Joohyun asked.


"Mm…I don't know, I haven't done it in a while."


"Please!" Joohyun begged.


"Okay! Scoot over a little bit." Joohyun did and Jessica positioned herself ready to play. (A/N: imagine Jessica singing Almost as Seohyun sits next to her fully immersed in Jessica's performance.)


'Never almost had you~'


"Wow!" Joohyun jaw dropped and she happily clapped. "That was amazing!"


"Hehe thank you." Jessica blushed a little at the comment, "Does this mean I'm forgiven?" Joohyun shook her head. "Why not?"


"You have to apologize to my mommy first! Then you will be forgiven. Okay?"


"What! Do I really have to?" Jessica whined to the little girl and she again nodded. "Fine! I'll apologize when she comes home from her 'date' with Taeyeon." Jessica sighed at the thought.


'What was so great about Tiffany? What was wrong with me?' Jessica thought.






"Do you know who Taeyeon is?"


"You mean Auntie Taeyeon?"




"Of course! She really likes mommy! She always sends mommy flowers and bought me a Keroro."


"Do you like Auntie Taeyeon?" Joohyun nodded, "What about me?" Joohyun stopped to think. She wasn't completely liking Jessica, but at the same time liked her.


"Mmm…well I like that you bought me my favorite drink. I really liked it,but when mommy told why you do I didn't like it. You're mean!"


"Hey, but I did sing for you as you liked that right?"


"Mmm…I guess."


"So I'm not that bad right?"




"What do you mean maybe?" Joohyun shrugged and began practicing her piano again. "He-" Jessica was going to scold her for ignoring her but didn't. Jessica tapped the little girls shoulder to get her attention.


"I have to practice unnie! Stop bothering me!" Joohyun scolded the older one.




"Well what else do I call you?"


"I don't know. I am a lot older than you, but unnie is fine. Anyways do you want to go somewhere?"


"Like where?"


"Let's go get ice cream!"


"But it's almost time for me to go to bed."


"We'll get back in time don't worry. So what do you say smarty !"


"Hey don't call me that!" Joohyun pouted, "an okay let's go!"




"Joohyun" Jessica called.


"Yes unnie!"


"What's your mom like?"


"Mommy? She's the best! Mommy so pretty and she has the brightest smile. It so beautiful and it brightens your day just looking at it. Mommy always comforts me when I'm sad or mad. She teaches me so many things like a mommy should. I love my mommy!" Joohyun excitedly explained to Jessica. Jessica chuckled. She loved the way Joohyun talked about her mother. It was just so cute.


"Well it does seem like you have a great mom!"


"Hey unnie look!" Joohyun pointed to an arcade. "Can we play a game?" Joohyun always wanted to go in one of them. She always heard things from her Auntie Sunny about arcade games. She wanted to play them, but her parents wanted her focus on playing piano.


"I thought we had to go home so you can go to sleep."


"But unnie! Pleeease!" Joohyun started bouncing up and down.


"Fine just one game."


"Yay! Come on unnie let's go!" Seohyun excitedly said and grabbed Jessica's hand and dragged her towards the arcade.




"I had a great night Taeyeon!" Tiffany said.


"Me too! Are sure you don't want me to walk you to your apartment?" Taeyeon asked.


"I'm fine. It's late you should go."


"Okay, well good night Tiffany!"


"Good night Taeyeon!"


Tiffany made her way up to her apartment exhausted. After the long day of job hunting and going on the date made her beat. She lazily made her way up to her apartment and opened the door. It was unusual. The lights were all off. Tiffany made her way to Joohyun's and found it empty. She quickly searched the apartment and found it completely empty. She quickly searched for her phone to call Hyoyeon.


"Hyo! Is Jessica with you?!"


"No why?"


"She's not here and neither is Joohyun."




"Your so called great replacement is not here!!"


"Fany! Fany! Calm down! Sica and Joohyun are probably just out having fun."


"It's 10:15! Joohyun should be a sleep!"




Tiffany ran quickly to the door and flung it open. There stood Jessica holding a sleeping Joohyun in her arms. Jessica was shocked by the door suddenly bursting open and Tiffany huffing and puffing. Tiffany took Joohyun and brought her to her room with Jessica following behind.


As soon as Tiffany tucked Joohyun in she quickly turned around to face Jessica.


"Hey I'm sorry we were out so long-"






A/N: Aight! Thank you guys so much for subscribing! Love you guys so much! Manhi Saranghaeyo!! jinjja!! You guys are awesome. Also thank you guys so  much for your comments i love them too! Comments make me smile! Comments always make my day happy! No lie. Just want to say thanks to PlayerHwang, Jetihyun, IloveSNSD4eva, babystrawb3, pawisone, sicacouple, yana_5, aycp09, and JETImperial for your upvotes!! Sorry if spelled the names wrong. Also, sorry if i missed anyone that did upvote still love ya guys!! <3 Aight til next time!



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Chapter 16: Beautiful jeti story ❤️
Jeti48 #2
Chapter 16: Reread this cute story again
Chapter 16: Ahhh sweet u add yoonhyun at the end of story....thanks for ur story thornim
Chapter 8: Uhhh...goodnight kisses☺️
Chapter 2: Ahhh joohyun's mommy is tiffany??i'm so curious..
bfewuibd #6
Chapter 16: Ah this would the the first time i write a commentbhere. But i already re read this for the 4-5th time. Its just too good. Thank you for making fanfiction to read whenever i can't sleep!!!
Chapter 16: This was a very simple and wholesome fanfic yet it elicited various feelings. It also did not drag too long to be able to induce rainbow vomit because of all the fluff. Good job!
Chapter 16: This is good.. ^^
Chapter 16: I love it ♡
sinrinjensooyulsic08 #10
Chapter 16: This is so sweet i love it!