Ch. 13 Because I'm Scared

We Belong Together


“I don't want to go in there!” Whined a baby Jessica. Well not really. Sunny and Jessica were now currently outside a strip club. Not just any strip club, but Taeyeon’s favorite strip club.


“Come on Sica.” Sunny rolled her eyes in annoyance. “I know you've been in here before. Plus, it's not like you've never seen half girls before either.” the shorter one said trying to drag Jessica into the bar with her.


“I know, but…. that's only because Tae made me go with her. It's not like I wanted to go.” Jessica kept resisting.


“Sica get in there!!! We are here to get Taeyeon and go that's all. Now hurry up!!” With one last push Sunny forced Jessica into the club and towards one of the familiar waiters.


“Bunny!! I haven't seen you here in awhile. Do want the special today?” Asked Choa. Jessica gave Sunny the look only to have an awkward smile in return.


“How often do you come Byunkyu?” Jessica teased the bunny.


“Oh shut up! You are just as Byun as Taeyeon and I.” Sunny slapped Jessica's arm before turning back to Choa. “Is Taeyeon here? Or has she been here?”


“She has been coming for the last few days or should I say week. She's over at the regular table. She's had a few to drink so…”


“Thank you Choa-ya!!” Sunny said and have the waiter a kids on the cheek before heading towards Taeyeon’s table.


As they approached the familiar table the table is surrounded by half girls. The one who is fully clothed is sitting in the middle with a new drink in her hand, which may have been the hundredth one she’s had that day,  is looking blankly at the girls who dance on top of the table to entertain the short one. Sunny approached the girl with fiery eyes and arms crossed around her chest. Jessica trailed close behind and tried focusing on Taeyeon and Sunny and not all the half people around her. Looking up from her drink Taeyeon jumped up in surprised at the sight of Sunny infront her table. Sunny’s eyes made her push the girls next her away and set her drink down.


‘Dang it! I knew they would find me here!’ Taeyeon thought


Taeyeon was frozen in her spot, not until she was pulled by Sunny and dragged to the entrance. Before they could make it out, Taeyeon snapped back to reality and stop the girl from dragging her.


“What are you doing?” Taeyeon shouted over the loud music.


“I’m taking you home! Now come on!” Sunny shout back.


“I’m not going.” Taeyeon shook her wrist from Sunny’s grip, crossed her arms, and pouted. At this sight Sunny really couldn’t get made at the latter. She was just too adorable in her drunken state.


“Yes you are! Now stop acting like a baby and let’s get out of this place.” Sunny yelled and tried reaching for the latter’s wrist again only to rejected. “You know I could just carry you out of here right?” Sunny sighed. It was obvious that Taeyeon hated exercise and her strength could not beat Sunny’s. I mean come on Taeyeon is called Paper Taeyeon for a reason. Although Sunny gave her a warning, Taeyeon still did not move. It was not until Jessica came in from behind and and kicked the back her knees that made the girl collapsed on the ground and ultimately pass out due to the amount of alcohol in her system. “Great, you killed her!” Sunny sarcastically said before helping Jessica carry Taeyeon’s passed out body to the car.


After the drive to Sunny’s house, they laid Taeyeon on Sunny’s bed and let the latter rest. Meanwhile the other two girls collapsed on the couch after bringing the passed out body to the bedroom.


“I don’t remember her weighing that much.” Jessica said fanning herself and plopping on the couch.


“She’s out of it so all her weight is there and,” she halted for a moment,”are you calling her fat because my Taeyeon is very skinny!?”


“Woah chill there little bunny. I was not saying that okay.” Jessica scooted to the end of the couch so that Sunny would not hit her. Sunny then only glared at her.


“Since you're here are you going to go visit Tiffany?” Sunny asked Jessica did not answer. “You know you are going to have to face her sometime right?”




“I guess...not?”


“I don't know what to say.”


“ Just tell her how you feel.”


“And how do I feel Sunny? What is it that I feel for Tiffany. I don't know. It doesn't feel the same way it did with Taeyeon. I just don't want to hurt her.”


“Maybe with Taeyeon it's a friendly love that you wanted more of, but with Tiffany it's real. Sica just look at you. If you're acting like this of course you like her. About hurting her, I don't know. We will always hurt the people we love, but as long as you love them and they love you, you can get through it. That's only IF you are willing to try. What if she gets with someone else? Do think she'll still let you see Joohyun?”


“She has to! I love Joohyun!”


“But Tiffany is her mother she can prevent you from seeing her. So what do you say are you going to make this work?”


“....Okay, so how do you suggest I go over there?”


“Just head over there.”


“What if she doesn't want to see me.” Jessica pouted, but then began to think. “I got it! Sunny do you have any sweet potatoes?”




Her heart is beating so fast. The elevator dings and reaches the said floor. Her feet find, though very weak and shaky, made their way to the correct door. She raises her fist, but hesitates to knock. After seconds of contemplating, she finally knocks. As she hears the locks shift she fridgets in her spot. The door opens but, to someone she didn't expect.


“Oh, HI Jessica!”


“H-hi...Nich right?”


“Actually, it's Nichkhun but, just call me Khun. Were you here to see Tiffany?”


“Um…” Jessica scratched the back of her head due to nervousness, “I uh actually I came to see Joohyun.” As on cue Joohyun came running to Jessica excitedly.


“Unnie! You're here! What's this?!” Joohyun pointed to the bag Jessica’s hand.


“Oh this?” Jessica’s smiled and her face glowed with happiness, “Just a few gogumas for my favorite girl.” she handed the bag over to the overly excited little girl.


“Woah I love you Unnie!!” Joohyun kissed Jessica's cheek and ran to the kitchen with her bag of sweet potatoes. After standing up again she had forgotten that Khu7n was still standing there. Her moody went back all the way down.


“Tiffany is in the bathroom. Did you want to wait for her?” her said gesturing for Jessica to come inside.


“No, it's fine. I have to go. I'll have to talk to her later.” Jessica declined and was about to head out before…


“Khun who's at the...door.” Tiffany said as she walked to the door and saw Jessica. “Hey Jess. What are you doing here?” obviously shocked that the latter was there. After their fight that morning and her not showing up to work, this was the last place Tiffany would have thought Jessica would come.


“Well, you see, I-I came to give Joohyun sweet potatoes.” Jessica gave out an awkward chuckle.


“Was that all?”


“No! I mean yes! I mean *sigh* I don't know.”


“Khun was about to leave. Did you want to come inside. Maybe we talk and eat some of the sweet potatoes together with Joohyun.”


“Yeah yeah I would love that.” Jessica began to act very shy. As she walked into the apartment she tried hiding her face to prevent the blush on her cheeks from showing. Once inside she saw some boxes,but just thought that Tiffany was putting things in storage because she did have a lot of unessary things in her house.


Meanwhile at the door.


“Thanks for taking me home Khun. Drive safely okay?”


“No problem. Oh and seven o'clock on Saturday right?”


“Of course! Have a nice night!” Tiffany bid farewell to the man and closed the door. Next up was to find out why Jessica showed up at her apartment.


Jessica was in the kitchen helping Joohyun wrap the sweet potatoes in tin foil. Tiffany couldn't help but smile at the site. Joohyun was so excited her face had the biggest smile and she being more jumpy than usual. Jessica seemed be loving this time with Joohyun and it made Tiffany’s heart flutter to see how much the latter loved her daughter.


Tiffany decided to wait for Jessica in the living room. Once she arrived, Jessica made sure to sit as far away from Tiffany as possible. This ultimately disappointing the former.


“So Jess why did you really come? You've been missing all day and now you decide to show up here? Why?” Tiffany started.


“...” Jessica was still trying to mentally prepare herself to what she was going to say. She felt like room just got 50 degrees hotter. She closed her eyes and gave one more calming exhale before speaking. “I-I j-just wanted to say that I'm um I'm sorry.” Jessica just mentally smacked herself in the face for stuttering so much. “I'm sorry Tiffany. I should have acted like I did this morning.” She looked up to make eye contact with the other girl. “I'm also sorry that I haven't been treating the way you want. That I've been ignoring your feelings. I know everything Tiffany. I know you like me and I've been ignoring the fact that you do.”


“Jessica it's o-”. Tiffany was about to explain how apologizing was not necessary but she was cut off.


“No it's not. Let me finish first….. The truth is Tiffany, I'm scared.” Jessica said moving closer to Tiffany. “What if I fall for you and get heartbroken? What if I break your heart? What if...what I feel isn't real? Then I'll be really hurting you, BUT I want you to know that I'll try. Tiffany, something deep inside me wants to be close to you.”


Jessica has just said most of things that Tiffany wanted hear, but after their fight that morning she had already decided what she was going to do. Tiffany took Jessica's hand in and looked into her eyes.


“Jessica, I like you A LOT. I love the fact that you love Joohyun and your face glows whenever your around her. I love that you are so hardworking, I do. Lastly, I really love that you want to try, but Jessica… I don’t want to be with someone who doesn't like me back. That closeness you feel may not be what I want it to be so, I'm letting go. For the both us. We can still be friends though. Okay?”


“....uh y-yeah sure.” Jessica was somewhat shocked, but tried staying calm. It wasn't the response she intended to get. Her heart however was telling her a different story though. “I'd think that’ll be best too. Friends. Um, I-I got go. I'll see at work tomorrow.” Jess said taking her hands from Tiffany's grip and stood up.


“Wait Jess you can still stay.”


“No its okay. I have work to catch up on. Tell Joohyun I said “bye” okay? I'll let myself out.” Jessica, as said, let herself out and headed towards her office. The only place where she could distract herself from everything else.


“Unnie!” Joohyun yelled running to the living room, but didn't find Jessica. “Mommy where's unnie?” The little one asked.


“She said she's busy and has work to do. She told me to tell you goodbye.”


“Awww I didn't want Unnie to go.” Joohyun frowned and walked back to the kitchen with heavy foot steps.


“Yeah, me too.”




A groan was heard from the latter that has just awoke from her beauty sleep. Her head was thriving and the room was spinning.


“Eat the medicine and drink some water.” Said the former who was sitting at the end of the bed. “You'll feel better.” The latter did so. It was a while before the former decided to talk. Giving the latter a chance to fully wake up. “Alright since you're finally awake, let me ask you a few questions. Where the hell have you been Kim Taeyeon?!”


“Hey quiet down will yah! Its not like the pills work instantly.” Taeyeon said messaging the temples of head. “Plus you probably already know where I've been.”


“But why?”


“To get away from everything. You, Tiffany, Jessica, life. It was nice before you and Jessica came and dragged me home or in this case your apartment.”


“You know we have to talk about what happened with us sooner or later right?” Sunny said with staring at Taeyeon with a stern look.


“I know.” Taeyeon sighed looked down at her hands playing with the bed sheets. “I was scared though.”




“Because I was drunk and did that to you, but I liked it, no, I loved it. The feeling with you was right. It scared me. The thought of being with you, Sunny, Lee Soonkyu, it was crazy, but I loved it. That's what also scared me. Sunny, you scare me in so many ways. Especially when you came into the bar to get me, that was scary.” Taeyeon explained and joked. Sunny chuckled too.


“Taeyeon.” Sunny said moving to sit close to Taeyeon. “Like I said before, if you could remember I loved you since we were kids and I still do. Now mater what I will always be in love with you. You may be scared, but I promise you Kim Taeyeon that I'll be the best girlfriend you've ever had. Only if you let me.” Sunny lifted her hand up to Taeyeon’s cheek and caressed it. She slowly leaned in appoarching the latter’s lips. Sunny her lips on Taeyeon’s and then *BOOM* (metaphorical) fireworks went off. After pulling back, their foreheads still stuck together and their eyes were still closed.  


“Does this mean you're my girlfriend now?” Taeyeon said her eyes fluttering open. Sunny chuckled again.


“Only if you let me be.”


“Of course will. I love you.”


“Me too.”




One week later


At work Jessica was in her own office. She was “avoiding” Tiffany at all cost. Sooyoung being Sooyoung was sitting across from her trying to annoying her.


“Tell me. What happened?” Sooyoung asked playing with stuff on Jessica's desk.


“I don't know what your talking about.” Jessica said.


“Don't play stupid with me Sica.”


Jessica sighed and stopped working to look at Sooyoung.


“We agreed to be friends. So that is what we are. Nothing more nothing less. Now get back to work. We have a deadline due in two days.” with that she got back to work.


“Yes boss.” Sooyoung got out of the chair and walked towards the door, but stopped. “By the way. Your friend, Tiffany, she's putting in her letter of resignation after our deadline is done. I knew she wouldn't tell you until she would do turn it in. She's moving back to LA. She’s going back to work for her father.”


Hearing this Jessica immediately stood up and made her way into the girls’ shared office passing Sooyoung on the way. As soon as she spots Tiffany she doesn't hold back.


“Why didn't you tell me about LA!” Jessica yelled not caring about the others in the room.


“Jess I-”


“How could you not tell me! Is that what all boxes in your apartment were for!” Tiffany nodded. “Joo-Joohyun too?!” Anger obviously present in Jessica's voice.


“Of course. She's my daughter.” Tiffany answered.






“That's not an answer Tiffany!”


“Because I want a new start. My father is getting old, he offered me position as CEO. I can make a better living and Joohyun can go to a good school there too. So I made the decision to go. We haven't had the chance to talk, so I didn't tell you.” Tiffany said not raising her voice. She looked away trying to look anywhere but into Jessica's eyes.


“Tiff I-I could give you a raise or promote you. I could even make you the CEO here. You know that. So why would you leave?”


“Jessica that's not fair and you know it. Especially for those employees that have worked here long than I have. I'm doing this for Joohyun, so please accept this.” Tiffany grabbed an envelope out her bag and held it out to Jessica. She refused to take it though. “Take it.” Jessica did, but then she ripped it into pieces.


“I not accepting this! I can’t!” Jessica starting breathing harder as her anger rose. “Is this because of what happened last week? I did say I would try didn't I? I want you and Joohyun in my life whether we’re together or not.”

“No! It's not! This has absolutely nothing to do with that. I already had the offer way before any of that happened. This is not all about you either Jessica. I made choices which I believe will benefit me and my daughter. You have no say in this!” Tiffany finally began raising her voice and began sitting up from her chair to be leveled with Jessica. “I'm leaving no matter what. Don't try to stop me. Now please leave. I want to finish my work before I officially leave. Now if you’ll excuse me.” With that Tiffany got back to her paperwork and Jessica out stomped furiously. 

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Chapter 16: Beautiful jeti story ❤️
Jeti48 #2
Chapter 16: Reread this cute story again
Chapter 16: Ahhh sweet u add yoonhyun at the end of story....thanks for ur story thornim
Chapter 8: Uhhh...goodnight kisses☺️
Chapter 2: Ahhh joohyun's mommy is tiffany??i'm so curious..
bfewuibd #6
Chapter 16: Ah this would the the first time i write a commentbhere. But i already re read this for the 4-5th time. Its just too good. Thank you for making fanfiction to read whenever i can't sleep!!!
Chapter 16: This was a very simple and wholesome fanfic yet it elicited various feelings. It also did not drag too long to be able to induce rainbow vomit because of all the fluff. Good job!
Chapter 16: This is good.. ^^
Chapter 16: I love it ♡
sinrinjensooyulsic08 #10
Chapter 16: This is so sweet i love it!