Chapter 14

We Belong Together

“This is so stupid!” Jessica shouted out. She was pacing back and forth in her office while being watched by Sooyoung, who after watching Jessica’s little outburst made a U-turn back to Jessica's office. “I said I would try didn't I? Give this relationship a chance. She said she didn't want to and now she's moving! This doesn't make sense. Why would she do this?” Jessica stopped and looked at Sooyoung, who was sitting on the couch.


“I don't know. Did you upset her in anyway?”




“I'm taking that as a yes then.”


“But we resolved that.” Jessica whined.


“I don't know. Have ever done anything to show that you actually do care for her? Or anything that shows that you like her and want to be with her?”


Jessica froze to think for a second. She tried thinking,but she realized nothing was coming to mind.


“I-I...I mean I take care of Joohyun and I love her. I took her the park and out to eat and talked to her.”


Sooyoung sighed, “Sica, you are just as stupid as me! You did all that for JOO.HYUN! Not. Tiffany.” Sooyoung got up, walked up to Jessica and shook her shoulders. “Wake up Jessica! If you haven't done anything to show that you like Tiffany, then how do you expect her to believe you like her? After pushing her aside for Taeyeon and not showing her any sign that you do like her, I’m not surprised she rejected you. NOW! I’m going to tell you how to fix everything.”


“You!” Jessica pointed at the tall one, looking her up and down and began laughing. “You are going to teach me how to fix all of this?” She couldn’t stop cracking up, it was just too funny for her. “You out of people.” Sooyoung stood with an unimpressed look on her face and crossed her arms at her chest.


“Do you want help or not. I mean you could do this all on your own and-”


“Wait, wait, wait, I mean I didn’t say I didn’t need your help. I just wondering how you out of all people got to know so much about being a “love expert.” Hahaha, what happened to, ‘I’m to scared to work with Yenny, can I work in your office Sica.’” Jessica mimicked Sooyoung.


“Well once you’re in a relationship things change. People change, but for the better.” Sooyoung explained with a dorky smile slowly coming across her face.


“Wow, you shikshins really are in love huh? Are you still Choi Sooyoung by chance?”


“Yes we are and yes I am. Now let’s get down to business.”




“Yah Lee Soonkyu!” Jessica shouted as she walked into the cafe.


“Yah Jung Sooyeon!” Sunny shouted back.


“I need your help.” Jessica said to the shorter one and sat up on the counter.


“Get your off my counter! And what is it that you need?” Sunny scolded the older making her sit in one of the stools.


“I need your cafe on Friday night and I need your help decorating it.”


“Sica you know that Friday’s on the most busiest days of the week. Why would I close it for you?”


“Not during business hours. I’m going to use it after hours and I’ll make sure to clean up and close up. I promise. Please, please, please!” Jessica whined making Sunny cringe as she made an order for the next customer.


“Okay. OKAY! Only if you tell me what you are going to use it for.” Sunny looked at the now quiet girl and placed a hand on her hip.


“I...well I'm… goingtoaskTiffanyoutonadate.” Jessica quickly said to avoid any teasing, but unfortunately Sunny caught every word she said and a smile crept onto her face.


“Well it's about time! Congratulations buddy!! When are you going to ask her?”


“I was going to go right after I asked you about using your place.”


“So right now?”


“Uh, yeah.”


“Then what are you doing here?! Hurry up and go!” Sunny happily shouted.


“What's with all the noise?” Taeyeon asked walking out from the kitchen.  


“Jessica's asking Tiffany on a date!!” Sunny excitedly said and jumped up and down.


“Wow congratulations! You finally grew a pair to ask her?” Taeyeon joked and laughed at the pouting brunette.


“Yah! Shut up! And what are doing here?”


“Oh you don't know? Sunny and I are together now.” Taeyeon proudly smiled and wrapped an arm over Sunny’s shoulder.


“So you two made up? That's good. You owe me.” Jessica said looking at Sunny.


“I'm letting you use my cafe aren't I?”


“And why does my Bunny owe you anything?” Taeyeon asked.


“Well for your information, I was the one that helped that bunny of yours carry your drunk up to her apartment.”




Jessica was standing in front of the door trying to calm her heart down. She had a dozen pink roses in her hand and she was ready. Not at all nervous. Or so she told herself.


“Okay Jessica get yourself together. It's just Tiffany, you can do this!” Jessica said to herself before raising her hand up and leaving a knock on the door. As she heard the the locks on the door turn, she made sure there was a bright and happy smile on her face. When the door opened though her smile was lost. Although the person she wanted to see was not present, the person who that was in front of her was someone older. He had to be at least in his 50’s and age seemed to be catching up with him. He stood tall and had great posture. Some wrinkles were shown in his face, but not too many. “He-hello sir I-I’m Je-”


“Jessica. Jessica Jung.” The man said and showed a fatherly smile.




“It’s great to see you again! You’ve grown so much! Come inside!” He happily said and gestured the girl inside. Confused on who this was Jessica just went along with what he said and walked to the living room and took a seat. “Wow it’s been so long. How have you been?”


“Uh.. I am good...I’m sorry who are you?”


“Oh where are my manners. You probably don’t remember your Uncle Hwang. You were very young when your family left for Korea. I am Mitchell Hwang, Tiffany’s father. I’m a childhood friend of your father’s. By the way how has he been? I’ve been meaning to contact him since I’ve arrived.”


“He’s doing. Still busy as always.”


“That Jung. Never changes. So, how did you meet Tiffany again. You two must have been thrilled to meet after so long.”


“W-wait, so Tiffany and I were friends?”


“Not just friends, but the bestest of friends. You two were inseparable. It’s kinda surprising that you two don’t really remember.”


“That is weird...why don’t I remember.”


“Like I said you two were young when you two were separated. You used to call each other by your Korean names, Miyoung and Sooyeon.”


“Miyoung?” Jessica whispered.


“Sooyeon, I don’t want you to leave. Please.” A little Miyoung cried as she held her best friend. They were sleeping in their favorite place, Miyoung’s tree house. It was Sooyeon’s last day before leaving and the two friends wanted spend all their time together before it happened.


“Me too. I don’t want to leave you. I love Miyoung.” Sooyeon kissed the girl’s cheek and and pulled her into a tight hug.


“I love you too Sooyeon.”


“Jessica? Jessica? Are you listening?” Asked Mr. Hwang asked.


“I’m sorry. I was just thinking about something. What were you asking?”


“I asked you if those flowers were for Tiffany?” He said again pointing to the banquet of pink roses on the table.


“Oh yeah,” Jessica blushed, “I wanted to uh… hehe well I kinda yelled at her the other day and I wanted to make it up to her. I was going to ask her to dinner on Friday.”


“Wait Friday?”


“Yes Friday.”


“Tiffany is leaving on Friday morning though. Did she not tell you?”


“No she didn’t. Why so soon? I-I thought she wasn’t leaving until next week.”


“This can’t happen. I can’t have her leave this time. Not when I found this out.” Jessica thought.




“Dad I’m home.” Tiffany said bringing bags of groceries. “Jessi.” She shouted in surprise seeing the girl in her apartment. “What are you doing here? Where’s my father?”


“Well he went out so that we could talk. So, can we talk. Please, I promise I’ll listen to everything you have to say. As long as you listen to me too.”


Tiffany smiled and nodded. After making some coffee, the two sat quietly waiting for the other to talk. While avoiding each others eye contact, Tiffany realized the was a vase full of pink roses.


“Did you buy these for me?” Tiffany asked making Jessica blush.


“Yeah I want to say sorry for yelling at you in front of the whole team. I just, I guess...I can't believe I’m going say this, but” Jessica took a deep breath, “What I want to say is, Tiffany I love you. I really do and I am willing to anything for you to stay here with me. Please, you and Joohyun mean the world to me. Don’t go.”


“Jess, I love you too, but everything is set. If you… if we had figured this out early then maybe, maybe something could have happened. As much as we want to be together. I think this is the best. For both us. Jessica please understand.”


“Should I tell her about us? Maybe I shouldn’t. This is what she wants. I need to respect her decision. I left her and now she’s leaving me.”


“Okay I do, but I want you to know. That I’ll always be here waiting for you. No matter what. Congratulations! I hope that everything goes well. Fighting!” She tried her best to not cry, but she it wouldn’t. “I should get going. It’s getting late. Bye Tiff.” She said gave her a hug before getting up to leave. Trying to avoid the hurt in heart. She couldn't blame the girl. She was selfish and now it was Tiffany's turn.


“Bye Jess.” Tiffany whispered in the air.




“You’re not going to go say bye?” Sooyoung asked as she stood by the door of Jessica's office. “You've been in here for the past two days straight. I'm guessing you're trying to avoid the whole world in general.”


“....” there was no response from the boss.


“You should have at least said by to Joohyun. She's gonna miss you so much Sica. She's going to be sad not to see you.”


“....” Again no response.


It wasn't that she didn't care to go, but she couldn't. She couldn't bare to see Tiffany get on that plane. She couldn't bare to see her little Joohyun leave either. Having two people you love both leave, she just couldn't deal with it. She busied herself with work and never left her office. She lacked sleep and a proper meal. Deep inside she was trying to forget. Forget Tiffany, forger Joohyun, forget her feelings. You were too late. You’re so stupid and stubborn. Why didnt just admit it from the beginning? She would have been here. That's what she thought to herself.


“Are you really going to ignore me like that?” Sooyoung asked raising an eyebrow.


Jessica sighed and finally looked up to the tall girl who was now sitting in front of desk. “Soo, I

to her decision and I'm respecting. She wants to leave and who am I to stop her. What will make her change her mind? I told her I love her. I told her not go, but did it stop her, no. I don't to see her leave. It'll hurt too much.”


“Try one more time...and this time, tell her everything. Every last detail. That necklace in your draw that you never let go of since I've met you. Show her. Show her you haven't forgot about your love.”


“Sooyoung…” Jessica looked into her eyes signaling Sooyoung to leave her office and so without another word she left. Jessica once again sighed. Every part of her body stopping her from going, but that one stupid organ in her chest was beating like crazy and was forcing her to go. She open the top draw of her desk and picked up the necklace. The necklace with a light pink stone attached to it. A necklace that she looked at everyday when she got lonely. Waiting to see her again. Only to figure out, she was here the whole time. Being apart once was hard enough, she couldn't let it happen again.

Jessica shot up out of seat with the necklace in her hand, grabbed her bag, and ran out to her car. She still had time until Tiffany had to board and if she made it in time maybe this time she could get her to stay, just maybe. “Don’t leave, please Miyoung.”

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Chapter 16: Beautiful jeti story ❤️
Jeti48 #2
Chapter 16: Reread this cute story again
Chapter 16: Ahhh sweet u add yoonhyun at the end of story....thanks for ur story thornim
Chapter 8: Uhhh...goodnight kisses☺️
Chapter 2: Ahhh joohyun's mommy is tiffany??i'm so curious..
bfewuibd #6
Chapter 16: Ah this would the the first time i write a commentbhere. But i already re read this for the 4-5th time. Its just too good. Thank you for making fanfiction to read whenever i can't sleep!!!
Chapter 16: This was a very simple and wholesome fanfic yet it elicited various feelings. It also did not drag too long to be able to induce rainbow vomit because of all the fluff. Good job!
Chapter 16: This is good.. ^^
Chapter 16: I love it ♡
sinrinjensooyulsic08 #10
Chapter 16: This is so sweet i love it!